mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
- Reordering of action members - Removed full path from actions, so they can be mounted under different paths if needed - Added api for creating actions - Api for adding actions for objects or classes
77 lines
2.7 KiB
77 lines
2.7 KiB
* Author: NouberNou and CAA-Picard
* Render the interaction menu for a base action
* Argument:
* 0: Object <OBJECT>
* 1: Action node <ARRAY>
* 2: 3D position <ARRAY> (Optional)
* Return value:
* Was the menu rendered <BOOL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_distance","_pos","_weaponDir","_ref","_cameraPos","_sPos","_activeActionTree"];
_distance = _actionData select 8;
// Obtain a 3D position for the action
if((count _this) > 2) then {
_pos = _this select 2;
} else {
if(typeName (_actionData select 7) == "ARRAY") then {
_pos = _object modelToWorld (_actionData select 7);
} else {
if ((_actionData select 7) == "weapon") then {
// Craft a suitable position for weapon interaction
_weaponDir = _object weaponDirection currentWeapon _object;
_ref = _weaponDir call EFUNC(common,createOrthonormalReference);
_pos = (_object modelToWorld (_object selectionPosition "righthand")) vectorAdd ((_ref select 2) vectorMultiply 0.1);
} else {
_pos = _object modelToWorld (_object selectionPosition (_actionData select 7));
// Compensate for movement during the frame to get rid of jittering
_pos = _pos vectorAdd ((visiblePositionASL _object) vectorDiff (getPosASL _object));
_cameraToActionVec = (_pos call EFUNC(common,positionToASL)) vectorDiff ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) call EFUNC(common,positionToASL));
GVAR(refSystem) = _cameraToActionVec call EFUNC(common,createOrthonormalReference);
// For non-self actions, exit if the action is too far away
if (GVAR(keyDown) &&
{(ACE_player modelToWorld (ACE_player selectionPosition "pilot")) distance _pos >= _distance}) exitWith {false};
// Exit if the action is behind you
_sPos = worldToScreen _pos;
if(count _sPos == 0) exitWith {false};
// Exit if the action is off screen
if ((_sPos select 0) < safeZoneXAbs || (_sPos select 0) > safeZoneXAbs + safeZoneWAbs) exitWith {false};
if ((_sPos select 1) < safeZoneY || (_sPos select 1) > safeZoneY + safeZoneH) exitWith {false};
// Collect active tree
private "_uid";
_uid = format [QGVAR(ATCache_%1), _actionData select 0];
_activeActionTree = [
[_object, _baseActionNode, []],
_object, _uid, 0.2
] call EFUNC(common,cachedCall);
// Check if there's something left for rendering
if (count _activeActionTree == 0) exitWith {false};
[[], _activeActionTree, _pos, [180,360]] call FUNC(renderMenu);