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wiki ATragMX atragmx Handheld ballistics calculator. feature equipment wiki ace
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1. Overview

1.1 AtragMx from Horus Vision

Horus ATragMX software considers atmospheric conditions, gun data, ammunition, range, speed and muzzle velocity to calculate precise aiming solutions with "come-up" results and even accounts for Coriolis and spin drift effects. ATragMX, loaded on a handheld computer made by TDS Recon, is easy to use and lightning-fast. The Recon meets the rigorous MIL-STD-810F military standard for drops, vibration, humidity, altitude and extreme temperatures.

2. Requirement

  • [Advanced Ballistics enabled]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/advanced-ballistics.html)

3. Usage

3.1 Opening the AtragMx

3.1.1 Interaction Menu

  • Open the self interaction menu Ctrl + ⊞ Win.
  • Select Equipment.
  • Select Open AtragMx.

3.1.2 Custom key


3.2 Example with M14 and default 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag

Start of the mission:

  • Open the [Range Card]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/rangecard.html) and check the ammunition: bullet diameter, bullet weight, rifle twist, muzzle velocity at 15°C, zeroed distance and bore height.
Range card
  • Open the AtragMx and the Atmsphr column, select Default and Done.
  • Open Gun the 7.62x51mm M80 in the GunList.
  • Select E (English unit) at the top right.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Bore (inches), Bullet Weight (grains), Bullet Diam (inches), Rifle Twist (in/trn) and Done.
  • Select M (Metric unit) at the top right.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Muzzle Velocity (m/s), the Zero Range (meters) and Done.
  • Muzzle Velocities (Options / Muz Vel table) may need a manual update according to the range card.
  • AtragMx is configured with C1 coefficient according to vanilla weapons and its ammunitions in GunList.
  • More information about C1: Example with Add New Gun in GunList.
  • Check Elev = 0 with ZR = TR (if not, open Gun column and Done).
  • Optionally, Save Gun and Done in the GunList.

In position:

  • Update the Atmsphr column and Done. Requirement: [Kestrel 4500]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/kestrel4500.html).
  • Check the new Muzzle Velocity in the Gun column.
  • Update the Target column and Done. Requirement: [Wind arrow]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/weather.html), [Protractor]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/advanced-ballistics#22-protractor), [Map Tools]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/maptools.html). For advanced tools: [ACE3 Equipment]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature.html).
    • Latitude: [ACE3 Github]({{ site.ace.githubUrl }}/blob/master/addons/common/functions/fnc_getMapData.sqf) or Eden Editor's Extended Debug Console: Watch: ace_common_maplatitude.
    • Dir of Fire (deg from N): The value is therefore given as the direction of the barrel axis from true north. [Horus manual p.14]
    • Wind speed (m/s): Two wind speed values (low and high) may be entered on the target screen,[...] Lead/Wind2 button on the screen. [Horus manual p.32]
      • Wind takes into account geographic location, season, time of day, obstacles, altitude and surface roughness: Wind Profile.
    • Wind Direction (clock): Wind Direction is expressed in clock points.[...], wind is always described in terms of where it is coming from. [Horus manual p.16]
    • Inclination Angle: The degrees field is marked with a “d” and the cosine field with a “c”. [Horus manual p.33]
    • Target Speed: Target Speed Assist [Horus manual p.21]
    • Target Range (meters): Parameter Limits minimum and maximum values: 25 - 3700 meters. [Horus manual p.17]
  • Apply vertical (Page Up and Down keys as default) and horizontal (Left Ctrl + Page Up and Down keys as default) elevations to the [scope]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/scopes.html).
  • Hold Breath (Left Shift as default) and Fire (Prim. Mouse. Btn. as default).

3.3 Example with Truing tool

This process is called “Truing Drop”, or simply “Truing”. It involves taking 2 or 3 real flight data points (finding bullet drop at 2 or 3 places along its flight) and feeding it into the calculation parameters. [Horus manual p.23]

The Truing Drop function is opened from ATrags main screen by selecting “Options” [...], then selecting “Truing Drop” from the menu that appears. [Horus manual p.23]

With C1, you can also insert the new BC into the C1 table (with the target range value), or you can replace the C1 table with the following values:

  1. first entry: Zero Range, original C1.
  2. second entry: range at 75% of distance between transonic start and subsonic start, with original C1.
  3. third entry: range 200 (y/m) beyond subsonic start, with new calculated C1. [Horus manual p.24]
  • Basic example with ammunition 7.62x51mm G7 ballistic coefficient.
    • Open the AtragMx and the Atmsphr column, select Default and Done.
    • Open Gun a custom profile in the GunList.
    • More information about custom profile: Example with Add New Gun in GunList.
    • Check Elev = 0 with ZR = TR (if not, open Gun column and Done).
    • Open the Truing Drop in the Options menu.
    • Add the actual Target Range in the SUPER column and Calc.
    • Add the same Target Range in the SUB column and Calc.
    • Apply the actual scope elevation in the Drop field and Calc.
    • Accept the new C1, Gun column and Elev are updated.
    • C1 Ballistic Coefficient vs. Distance Interpolation Table (Options / Drag Coef Table) will be updated.
    • Optionally, Save Gun and Done in the GunList.
  • If a new Target Range is applied in the Target column, the ballistic coefficient C1 and the elevation Elev will be recalculated.
Interpolation Extrapolation

3.4 Example with overwritten zero distance

  • The Default zero distance can be overwritten with the [Scopes Options]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/scopes.html), the [Scopes Framework]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/framework/scopes-framework.html) or the CBA Settings System.
  • In this case, the [Range Card]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/rangecard.html) will be updated, NOT the AtragMx.
  • Open the AtragMx and the Atmsphr column, select Default and Done.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Zero Range and Done.
  • Check Elev = 0 with ZR = TR (if not, open Gun column and Done).
  • Optionally, Save Gun and Done in the GunList.
Zero distance 300m

3.5 Example with Add New Gun in GunList

  • Open the [Range Card]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/rangecard.html) and check the ammunition: bullet Class Name, bullet diameter, bullet weight, rifle twist, muzzle velocities, zeroed distance and bore height.
  • Open the AtragMx and the Atmsphr column, select Default and Done.
  • Select Add New Gun in the GunList.
  • Add a New Gun Name and Open Gun.
  • Select E (English unit) at the top right.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Bore (inches), Bullet Weight (grains), Bullet Diam (inches), Rifle Twist (in/trn) and Done.
  • Select M (Metric unit) at the top right.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Zero Range (meters) and Done.
  • Open the Muz Vel Table in the Options menu or click on MV in the Gun column.
  • Edit manually the Muzzle Velocity Table according to the [Range Card]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/rangecard.html) and Done.
  • The C1 coefficient of the bullet can be found with the Eden Editor Config Viewer:

configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "bullet Class Name" >> "ACE_ballisticCoefficients"

configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "bullet Class Name" >> "ACE_dragModel"

  • The AtragMx accepts only G1 ballistic coefficient.
  • G7 ballistic coefficient can be converted, for example, with the online JBM Ballistics Calculators.
  • Check Elev = 0 with ZR = TR (if not, open Gun column and Done).
  • Optionally, Save Gun and Done in the GunList.

Note: The ballistic coefficient can be calculated by using the 360 Degree Training Course mission as a chronograph at different distances and JBM Ballistics Calculators for example, an another ballistic software at your own convenience, or the AtragMx Truing Tool.

Example direct conversion with .408 Cheytac 305 grains, G7 BC 0.279 at 2000 meters, ICAO conditions (15°C, 1013.25hPa, 0%):

Conversion G7/G1 BC

3.6 Connecting AtragMx with Vector 21 and DAGR

  • Requirement: [Vector]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/vector.html) and [DAGR]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/dagr.html).
  • Open the self interaction menu Ctrl + ⊞ Win.
  • Select Equipment.
  • Select Configure DAGR and CONNECT TO (DOWN and HELP/SEL) Vector 21(HELP/SEL).
  • Equip and use the Vector (B key as default).
  • Check target's [slope distance and azimuth]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/vector#23-slope-distance-and-azimuth) (hold both R and Tab keys as default).
  • Open the AtragMx properly configured before according to current rifle and ammunition.
  • Open the Target column: Dir of Fire (deg from N), Inclination Angle and Target Range (meters) updated with Vector's values.

3.7 Adding AtragMx Presets

  • [AtragMx Framework]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/framework/atragmx.html)

Scope Base Angle value:

  • Open the AtragMx and the Atmsphr column, select Default and Done.
  • Open Gun the custom profile (with an arbitrary scope base angle) in the GunList.
  • Check Elev value with ZR = TR.
  • Open the Gun column and Done.
  • Execute copyToClipboard Str(ace_atragmx_workingMemory select 3); [LOCAL EXEC] with the Eden Editor's Extended Debug Console.
  • Paste new value to the preset.
  • After new test, check Elev = 0 with ZR = TR.

3.7 Reseting AtragMx GunList

  • Open the Eden Editor's Extended Debug Console.
  • Execute call ace_atragmx_fnc_clear_user_data or call ace_atragmx_fnc_initGunList [LOCAL EXEC], (RESTART eventually needed).
  • The original ACE3 GunList will be restored (all Add New Gun entries deleted).

3.8 Example with AtragMx and default ballistic (M14, 7.62mm 20Rnd Mag)

Note: ACE3 has two external ballistics, the vanilla default ballistic (enabled as default) and the [Advanced Ballistics]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/advanced-ballistics.html) (must be enabled). The ACE3 default ballistic doesn't take atmospheric conditions (except wind), powder temperature, rifle twist and Earth effects into account. The AtragMx will need for Gun column: Bore, C1 Coefficient, Muzzle Velocity and Zero Range. With Target column, Latitude and Dir of Fire are useless. Atmsphr column must not be updated.

Start of the mission:

  • Open the [Range Card]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/rangecard.html) and check the ammunition: bullet Class Name, muzzle velocity, zeroed distance and bore height.
Range card
  • Open the AtragMx and the Atmsphr column, select Default and Done.
  • Select E (English unit) at the top right.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Bore (inches) and Done.
  • Select M (Metric unit) at the top right.
  • Open the Gun column, check and update the Muzzle Velocity (m/s), the Zero Range (meters) and Done.
  • C1 coefficient of the bullet = airFriction x -1000.
  • airFriction can be found with the Eden Editor Config Viewer:

configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "bullet Class Name" >> "airFriction"

  • AtragMx is configured with C1 coefficient according to vanilla weapons and its ammunitions in GunList.
  • Spin drift and Earth effects not taken into account, Options / Show Coriolis can be disabled.
  • Check Elev = 0 with ZR = TR (if not, open Gun column and Done).
  • Optionally, Save Gun and Done in the GunList.

In position:

  • Do not update the Atmsphr column. Default ballistic doesn't take into account temperature, pressure and humidity.
  • Update the Target column and Done. Requirement: [Wind arrow]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/weather.html), [Protractor]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/advanced-ballistics#22-protractor), [Map Tools]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/maptools.html). For advanced tools: [ACE3 Equipment]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature.html).
    • Wind speed (m/s): Two wind speed values (low and high) may be entered on the target screen,[...] Lead/Wind2 button on the screen. [Horus manual p.32]
      • Wind takes into account geographic location, season, time of day and obstacles.
    • Wind Direction (clock): Wind Direction is expressed in clock points.[...], wind is always described in terms of where it is coming from. [Horus manual p.16]
    • Inclination Angle: The degrees field is marked with a “d” and the cosine field with a “c”. [Horus manual p.33]
    • Target Speed: Target Speed Assist [Horus manual p.21]
    • Target Range (meters): Parameter Limits minimum and maximum values: 25 - 3700 meters. [Horus manual p.17]
  • Apply vertical (Page Up and Down keys as default) and horizontal (Left Ctrl + Page Up and Down keys as default) elevations to the [scope]({{ site.baseurl }}/wiki/feature/scopes.html).
  • Hold Breath (Left Shift as default) and Fire (Prim. Mouse. Btn. as default).

4. Official References

  • [Horus AtragMx Manual]({{ site.ace.githubUrl }}/blob/master/extras/manual_Horus_ATrag-v385.pdf)

5. Resources

Missions by Ruthberg, author of Advanced Ballistics and its tools:

  • Arma3 Missions folder: [360 Degree Training Course v1.3]({{ site.ace.githubUrl }}/blob/master/extras/ruthberg_missions/360_Degree_Training_Course-Missions.zip), Features
  • Eden Editor mission: [360 Degree Training Course Framework]({{ site.ace.githubUrl }}/blob/master/extras/ruthberg_missions/360_Degree_Training_Course-Framework.zip)