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* Author: commy2 and CAA-Picard
* Handle fire of local vehicle weapons creating overpressure zones
* Argument:
* 0: Unit that fired (Object)
* 1: Weapon fired (String)
* 2: Muzzle (String)
* 3: Mode (String)
* 4: Ammo (String)
* 5: Magazine (String)
* 6: Projectile (Object)
* Return value:
* None
#include "script_component.hpp"
// Prevent AI from causing overpressure damage
if !([gunner _firer] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)) exitWith {}; //@todo non-maingun turrets?
private ["_position", "_direction"];
_position = getPosASL _projectile;
_direction = vectorDir _projectile;
private ["_dangerZoneAngle", "_dangerZoneRange", "_dangerZoneDamage"];
_dangerZoneAngle = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> QGVAR(angle)) / 2;
_dangerZoneRange = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> QGVAR(range));
_dangerZoneDamage = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> QGVAR(damage));
// Damage to others
private "_affected";
_affected = getPos _projectile nearEntities ["CAManBase", _dangerZoneRange];
// Let each client handle their own affected units
["overpressure", _affected, [_firer, _position, _direction, _weapon]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// Draw debug lines
[ _position,
_position vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange),
] call EFUNC(common,addLineToDebugDraw);
private "_ref";
_ref = _direction call EFUNC(common,createOrthonormalReference);
[ _position,
_position vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange) vectorAdd ((_ref select 1) vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange * tan _dangerZoneAngle),
] call EFUNC(common,addLineToDebugDraw);
[ _position,
_position vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange) vectorDiff ((_ref select 1) vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange * tan _dangerZoneAngle),
] call EFUNC(common,addLineToDebugDraw);
[ _position,
_position vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange) vectorAdd ((_ref select 2) vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange * tan _dangerZoneAngle),
] call EFUNC(common,addLineToDebugDraw);
[ _position,
_position vectorAdd (_direction vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange) vectorDiff ((_ref select 2) vectorMultiply _dangerZoneRange * tan _dangerZoneAngle),
] call EFUNC(common,addLineToDebugDraw);