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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
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82 lines
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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Updates the menu display
* Arguments:
* 0: Display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Menu Item Needs Updating <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [display, true] call ace_xm157_fnc_weaponInfo_drawMenu
* Public: No
params ["_display", "_needsUpdate"];
if (isNil QGVAR(menu)) then {
private _arrayUp = {
params ["", "_var", "_thing"];
private _value = GVAR(data) getOrDefault [_var, 0];
_value = (_value + 1 + count _thing) % count _thing;
GVAR(data) set [_var, _value];
private _arrayDown = {
params ["", "_var", "_thing"];
private _value = GVAR(data) getOrDefault [_var, 0];
_value = (_value - 1 + count _thing) % count _thing;
GVAR(data) set [_var, _value];
private _rangeUp = {
private _range = GVAR(data) getOrDefault ["range", -1];
if (_range < 0) then { _range = 0; };
_range = RANGEFINDER_MAX min (100 + 100 * floor (_range/100));
GVAR(data) set ["range", _range];
private _rangeDown = {
private _range = GVAR(data) getOrDefault ["range", -1];
if (_range < 0) then { _range = 0; };
_range = 0 max (-100 + 100 * ceil (_range/100));
GVAR(data) set ["range", _range];
private _atmosphereInfo = {
private _altitude = (getPosASL ace_player) select 2;
private _relativeHumidity = EGVAR(weather,currentHumidity);
private _temperature = _altitude call EFUNC(weather,calculateTemperatureAtHeight);
private _barometricPressure = _altitude call EFUNC(weather,calculateBarometricPressure); // hPA
format ["%1%2 %3%4 %5hPA", _temperature toFixed 1, "°C", _relativeHumidity toFixed 1, "%", _barometricPressure toFixed 0]
GVAR(menu) = [
["", "", [""], _rangeUp, _rangeDown],
["Wind Speed (m/s)", "wind_speed", ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20"], _arrayUp, _arrayDown],
["Wind Direction", "wind_dir", ["N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"], _arrayUp, _arrayDown],
// ["CQB Reticle", "reticle_cqb", ["2 MOA Red Dot", "4 MOA Red Dot", "Off"], _arrayUp, _arrayDown],
["Bearing Display", "bearing_show", ["Degrees", "Mils", "Off"], _arrayUp, _arrayDown],
["Atmosphere", "", _atmosphereInfo, {}, {}]
private _index = GVAR(data) getOrDefault ["menu_index", 0];
(GVAR(menu) # _index) params ["_title", "_var", "_thing"];
if ((!_needsUpdate) && {_thing isEqualType []}) exitWith {};
private _ctrlMenuText = _display displayCtrl IDC_SCREEN_MENU_TEXT;
private _text = "";
if (_index != 0) then {
if (_thing isEqualType []) then {
GVAR(data) set ["menu_updated", false];
private _value = GVAR(data) getOrDefault [_var, 0];
_text = _title + "\n" + "<" + (_thing param [_value, "#BadIndex"]) + ">";
} else {
_text = _title + "\n" + ([_var] call _thing);
_ctrlMenuText ctrlSetText _text;
GVAR(data) set ["menu_updated", false];