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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Removed unnecessary GUI functions. Updated displayIcon function to be more dynamic Added client side settings for displaying icons.
72 lines
2.3 KiB
72 lines
2.3 KiB
Author: Glowbal
Affects: Local
Executes: call
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_logic"];
_logic = _this select 0;
if (isNull _logic) exitwith {};
// Damage thresholds only in case the damge threshold module hasn't been placed down.
if (isnil QGVAR(damageThreshold_AI)) then {
GVAR(damageThreshold_AI) = 1;
if (isnil QGVAR(damageThreshold_Players)) then {
GVAR(damageThreshold_Players) = 1;
GVAR(setting_allowInstantDead) = _logic getvariable["setting_allowInstantDead", true];
GVAR(setting_AdvancedLevel) = _logic getvariable["advancedLevel", 0];
GVAR(setting_advancedWoundsSetting) = _logic getvariable["openingOfWounds", true];
GVAR(setting_advancedMedicRoles) = _logic getvariable["medicSetting", false];
GVAR(setting_medicalDifficulty) = _logic getvariable["difficultySetting", 1];
GVAR(setting_enableBandagingAid) = _logic getvariable["bandagingAid", GVAR(setting_AdvancedLevel) == 0];
GVAR(setting_allowAIFullHeal) = _logic getvariable["allowAIFullHeal", false];
GVAR(setting_enableForUnits) = _logic getvariable["enableFor", 1];
GVAR(setting_allowAirwayInjuries) = (_logic getvariable["enableAirway", 0]) == 1;
GVAR(setting_aidKitRestrictions) = _logic getvariable["aidKitRestrictions", 0];
GVAR(setting_removeAidKitOnUse) = _logic getvariable["aidKitUponUsage", false];
GVAR(setting_aidKitMedicsOnly) = _logic getvariable["aidKitMedicsOnly", false];
GVAR(setting_bandageWaitingTime) = _logic getvariable["bandageTime", 5];
GVAR(setting_allowVehicleCrashInjuries) = _logic getvariable["vehCrashes", true];
GVAR(setting_allowStitching) = _logic getvariable["stitchingMedicsOnly", 0];
if (GVAR(setting_AdvancedLevel) == -1) exitwith{};
GVAR(isEnabled) = true;
waituntil{!isnil "ACE_common"};
if (GVAR(setting_AdvancedLevel) > 0) then {
{(([_this select 0,QGVAR(heartRate)] call EFUNC(common,getDefinedVariable)) < 20)}
] call FUNC(registerUnconsciousCondition);
if (GVAR(setting_allowAirwayInjuries)) then {
{(([_this select 0,QGVAR(airway)] call EFUNC(common,getDefinedVariable)) > 2)}
] call FUNC(registerUnconsciousCondition);
if (!hasInterface) exitwith{};
if(_x == "FirstAidKit" || {_x == "Medikit"}) then {
player removeItem _x;
}foreach (items player);