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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* only process one unit every 0.1 seconds * exitWith to keep indentation low * use event to determine isIR and isTI * correctly remove units with turned on lights from their arrays * handle weaponAccessories command reporting nil
82 lines
2.7 KiB
82 lines
2.7 KiB
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
// fixes laser when being captured. Needed, because the selectionPosition of the right hand is used
[QEGVAR(captives,setHandcuffed), {if (_this select 1) then {(_this select 0) action ["ace_gunLightOff", _this select 0]};}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(nearUnits) = [];
GVAR(index) = -1;
GVAR(laserClassesCache) = [] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
GVAR(redLaserUnits) = [];
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) = [];
#include "initKeybinds.sqf"
["ace_settingsInitialized", {
// if not enabled, dont't add draw eventhandler or PFEH (for performance)
if !(GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
private _oldNearUnits = GVAR(nearUnits);
GVAR(nearUnits) = call FUNC(getNearUnits);
// remove units that moved away
GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _x);
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _x);
} forEach (_oldNearUnits - GVAR(nearUnits));
}, 5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
private _fnc_processUnit = {
params ["_unit"];
private _weapon = currentWeapon _unit;
private _laser = [(_unit weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1] param [0, ""];
if (_laser isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
private _laserID = GVAR(laserClassesCache) getVariable _laser;
if (isNil "_laserID") then {
_laserID = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _laser >> "ACE_laserpointer");
GVAR(laserClassesCache) setVariable [_laser, _laserID];
if (_unit isFlashlightOn _weapon) then {
if (_laserID isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
GVAR(redLaserUnits) pushBackUnique _unit;
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _unit);
if (_laserID isEqualTo 2) exitWith {
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) pushBackUnique _unit;
GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _unit);
} else {
GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _unit);
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _unit);
// custom scheduler
params ["_fnc_processUnit"];
ACE_player call _fnc_processUnit;
GVAR(index) = GVAR(index) + 1;
private _unit = GVAR(nearUnits) param [GVAR(index), objNull];
if (isNull _unit) exitWith {
GVAR(index) = -1;
_unit call _fnc_processUnit;
}, 0.1, _fnc_processUnit] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", FUNC(onDraw)];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;