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jonpas 742626ff1a
General - Relative script_component.hpp includes ()
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
2023-09-12 20:58:10 +02:00

200 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Updates the display (several times a second) called from the pfeh
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_microdagr_fnc_updateDisplay
* Public: No
private _display = uiNamespace getVariable [[QGVAR(RscTitleDisplay), QGVAR(DialogDisplay)] select (GVAR(currentShowMode) == DISPLAY_MODE_DIALOG), displayNull];
if (isNull _display) exitWith {ERROR("No Display");};
//Fade "shell" at night
private _daylight = [] call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MICRODAGRSHELL) ctrlSetTextColor [_daylight, _daylight, _daylight, 1];
(_display displayCtrl IDC_CLOCKTEXT) ctrlSetText ([daytime, "HH:MM"] call bis_fnc_timeToString);
private _waypoints = [] call FUNC(deviceGetWaypoints);
switch (GVAR(currentApplicationPage)) do {
private _posString = [getPos ACE_player] call EFUNC(common,getMapGridFromPos);
private _eastingText = (_posString select 0) + "e";
private _northingText = (_posString select 1) + "n";
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_EASTING) ctrlSetText _eastingText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_NORTHING) ctrlSetText _northingText;
private _numASL = ((getPosASL ACE_player) select 2) + EGVAR(common,mapAltitude);
private _aboveSeaLevelText = [_numASL, 5, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
_aboveSeaLevelText = if (_numASL > 0) then {"+" + _aboveSeaLevelText + " MSL"} else {_aboveSeaLevelText + " MSL"};
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_ELEVATIONNUM) ctrlSetText _aboveSeaLevelText;
private _compassAngleText = if (GVAR(settingUseMils)) then {
[(floor ((6400 / 360) * (([ACE_player] call CBA_fnc_headDir) select 0))), 4, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
} else {
([([ACE_player] call CBA_fnc_headDir) select 0, 3, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber) + "°" //degree symbol is in UTF-8
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_HEADINGNUM) ctrlSetText _compassAngleText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_SPEEDNUM) ctrlSetText format ["%1kph", (round (speed (vehicle ACE_player)))];;
if (GVAR(currentWaypoint) == -1) then {
private _yearString = (date select 0);
private _monthSring = localize (["error","str_january","str_february","str_march","str_april","str_may","str_june","str_july","str_august","str_september","str_october","str_november","str_december"] select (date select 1));
private _dayString = if ((date select 2) < 10) then {"0" + str (date select 2)} else {str (date select 2)};
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_TIMEDISPLAYGREEN1) ctrlSetText format ["%1-%2-%3", _yearString, _monthSring, _dayString]; //"18-Feb-2010";
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_TIMEDISPLAYGREEN2) ctrlSetText ([daytime, "HH:MM:SS"] call bis_fnc_timeToString);
} else {
private _targetPosName = "";
private _targetPosLocationASL = [];
private _bearingText = "----";
private _rangeText = "----";
_aboveSeaLevelText = "----";
if (GVAR(currentWaypoint) == -2) then {
if (GVAR(rangeFinderPositionASL) isNotEqualTo []) then {
private _targetPos = [GVAR(rangeFinderPositionASL)] call EFUNC(common,getMapGridFromPos);
_targetPosName = format ["[%1 %2 %3]", EGVAR(common,MGRS_data) select 1, _targetPos select 0, _targetPos select 1];
_targetPosLocationASL = GVAR(rangeFinderPositionASL);
} else {
if (GVAR(currentWaypoint) > ((count _waypoints) - 1)) exitWith {ERROR("bounds");};
_targetPosName = (_waypoints select GVAR(currentWaypoint)) select 0;
_targetPosLocationASL = (_waypoints select GVAR(currentWaypoint)) select 1;
if (_targetPosLocationASL isNotEqualTo []) then {
private _bearing = [(getPosASL ACE_player), _targetPosLocationASL] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_bearingText = if (GVAR(settingUseMils)) then {
[(floor ((6400 / 360) * (_bearing))), 4, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
} else {
([_bearing, 3, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber) + "°" //degree symbol is in UTF-8
private _2dDistanceKm = ((getPosASL ACE_player) distance2D _targetPosLocationASL) / 1000;
_rangeText = format ["%1km", _2dDistanceKm toFixed GVAR(waypointPrecision)];
private _numASL = (_targetPosLocationASL select 2) + EGVAR(common,mapAltitude);
_aboveSeaLevelText = [_numASL, 5, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
_aboveSeaLevelText = if (_numASL > 0) then {"+" + _aboveSeaLevelText + " MSL"} else {_aboveSeaLevelText + " MSL"};
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_TRACKNUM) ctrlSetText _bearingText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_TARGETRANGENUM) ctrlSetText _rangeText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_TARGETELEVATIONNUM) ctrlSetText _aboveSeaLevelText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODEDISPLAY_TARGETNAME) ctrlSetText _targetPosName;
private _compassAngleText = if (GVAR(settingUseMils)) then {
[(floor ((6400 / 360) * (([ACE_player] call CBA_fnc_headDir) select 0))), 4, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
} else {
([([ACE_player] call CBA_fnc_headDir) select 0, 3, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber) + "°" //degree symbol is in UTF-8
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_HEADING) ctrlSetText _compassAngleText;
private _SpeedText = format ["%1kph", (round (speed (vehicle ACE_player)))];;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_SPEED) ctrlSetText _SpeedText;
if (GVAR(currentWaypoint) == -1) then {
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_BEARING) ctrlSetText "";
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_RANGE) ctrlSetText "";
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_TARGET) ctrlSetText "";
} else {
private _targetPosName = "";
private _targetPosLocationASL = [];
if (GVAR(currentWaypoint) == -2) then {
if (GVAR(rangeFinderPositionASL) isNotEqualTo []) then {
private _targetPos = [GVAR(rangeFinderPositionASL)] call EFUNC(common,getMapGridFromPos);
_targetPosName = format ["[%1 %2 %3]", EGVAR(common,MGRS_data) select 1, _targetPos select 0, _targetPos select 1];
_targetPosLocationASL = GVAR(rangeFinderPositionASL);
} else {
if (GVAR(currentWaypoint) > ((count _waypoints - 1))) exitWith {ERROR("bounds");};
_targetPosName = (_waypoints select GVAR(currentWaypoint)) select 0;
_targetPosLocationASL = (_waypoints select GVAR(currentWaypoint)) select 1;
private _bearingText = "---";
private _rangeText = "---";
if (_targetPosLocationASL isNotEqualTo []) then {
private _bearing = [(getPosASL ACE_player), _targetPosLocationASL] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_bearingText = if (GVAR(settingUseMils)) then {
[(floor ((6400 / 360) * (_bearing))), 4, 0] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber;
} else {
([_bearing, 3, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber) + "°" //degree symbol is in UTF-8
private _2dDistanceKm = ((getPosASL ACE_player) distance2D _targetPosLocationASL) / 1000;
_rangeText = format ["%1km", _2dDistanceKm toFixed GVAR(waypointPrecision)];
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_BEARING) ctrlSetText _bearingText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_RANGE) ctrlSetText _rangeText;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_MODECOMPASS_TARGET) ctrlSetText _targetPosName;
private _wpListBox = _display displayCtrl IDC_MODEWAYPOINTS_LISTOFWAYPOINTS;
private _currentIndex = lbCurSel _wpListBox;
lbClear _wpListBox;
_x params ["_wpName", "_wpPos"];
_wpListBox lbAdd _wpName;
private _2dDistanceKm = ((getPosASL ACE_player) distance2D _wpPos) / 1000;
_wpListBox lbSetTextRight [_forEachIndex, (format ["%1km", _2dDistanceKm toFixed GVAR(waypointPrecision)])];
} forEach _waypoints;
_currentIndex = (_currentIndex max 0) min (count _waypoints);
if ((lbCurSel _wpListBox) != _currentIndex) then {
_wpListBox lbSetCurSel _currentIndex;
//Reset focus to a dummy ctrl (top button), otherwise HOME/POS1 key goes to top of listBox and has keybind blocked
ctrlSetFocus (_display displayCtrl IDC_TOPMENUBUTTON);
case (APP_MODE_SETUP): {
private _settingListBox = _display displayCtrl IDC_MODESETTINGS;
lbClear _settingListBox;
_settingListBox lbAdd (localize LSTRING(settingUseMils));
if (GVAR(settingUseMils)) then {
_settingListBox lbSetTextRight [0, (localize LSTRING(settingMils))];
} else {
_settingListBox lbSetTextRight [0, (localize LSTRING(settingDegrees))];
_settingListBox lbAdd (localize LSTRING(settingShowWP));
if (GVAR(settingShowAllWaypointsOnMap)) then {
_settingListBox lbSetTextRight [1, (localize LSTRING(settingOn))];
} else {
_settingListBox lbSetTextRight [1, (localize LSTRING(settingOff))];
//Reset focus to a dummy ctrl (top button), otherwise HOME/POS1 key goes to top of listBox and has keybind blocked
ctrlSetFocus (_display displayCtrl IDC_TOPMENUBUTTON);