jaynus e22080db3a Reworked with test p3d.
Animations accessible. Pass map of animation names and phases and pass a vector of the lods you want to animate.

Dynamic loading humbuggery.

Added: A3->Extension animation state sync framework done. Test cases for animations created.

Apply animation phases from game to test case render.

Continuing finalization. rotation_offset was reversed for zero_distance, thats fixed but still off. Rendering test hard-coded for container LOD temporarily.

Rotation translation corrected.

Removed: Scale flipping, these should work now but they dont.

Debug logging, debug model.

Correct parameters to extension.

Stability fixes.

Animations nearly aligning correctly.

scale, rotation and translation work; still not working. Back compat for v60 p3d's fully implemented.

Add vehicle ID to animation state send.

cmake bullet integration from submodule.

WINVER forced for all builds.

More bullet + windows + cmake fun.

Remove LinaerMath.

Testing for nou.


Fixed: Pathing bug.

Vehicle damage working set for Nou.
2015-05-12 16:37:01 -07:00

221 lines
5.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include "shared.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "p3d\model.hpp"
#include "glm\glm.hpp"
#include "glm\vec3.hpp"
#include "glm\mat4x4.hpp"
namespace ace {
namespace simulation {
class vertex;
typedef std::shared_ptr<vertex> vertex_p;
class lod;
typedef std::shared_ptr<lod> lod_p;
class object;
typedef std::shared_ptr<object> object_p;
typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::pair<glm::mat4, ace::vector3<float>>> animation_transform;
class vertex_table {
vertex_table() {};
vertex_table(const ace::p3d::vertex_table_p, const ace::p3d::lod_p, const ace::p3d::model_p);
vertex_p operator[] (const int index) { return vertices[index]; }
std::vector<vertex_p> vertices;
bool animated;
class face {
face() {};
face(const ace::p3d::face_p, const ace::p3d::lod_p, const ace::p3d::model_p, ace::simulation::lod *);
uint8_t type;
std::vector<vertex_p> vertices;
typedef std::shared_ptr<face> face_p;
class named_selection {
named_selection() {};
named_selection(const ace::p3d::named_selection_p, const ace::p3d::lod_p, const ace::p3d::model_p, ace::simulation::lod *);
std::string name;
std::vector<face_p> faces;
std::vector<vertex_p> vertices;
void animate(const glm::mat4 &, ace::vector3<float>);
typedef std::shared_ptr<named_selection> named_selection_p;
class vertex {
vertex(vertex_table &, ace::vector3<float>, uint32_t);
ace::vector3<float> operator * (const float &v) { return animated_vertex * v; }
ace::vector3<float> operator / (const float &v) { return animated_vertex / v; }
ace::vector3<float> operator * (const ace::vector3<float> &v) { return animated_vertex * v; }
ace::vector3<float> operator / (const ace::vector3<float> &v) { return animated_vertex / v; }
ace::vector3<float> operator + (const ace::vector3<float> &v) { return animated_vertex + v; }
ace::vector3<float> operator - (const ace::vector3<float> &v) { return animated_vertex - v; }
ace::vector3<float> operator - () { return -(animated_vertex); }
bool operator == (const ace::vector3<float> &r) { return (animated_vertex == r); }
bool operator > (const ace::vector3<float> &r) const { throw 1; }
bool operator < (const ace::vector3<float> &r) const { throw 1; }
bool operator <= (const ace::vector3<float> &r) const { throw 1; }
bool operator >= (const ace::vector3<float> &r) const { throw 1; }
float x() { return animated_vertex.x(); }
float y() { return animated_vertex.y(); }
float z() { return animated_vertex.z(); }
uint16_t id() { return this->vertex_id; }
operator ace::vector3<float>() { return animated_vertex; }
std::vector<face *> faces;
std::vector<named_selection *> selections;
void animate(const glm::mat4 &, ace::vector3<float>, bool);
ace::vector3<float> original_vertex;
ace::vector3<float> animated_vertex;
vertex_table &table;
uint16_t vertex_id;
class lod {
lod() {};
lod(const ace::p3d::lod_p, const ace::p3d::model_p);
uint32_t id;
float type;
vertex_table vertices;
ace::vector3<float> autocenter_pos;
std::map<std::string, named_selection_p> selections;
std::vector<face_p> faces;
class animation;
typedef std::shared_ptr<animation> animation_p;
class lod_animation_info {
lod_animation_info() {};
lod_animation_info(animation *, lod_p, const ace::p3d::animate_bone_p, const ace::p3d::animation_p, const ace::p3d::model_p);
animation *animation_definition;
int32_t index;
lod_p lod;
ace::vector3<float> axis_direction;
ace::vector3<float> axis_position;
typedef std::shared_ptr<lod_animation_info> lod_animation_info_p;
class animation {
animation() {};
animation(object *, const ace::p3d::animation_p, const ace::p3d::model_p);
uint32_t type;
std::string name; // "RightDoor"
std::string source; // "rotor"
float min_value;
float max_value;
float min_phase;
float max_phase;
float offset0;
float offset1;
float angle0;
float angle1;
float hide_value;
ace::vector3<float> direct_axis_pos;
ace::vector3<float> direct_axis_dir;
float direct_angle;
float direct_axis_offset;
uint32_t source_address;
std::vector<float> transforms;
std::map<uint32_t, lod_animation_info_p> lod_info;
animation_transform animate(const float, const std::vector<uint32_t> &, animation_transform);
float get_scale(float);
class bone;
typedef std::shared_ptr<bone> bone_p;
class bone {
const std::string,
const std::vector<std::string> &,
const std::map<std::string, ace::p3d::bone_p> &,
bone *,
const ace::p3d::model_p,
object *);
~bone() {};
std::string name;
bone *parent;
std::vector<bone_p> children;
std::vector<animation_p> animations;
object *base_object;
void animate(const std::map<std::string, float> &, const std::vector<uint32_t> &, animation_transform base_transforms);
class object {
object(const ace::p3d::model_p);
std::vector<lod_p> lods;
std::vector<animation_p> animations;
void animate(const std::map<std::string, float> &, const std::vector<std::uint32_t> &);
std::map<std::string, bone_p> all_bones;
bone_p root_bone;