* Translations - Add Polish Translations
When merged this pull request will:
**When merged this pull request will:**
- Add missing polish translations
- Fix spelling in existing translations
- [ ] If the contribution affects [the documentation](https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/tree/master/docs), please include your changes in this pull request so the documentation will appear on the [website](https://ace3.acemod.org/).
- [x] [Development Guidelines](https://ace3.acemod.org/wiki/development/) are read, understood and applied.
- [x] Title of this PR uses our standard template `Component - Add|Fix|Improve|Change|Make|Remove {changes}`.
* Update stringtable.xml
* KoreanTranslation
Someone has returned all the translations in Korean to English. there is no need to return them.
* koreantranslation
* Korean Typo Fix
* Korean Translation
* Update stringtable.xml
* Korean Translation Added
Added Korean translation related to Cargo Refuel
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Psycool3695/ACE3
* Korean translation Add/Updated