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2015-03-18 21:33:00 +01:00

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* Author: commy2
* Return all magazine types from reloaders inventory that are compatible with given weapon.
* Argument:
* 0: Unit to to the reload (Object)
* 1: A launcher (String)
* Return value:
* Reloable magazines (Array)
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit", "_weapon"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = _this select 1;
// get available magazines of reloader, Note: "magazines" does not include currently loaded magazines
private "_magazines";
_magazines = magazines _unit;
// case sensitvity
_magazines = [_magazines, {toLower _this}] call EFUNC(common,map);
// get reloaders magazine types compatible with targets launcher. No duplicates.
[getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines"), {toLower _this in _magazines}] call EFUNC(common,filter)