prevent casings from sinking below the terrain

This commit is contained in:
LinkIsGrim 2024-01-03 08:45:10 -03:00
parent dababe84b9
commit cddaf636f2

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if (isNil "_modelPath") then {
if (_modelPath isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
private _unitPos = getposASL _unit;
private _unitPos = getPosASL _unit;
// Distant shooters don't produce as many cases
if ((AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) vectorDistance _unitPos > 100 && {random 1 < 0.9}) exitWith {};
@ -60,18 +60,22 @@ private _pos = _unitPos
params ["_modelPath", "_pos"];
params ["_modelPath", "_pos", "_unitPos"];
private _lisPos = (lineIntersectsSurfaces [_pos, _pos vectorAdd [0,0,-1e11], objNull, objNull, true, 1, "ROADWAY", "FIRE"]) #0;
private _casing = createSimpleObject [_modelPath, (_lisPos #0 vectorAdd [0,0,0.005]), true];
private _lisPos = (lineIntersectsSurfaces [_pos, _pos vectorAdd [0,0,-1e11], objNull, objNull, true, 1, "ROADWAY", "FIRE"]) select 0;
private _casingPos = (_lisPos select 0) vectorAdd [0,0,0.005];
if (((ASLtoATL _casingPos) select 2) < 0) then { // prevent casings sinking into the terrain
_casingPos set [2, _unitPos select 2];
private _casing = createSimpleObject [_modelPath, _casingPos, true];
_casing setDir (random 360);
_casing setVectorUp _lisPos #1;
_casing setVectorUp _lisPos select 1;
private _idx = GVAR(casings) pushBack _casing;
for "_" from 0 to (_idx - GVAR(maxCasings)) do {
deleteVehicle (GVAR(casings) deleteAt 0);
[_modelPath, _pos, _unitPos],
] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;