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jonpas 742626ff1a
General - Relative script_component.hpp includes ()
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
2023-09-12 20:58:10 +02:00

64 lines
2.1 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Pterolatypus
* Testing function that spawns AI units in a spiral around the given point and optionally spawns a projectile at the center
* Used for observing the effects of explosive munitions
* Arguments:
* 0: Center position, format PositionAGL <ARRAY>
* 1: Distance to spawn units <ARRAY>
* 0: Min (default: 1)
* 1: Max (default: 10)
* 2: Step (default: 1)
* 2: Unit class to spawn <STRING> (default: "B_Soldier_F")
* 3: Ammo class to spawn, "" or nil to skip <STRING> (default: "")
* 4: Delay between unit placement and ammo spawning in seconds <NUMBER> (default: 1)
* 5: Function to run on each unit that is spawned (optional) <CODE> params [_unit, _center, _ammoClass]
* ReturnValue:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [position player, [20, 80, 5]] call ace_medical_damage_fnc_debug_explosiveTest
* Public: No
params [
["_distances", []],
["_unitClass", "B_Soldier_F"],
["_ammoClass", ""],
["_delay", 1],
_distances params [["_min", 1], ["_max", 10], ["_step", 1]];
if (isNil "_center") exitwith {};
_max = _max max _min;
private _nSteps = 0 max ceil ((_max - _min) / _step);
private _angleStep = 360 / (_nSteps + 1);
for "_distance" from _min to _max step _step do {
private _i = (_distance - _min) / _step;
private _angle = _i * _angleStep;
private _offset = [_distance * sin _angle, _distance * cos _angle, 0];
private _position = _center vectorAdd _offset;
private _unit = (createGroup west) createUnit [_unitClass, _position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
if !(isNil "_initCode") then {
[_unit, _center, _ammoClass] call _initCode;
// spawn the ammo above the ground falling. necessary for shells, doesn't cause problems for grenades etc.
if (_ammoClass != "") then {
params ["_ammoClass", "_center"];
private _position = _center vectorAdd [0, 0, 5];
private _obj = _ammoClass createVehicle _position;
_obj setVectorDirAndUp [[0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]];
_obj setVelocity [0, 0, -20];
}, [_ammoClass, _center], _delay] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;