interaction: cba keybinds

This commit is contained in:
Nicolás Badano 2015-01-24 14:02:47 -03:00
parent 47e8282d98
commit dc55ea517e
2 changed files with 79 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,85 @@ GVAR(isOpeningDoor) = false;
// Add keybinds
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenu",
systemChat "A";
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
systemChat "B";
// Conditions: specific
if !(isNull (findDisplay 1713999)) exitWith {false};
systemChat "C";
// Statement
call FUNC(onButtonDown);
[219, [false, false, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenu",
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if !(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu), 0] > 0}) exitWith {false};
// Statement
if (GVAR(MenuType) mod 2 == 0) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};
[219, [false, false, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenuSelf",
systemChat "A";
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming", "ACE_Common_notOnMap"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
systemChat "B";
// Conditions: specific
if !(isNull (findDisplay 1713999)) exitWith {false};
systemChat "C";
// Statement
call FUNC(onButtonDownSelf);
[219, [false, true, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenuSelf",
// Conditions: canInteract
_exceptions = ["ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"];
if !(_exceptions call EGVAR(common,canInteract)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if !(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu), 0] > 0}) exitWith {false};
// Statement
if (GVAR(MenuType) mod 2 == 1) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};
[219, [false, true, false]],
] call cba_fnc_registerKeybind;
localize "STR_ACE_Interaction_OpenDoor",

View File

@ -18,33 +18,6 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include <Menu_Config.hpp>
class ACE_Default_Keys {
class openInteractionMenuNew {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenu";
condition = "true";
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(onButtonDown));
conditionUp = QUOTE(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu)), false)]});
statementUp = QUOTE(if (GVAR(MenuType) mod 2 == 0) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};);
exceptions[] = {"ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming"};
key = 219;
shift = 0;
control = 0;
alt = 0;
class openInteractionMenuSelfNew {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_InteractionMenuSelf";
condition = "true";
statement = QUOTE(call FUNC(onButtonDownSelf));
conditionUp = QUOTE(!isNull (findDisplay 1713999) && {profileNamespace getVariable [ARR_2(QUOTE(QGVAR(AutoCloseMenu)), false)]});
statementUp = QUOTE(if (EGVAR(interaction,MenuType) mod 2 == 1) then {call FUNC(onButtonUp)};);
exceptions[] = {"ACE_Drag_isNotDragging", "ACE_Medical_canTreat", "ACE_Interaction_isNotEscorting", "ACE_Interaction_isNotSwimming", "ACE_Common_notOnMap"};
key = 219;
shift = 0;
control = 1;
alt = 0;
class ACE_Options {
class Interaction_FlowMenu {
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_FlowMenu";