Pull Icon from config

This commit is contained in:
PabstMirror 2015-04-13 23:11:18 -05:00
parent 5c994765ef
commit c6b4a57ee2

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* When interact_menu starts rendering (from "interact_keyDown" event)
* Scans for nearby "Static" objects (buildings) and adds the UserActions to them.
* Called when interact_menu starts rendering (from "interact_keyDown" event)
* Arguments:
* Interact Menu Type (0 - world, 1 - self) <NUMBER>
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ if (_interactionType != 0) exitWith {};
if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
private ["_fncStatement", "_player", "_fncCondition", "_variable", "_theHouse", "_statement", "_condition", "_configPath", "_houseHelpers", "_displayName", "_position", "_maxDistance", "_helperObject", "_actionOffset", "_memPoint", "_object", "_count", "_helperPos", "_action"];
private ["_fncStatement", "_player", "_fncCondition", "_variable", "_theHouse", "_statement", "_condition", "_configPath", "_houseHelpers", "_displayName", "_displayNameDefault", "_iconImage", "_position", "_maxDistance", "_helperObject", "_actionOffset", "_memPoint", "_object", "_count", "_helperPos", "_action"];
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
_displayName = getText (_x >> "displayName");
_displayNameDefault = getText (_x >> "displayNameDefault");
_position = getText (_x >> "position");
_condition = getText (_x >> "condition");
_statement = getText (_x >> "statement");
@ -73,7 +75,26 @@ if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
_statement = compile _statement;
_condition = compile _condition;
_maxDistance = _maxDistance + 1; //increase range slightly
_maxDistance = _maxDistance + 0.1; //increase range slightly
_iconImage = "";
if (_displayNameDefault != "") then {
//something like: "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />";
//find the end [.paa']
_endIndex = _displayNameDefault find ".paa'";
if (_endIndex == -1) exitWith {};
_startIndex = _endIndex - 1;
_endIndex = _endIndex + 4;
//work backwards to find the starting [']
while {(_startIndex > 0) && {_iconImage == ""}} do {
if ((_displayNameDefault select [_startIndex, 1]) == "'") then {
_startIndex = _startIndex + 1;
_iconImage = _displayNameDefault select [_startIndex, (_endIndex - _startIndex)];
_startIndex = _startIndex - 1;
//Find a helper object, if one exists on the selection position
_helperObject = objNull;
@ -82,7 +103,7 @@ if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
if (_memPoint == _position) exitWith {
_helperObject = _object;
//make sure actions dont' overlap (although they are usualy mutually exclusive)
//make sure actions don't overlap (although they are usualy mutually exclusive)
_actionOffset = [0,0,(_count * 0.1)];
_x set [2, (_count + 1)];
@ -99,7 +120,7 @@ if ((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) exitWith {};
TRACE_3("Making New Helper %1",_helperObject,_helperPos,_theHouse);
_action = [(configName _x), _displayName, "", _fncStatement, _fncCondition, {}, [_theHouse, _statement, _condition], _actionOffset, _maxDistance] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_action = [(configName _x), _displayName, _iconImage, _fncStatement, _fncCondition, {}, [_theHouse, _statement, _condition], _actionOffset, _maxDistance] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_helperObject, 0, [],_action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToObject);
} foreach configproperties [(_configPath >> "UserActions")];