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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
The hacky keybind detection method should consider modifier keys also to prevent keybinds on the same key with different modifiers from firing
107 lines
4.1 KiB
107 lines
4.1 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(cachedBuildingTypes) = [];
GVAR(cachedBuildingActionPairs) = [];
GVAR(ParsedTextCached) = [];
//Setup text/shadow/size/color settings matrix
[] call FUNC(setupTextColors);
["SettingChanged", {
if (_name in [QGVAR(colorTextMax), QGVAR(colorTextMin), QGVAR(colorShadowMax), QGVAR(colorShadowMin), QGVAR(textSize), QGVAR(shadowSetting)]) then {
[] call FUNC(setupTextColors);
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);
// Install the render EH on the main display
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", DFUNC(render)];
//Add Actions to Houses:
["interactMenuOpened", {_this call FUNC(userActions_addHouseActions)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
// This spawn is probably worth keeping, as pfh don't work natively on the briefing screen and IDK how reliable the hack we implemented for them is.
// The thread dies as soon as the mission start, so it's not really compiting for scheduler space.
[] spawn {
// Wait until the map display is detected
waitUntil {(!isNull findDisplay 12)};
// Install the render EH on the map screen
((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", DFUNC(render)];
["ACE3 Common", QGVAR(InteractKey), (localize LSTRING(InteractKey)),
// Statement
[0] call FUNC(keyDown)
},{[0,false] call FUNC(keyUp)},
[219, [false, false, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //Left Windows Key
["ACE3 Common", QGVAR(SelfInteractKey), (localize LSTRING(SelfInteractKey)),
// Statement
[1] call FUNC(keyDown)
},{[1,false] call FUNC(keyUp)},
[219, [false, true, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //Left Windows Key + Ctrl/Strg
// Listens for the falling unconscious event, just in case the menu needs to be closed
["medical_onUnconscious", {
// If no menu is open just quit
if (GVAR(openedMenuType) < 0) exitWith {};
if (_unit != ACE_player || !_isUnconscious) exitWith {};
GVAR(actionSelected) = false;
[GVAR(openedMenuType), false] call FUNC(keyUp);
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);
// disable firing while the interact menu is is is opened
["playerChanged", {_this call FUNC(handlePlayerChanged)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
// background options
["interactMenuOpened", {
if (GVAR(menuBackground)==1) then {[QGVAR(menuBackground), true] call EFUNC(common,blurScreen);};
if (GVAR(menuBackground)==2) then {0 cutRsc[QGVAR(menuBackground), "PLAIN", 1, false];};
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["interactMenuClosed", {
if (GVAR(menuBackground)==1) then {[QGVAR(menuBackground), false] call EFUNC(common,blurScreen);};
if (GVAR(menuBackground)==2) then {(uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(menuBackground), displayNull]) closeDisplay 0;};
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
// Let key work with zeus open (not perfect, contains workaround to prevent other CBA keybindings)
if (_this select 1) then {
(finddisplay 312) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {
_key = ["ACE3 Common","ace_interact_menu_InteractKey"] call CBA_fnc_getKeybind;
_key = _key select 5;
_dik = _key select 0;
_mods = _key select 1;
if ((_this select 1) == _dik) then {
if ((_this select [2,3]) isEqualTo _mods) then {
[_this,'keyup'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler
(finddisplay 312) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
_key = ["ACE3 Common","ace_interact_menu_InteractKey"] call CBA_fnc_getKeybind;
_key = _key select 5;
_dik = _key select 0;
_mods = _key select 1;
if ((_this select 1) == _dik) then {
if ((_this select [2,3]) isEqualTo _mods) then {
[_this,'keydown'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);