Glowbal 155503d4a1 Merged GUI into common.
Removed unnecessary GUI functions.
Updated displayIcon function to be more dynamic
Added client side settings for displaying icons.
2015-02-14 20:06:55 +01:00

27 lines
713 B

* fnc_handleTreatmentCompleted.sqf
* @Descr: Called when a treatment action has been completed.
* @Author: Glowbal
* @Arguments: []
* @Return:
* @PublicAPI: false
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_caller", "_target","_selectionName","_removeItem"];
_caller = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;
_selectionName = _this select 2;
_removeItem = _this select 3;
if (primaryWeapon _caller == "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon") then {
_caller removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
[_caller,false] call FUNC(treatmentMutex);
// TODO: BUG: if AI finishes treatment, it will also hide the icon for the player
[QGVAR(treatmentIconID), false, "", [1,1,1,1]] call EFUNC(common,displayIcon);