* Update the Jpn translation for cargo
Update the Japanese translation for cargo
* Add the Jpn translation for hellfire
Add the Japanese translation for hellfire
* Add the Jpn translation for nlaw
Add the Japanese translation for nlaw
* Add the Jpn translation for rearm
Add the Japanese translation for rearm
* Update the Jpn translation for refuel
Update the Japanese translation for refuel
* Update the Jpn translation for repair
Update the Japanese translation for repair
* Update the Jpn translation for zeus
Update the Japanese translation for zeus
* Hellfire
* Cleanup dev macros
* Cleanup some debug
* Add base interaction node for firemode actions
* Handle bad data in attack profile variable
* Skip ammo checks (returns bad data on added weaps)
* Add mags sizes for apache
* Add Hellfire Wiki Doc
* Cleanup doc
* Add pylon support
* Add support for pilot controlled weapons
* Add label to pylon mags
* Cleanup vehicle configs, autoAdd laser des, fix ineractions for driver