* Update settings-framework.md
Modifications and extensions.
* Update settings-framework.md
Replacement of the bulleted list with a numbered list, as the steps are in chronological order. Removal of superfluous text.
* Fix for large-ied bug because underwater thing have changed
* Added size of IED in config and determine defuse range
* Added typo
* Added help text to wiki about defusing
* Better English
* Increased the defusal range on large bombs make it similar to small ieds
* Add wiki doc
* Fix all slides being in multiple slideshows setup, Use private keyword
* Add setting for slides main interaction name
* Update Slideshow documentation
* Add not about new argument added in version
* Update scopes-framework.md
Documented the changes to the scopes framework in this pull request: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/4642
* Clarified the bore height component descriptions
* Update documentation guidelines
* Add version info part 1
* Add version info part 2
* Add removed in version to frontmatter and tag testmissions as removed
* Add version info part 3
* Seaparate ACE3 and ACEX Features/Framework menus, Add ACEX Headless documentation
* Add ACEX support to extract_dependencies.py
* Merge useful-functions into frameworks
* Move class-names to main menu
* Prettify class-names table titles
* Fix table of contents on documentation guidelines and tips
* Merge mission-tools into frameworks
* Merge modules into frameworks
* Rename to Frameworks (plural)
* Fix capitalization in class-names
* Improve wiki menu positioning
* Add 'mod' to documentation guidelines
* Update frameworks sections description for new content
* Update wiki menu descriptions
* Fix class-names 4 digit versions
* More places for descriptions
* Include documentation in PRs if applicable note
* Add short ACE3 and ACEX description page, outlining the difference
* Update documentation guidelines
* Add version info part 1
* Add version info part 2
* Add removed in version to frontmatter and tag testmissions as removed
* Add version info part 3