StaticDateTime[]={0,0,0,6,0};// {0,0,0,8,0} would forces the server to start at 8am each time it is started while allowing the year, month and day to stay real time. Any values left at 0 will result in no change.
storedVehicleLimit=15;// Vehicles more than x stored in ALL Traders will automatically be deleted on Restart.
StaticTraderItemPurge[]={100,15};// {ItemCount,ReducePercent} - If a static trader have more than x different items, on restart the items will be reduced by y percent
DynamicTraderRespawnCount=100;// If a dynamic Trader have more than x different Items, he will respawn on another Spot (with start Items)
TraderItemCountPerItem[]={50,5};// If the Trader has more than x pieces of an Item, it will be reduced to y pieces (on Restart)
TraderItemsDeleteInstant[]={// List of Items, that will be deleted from Trader instant after sell
// "ItemVehDoc1",
// "ItemVehDoc2",
// "ItemVehDoc3",
// "ItemVehDoc4"
TraderItemsDeleteRestart[]={// List of Items, that will be deleted from Trader on Restart
// "ItemLockbox",
// "ItemSafe",
// "ItemGoldBar10oz"
TraderDeco="true";// If true, Traders get around Halloween / Christmas some seasonal decoration
// Spawntables
forcedVehicleSpawnTable="";// leave blank for default. Options: "allowedVehiclesList","allowedVehiclesList_CUP","allowedVehiclesList_MAD","allowedVehiclesList_MADCUP"
forcedLootSpawnTable="";// leave blank for default. Options: "CfgLootTable","CfgLootTable_CUP","CfgLootTable_MAD","CfgLootTable_MADCUP"
// Markers
showEarthQuakes="true";// show mineral viens caused by earthquakes
showSatellites="true";// show crashed Satellites
showShippingContainers="true";// Show location of events based loots (plants, shipping container, Carnival)
SHOW_TRADERS="true";// Show locations of traders
SHOW_JAMMERS="false";// Shows location of base jammers
SHOW_BOATLOOT="true";// Shows the location of shipwreck loot
DEBUG_VEH="false";// DEBUG ONLY used to debug spawing of vehicles
// Hive Related
vehicleLockTime="1800";// Controls how many seconds it takes to allow another person/group to unlock vehicle (outside your own PlotPole Range).
vehicleLockTimeHome="259200";// Controls how many seconds it takes to allow another person/group to unlock vehicle (inside your own PlotPole Range).
expiresBuilding="604800";// expiration date in seconds for buildings
expiresPlayer="2592000";// expiration date in seconds for players
expiresBank="7776000";// expiration date in seconds for players bank
expiresVehicle="604800";// expiration date in seconds for vehicles
expiresAIdata="604800";// expiration date in seconds for NPC Trader inventory
expiresCommunityStats="7776000";// expiration date in seconds for players community stats
expiresPlayerTopStats="604800";// expiration date in seconds for players listed in TopStats - remove inactive players from TopStats, but will get in again on next login
// Admin Features
hiveAdminCmdExec="false";// true = enables extra (To Be Released) feature to allow execution of code via hive.
hiveAdminSavePlayerList="true";// true = enables saving of playerUID array to hive value PLAYERS:#InstanceID.
hiveAdminCmdTime=5;// how many seconds between each command queue call.
enableUnitTestOnStart=1;// enable extra debug for database calls. 1 = enabled.