jonpas 742626ff1a
General - Relative script_component.hpp includes (#9378)
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <>
2023-09-12 20:58:10 +02:00

72 lines
2.4 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Simulates repacking a set of magazines.
* Returns the timing and magazines counts at every stage.
* Arguments:
* 0: How many rounds in a full magazine <NUMBER>
* 1: Array of rounds in magazines <ARRAY>
* 2: Magazine is a belt <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* Array in format [time, isBullet, array of ammo counts] <ARRAY>
* Example:
* [10, [1,2,3,8], false] call ace_magazinerepack_fnc_simulateRepackEvents =
* [[1.5,true,[0,2,3,9]],[3.5,false,[0,2,3,9]],[5,true,[0,1,3,10]],[7,false,[0,1,3,10]],[8.5,true,[0,0,4,10]],[10.5,false,[0,0,4,10]]]
* Public: No
params ["_fullMagazineCount", "_arrayOfAmmoCounts", "_isBelt"];
// Sort Ascending - Don't modify original
_arrayOfAmmoCounts = +_arrayOfAmmoCounts;
_arrayOfAmmoCounts sort true;
private _fnc_newMag = {
//IGNORE_PRIVATE_WARNING ["_time", "_events"];
_time = _time + GVAR(TimePerMagazine);
_events pushBack [_time, false, +_arrayOfAmmoCounts];
private _lowIndex = 0;
private _highIndex = (count _arrayOfAmmoCounts) - 1;
private _ammoToTransfer = 0;
private _ammoAvailable = 0;
private _time = 0;
private _events = [];
while {_lowIndex < _highIndex} do {
private _ammoNeeded = _fullMagazineCount - (_arrayOfAmmoCounts select _highIndex);
_ammoAvailable = _arrayOfAmmoCounts select _lowIndex;
if (_ammoAvailable == 0) then {
_lowIndex = _lowIndex + 1;
call _fnc_newMag;
} else {
if (_ammoNeeded == 0) then {
_highIndex = _highIndex - 1;
call _fnc_newMag;
} else {
private _ammoSwaped = _ammoAvailable min _ammoNeeded;
if (_isBelt) then {
_time = _time + GVAR(TimePerBeltLink);
_arrayOfAmmoCounts set [_lowIndex, (_arrayOfAmmoCounts select _lowIndex) - _ammoSwaped];
_arrayOfAmmoCounts set [_highIndex, (_arrayOfAmmoCounts select _highIndex) + _ammoSwaped];
_events pushBack [_time, true, +_arrayOfAmmoCounts];
} else {
for "_swapProgress" from 0 to (_ammoSwaped - 1) do {
_time = _time + GVAR(TimePerAmmo);
_arrayOfAmmoCounts set [_lowIndex, (_arrayOfAmmoCounts select _lowIndex) - 1];
_arrayOfAmmoCounts set [_highIndex, (_arrayOfAmmoCounts select _highIndex) + 1];
_events pushBack [_time, true, +_arrayOfAmmoCounts];