D3L7A01 14b1ca5b83 Italian Translations (#7346)
* Add some translation eng to ita

* Translation eng-ita completed

Translation completed from English to Italian finally completed, I hope there is no problem but I would like to communicate that during the translation I carelessly "translated" and placed two names in objects, I leave you the id
1. STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_EnabledFor_Description
2. STR_ACE_Tracers_100Rnd_580x42_Drum_yellow
I hope I haven't done any damage :)
PS: Thanks again for this wonderful mod
Good luck with all upcoming updates

* Some erros(?)

Some erros(?) Rows 3 to 5 are highlighted red I hope there is no problem XD

* fix tabs first

* re-add moved

* fix merge

* Update stringtable.xml

* fix STR_ACE_Medical_Blood_EnabledFor_Description

Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <>
2020-01-02 21:52:40 -06:00

122 lines
7.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Reload">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_SettingDisplayTextName">
<English>Check ammo on weapon reload</English>
<German>Prüfe Munition beim Nachladen</German>
<Spanish>Comprobar munición al recargar el arma</Spanish>
<Russian>Проверять боезапас при перезарядке</Russian>
<Czech>Zkontrolovat munici při nabití</Czech>
<Polish>Sprawdź stan amunicji przy przeładowaniu broni</Polish>
<French>Vérifier les munitions au rechargement</French>
<Hungarian>Lőszer ellenőrzése a fegyver újratöltésekor</Hungarian>
<Italian>Controlla le munizioni durante il ricaricamento</Italian>
<Portuguese>Conferir munição ao recarregar a arma</Portuguese>
<Korean>재장전시 장탄수 확인</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_SettingDisplayTextDesc">
<English>Check the ammo in your new magazine on magazine reload.</English>
<German>Prüfe nachgeladenes Magazin</German>
<Spanish>Comprueba la munición del nuevo cargador al recargar.</Spanish>
<Russian>Проверяет количество патронов в новом магазине при перезарядке.</Russian>
<Czech>Kontroluje munice při nabití nového zásobníku.</Czech>
<Polish>Pokaż stan amunicji w nowym magazynku przy przeładowaniu broni</Polish>
<French>Vérifie les munitions du nouveau chargeur lors du rechargement d'une arme.</French>
<Hungarian>A lőszer ellenőrzése az új tárad behelyezésekor újratöltés közben.</Hungarian>
<Italian>Controlla le munizioni rimanenti nel caricatore in fase di cambio caricatore.</Italian>
<Portuguese>Confere a munição no seu novo carregador ao recarregar a arma</Portuguese>
<Korean>재장전시 새탄창에 있는 탄약을 확인합니다.</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_SettingShowCheckAmmoSelf">
<English>Always show check ammo self interaction</English>
<Polish>Zawsze pokazuj interakcję od sprawdzania amunicji</Polish>
<Italian>Mostra sempre l'interazione di autocontrollo delle munizioni</Italian>
<Czech>Vždy zobrazit kontrolu munice v menu vlastní interakce</Czech>
<Japanese>セルフ インタラクションへ弾薬確認を常に表示</Japanese>
<French>Toujours afficher l'action de vérification des munitions</French>
<Portuguese>Sempre mostrar a opção de checar a própria munição</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_SettingShowCheckAmmoSelfDesc">
<English>Shows check ammo self interaction even when not in static weapons.</English>
<Polish>Pokazuje interakcję od sprawdzania amunicji poza bronią statyczną.</Polish>
<Italian>Mostra il controllo dell'interazione tra le munizioni anche quando non sono in armi statiche.</Italian>
<Czech>Zobrazuje kontrolu munice v menu vlastní interakce i pokud hráč nepoužívá statickou zbraň.</Czech>
<Japanese>設置型火器を使っていなくても、セルフ インタラクションへ弾薬確認を常に表示します。</Japanese>
<French>Permet d'afficher l'action de vérification des munitions du menu d'interaction personnel, même si le joueur n'utilise pas d'arme statique.</French>
<Portuguese>Mostra a opção de ver sua própria munição mesmo quando não em armas estáticas.</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_checkAmmo">
<English>Check Ammo</English>
<German>Munition prüfen</German>
<Spanish>Comprobar munición</Spanish>
<Polish>Sprawdź amunicję</Polish>
<French>Vérifier les munitions</French>
<Czech>Zkontrolovat Munici</Czech>
<Italian>Controlla le munizioni</Italian>
<Portuguese>Conferir munições</Portuguese>
<Russian>Проверить боеприпасы</Russian>
<Korean>장탄수 확인</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_Ammo">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_LinkBelt">
<English>Link belt</English>
<French>Attacher bande</French>
<Spanish>Enlazar cinta</Spanish>
<Russian>Сцепить ленты</Russian>
<Czech>Spojit pás munice</Czech>
<Polish>Podłącz taśmę</Polish>
<German>Gurt anhängen</German>
<Hungarian>Töltényheveder összekötése</Hungarian>
<Italian>Attacca la tracolla</Italian>
<Portuguese>Ligar cintos de munição</Portuguese>
<Korean>벨트 연결</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Reload_LinkingBelt">
<English>Linking belt...</English>
<French>Attachage d'une bande...</French>
<Spanish>Enlazando cinta...</Spanish>
<Russian>Сцепка лент...</Russian>
<Czech>Spojuji pás...</Czech>
<Polish>Podłączanie taśmy...</Polish>
<German>Gurt anhängen...</German>
<Hungarian>Töltényheveder összekötése folyamatban...</Hungarian>
<Italian>Attaccando la tracolla...</Italian>
<Portuguese>Ligando cintos...</Portuguese>
<Korean>벨트 연결중...</Korean>