2016-09-03 09:35:37 +02:00

29 lines
919 B

#include "script_component.hpp"
// bail if running on HC
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
// setup draw size variables
[1] call FUNC(updateDrawSize);
[true] call FUNC(setDrawText);
// register with reporting channels when map is opened
params ["", "_mapIsVisible"];
if (_mapIsVisible) then {
// set icon size back to default
[1] call FUNC(updateDrawSize);
[true] call FUNC(setDrawText);
// register reporting modes
[EGVAR(bft,allReportingModes)] call EFUNC(bft,updateRegisteredModes);
// set encryption key
[[ACE_player] call EFUNC(bft,getEncryptionKey)] call EFUNC(bft,updateRegisteredEncryptionKeys);
// start update loop
[true,5] call EFUNC(bft,updateAvailableDevicesPosition);
} else {
[false] call EFUNC(bft,updateAvailableDevicesPosition);
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);*/