mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 16:42:11 +00:00
Tools Redone to take advantage of BIS_fnc_itemType; coding inefficiencies addressed. Output now correctly lists items that were missing in the past including backpacks and glasses.
210 lines
6.8 KiB
210 lines
6.8 KiB
Original script by KiloSwiss
Modified and enhanced by GhostriderDbD
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
_weaponsBase = [];
_knownWeapons = [];
#include "ExcludedClassNames\baseWeapons.sqf"
_allWeaponRoots = ["Pistol","Rifle","Launcher"];
_allWeaponTypes = ["AssaultRifle","MachineGun","SniperRifle","Shotgun","Rifle","Pistol","SubmachineGun","Handgun","MissileLauncher","RocketLauncher","Throw","GrenadeCore"];
_addedBaseNames = [];
_allBannedWeapons = [];
_wpnAR = []; //Assault Rifles
_wpnARG = []; //Assault Rifles with GL
_wpnLMG = []; //Light Machine Guns
_wpnSMG = []; //Sub Machine Guns
_wpnDMR = []; //Designated Marksman Rifles
_wpnLauncher = [];
_wpnSniper = []; //Sniper rifles
_wpnHandGun = []; //HandGuns/Pistols
_wpnShotGun = []; //Shotguns
_wpnThrow = []; // throwables
_wpnUnknown = []; //Misc
_wpnUnderbarrel = [];
_wpnMagazines = [];
_wpnOptics = [];
_wpnPointers = [];
_wpnMuzzles = [];
_aBaseNames = [];
_wpList = (configFile >> "cfgWeapons") call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
//_wpList sort true;
_item = _x;
_isWeap = false;
_isKindOf = false;
_isKindOf = (_item isKindOF [_x, configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]);
if (_isKindOf) exitWith {};
} forEach _allWeaponRoots;
if (_isKindOf) then
//_msg = format["weapons classname extractor: _item = %1",_item];
//diag_log _msg;
//systemChat _msg;
if !(_item in _knownWeapons) then
_knownWeapons pushBack _item;
//if (getnumber (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "scope") == 2) then {
_itemType = _x call bis_fnc_itemType;
_itemCategory = _itemType select 1;
//diag_log format["pullWepClassNames:: _itemType = %1 || _itemCategory = %2",_itemType, _itemCategory];
if (((_itemType select 0) == "Weapon") && ((_itemType select 1) in _allWeaponTypes)) then {
_baseName = _x call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
//diag_log format["pullWepClassNames:: Processing for _baseName %3 || _itemType = %1 || _itemCategory = %2",_itemType, _itemCategory, _baseName];
if (!(_baseName in _addedBaseNames) && !(_baseName in _allBannedWeapons)) then {
_addedBaseNames pushBack _baseName;
case "AssaultRifle" :{
if(count getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "muzzles") > 1)then[{_wpnARG pushBack _baseName},{_wpnAR pushBack _baseName}];
case "MachineGun" :{_wpnLMG pushBack _baseName};
case "SubmachineGun" :{_wpnSMG pushBack _baseName};
case "Rifle" :{_wpnDMR pushBack _baseName};
case "SniperRifle" :{_wpnSniper pushBack _baseName};
case "Shotgun" :{_wpnShotGun pushBack _baseName};
case "Handgun" :{_wpnHandGun pushBack _baseName};
case "MissileLauncher" :{_wpnLauncher pushBack _baseName};
case "RocketLauncher" :{_wpnLauncher pushBack _baseName};
case "DMR" : {_wpnDMR pushBack _baseName};
case "Throw" : {_wpnThrow pushBack _baseName};
default{_wpnUnknown pushBack _baseName};
// Get options for magazines and attachments for that weapon and store these if they are not duplicates for items already listed.
_ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "magazines");
if !(_x in _wpnMagazines) then {_wpnMagazines pushback _x};
}forEach _ammoChoices;
_optics = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
if !(_x in _wpnOptics) then {_wpnOptics pushback _x};
}forEach _optics;
_pointers = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
if !(_x in _wpnPointers) then {_wpnPointers pushback _x};
}forEach _pointers;
_muzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
if !(_x in _wpnMuzzles) then {_wpnMuzzles pushback _x};
}forEach _muzzles;
_underbarrel = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "UnderBarrelSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
if !(_x in _wpnUnderbarrel) then {_wpnUnderbarrel pushback _x};
}forEach _underbarrel;
} foreach _wpList;
_clipboard = "";
if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_TraderItemLists_Header;
if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_ItemLists_Header;
_clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1 %2%2",_x select 0, endl];
_temp = [_x select 1] call fn_generateItemList;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + _temp;
} foreach
["Assault Rifles ",_wpnAR],
["Assault Rifles with GL",_wpnARG],
[" SMGs ",_wpnSMG],
["Snipers ",_wpnSniper],
["DMRs ",_wpnDMR],
["Launchers ",_wpnLauncher],
["Handguns ",_wpnHandGun],
["Shotguns ",_wpnShotGun],
["Throwables ",_wpnThrow],
["Magazines ",_wpnMagazines],
["Optics ",_wpnOptics],
["Muzzles ",_wpnMuzzles],
["Pointers ",_wpnPointers],
["Underbarrel ",_wpnUnderbarrel],
["Unknown ",_wpnUnknown]
if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_Pricelist_Header;
if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_Pricelist_Header;
_clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1 %2%2",_x select 0, endl];
_temp = [_x select 1] call fn_generatePriceList;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + _temp;
} foreach
["Assault Rifles ",_wpnAR],
["Assault Rifles with GL",_wpnARG],
[" SMGs ",_wpnSMG],
["Snipers ",_wpnSniper],
["DMRs ",_wpnDMR],
["Launchers ",_wpnLauncher],
["Handguns ",_wpnHandGun],
["Shotguns ",_wpnShotGun],
["Throwables ",_wpnThrow],
["Magazines ",_wpnMagazines],
["Optics ",_wpnOptics],
["Muzzles ",_wpnMuzzles],
["Pointers ",_wpnPointers],
["Underbarrel ",_wpnUnderbarrel],
["Unknown ",_wpnUnknown]
if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_Loottable_Header;
if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_Loottable_Header;
_clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1 %2%2",_x select 0, endl];
_temp = [_x select 1] call fn_generateLootTableEntries;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + _temp;
} foreach
["Assault Rifles ",_wpnAR],
["Assault Rifles with GL",_wpnARG],
[" SMGs ",_wpnSMG],
["Snipers ",_wpnSniper],
["DMRs ",_wpnDMR],
["Launchers ",_wpnLauncher],
["Handguns ",_wpnHandGun],
["Shotguns ",_wpnShotGun],
["Throwables ",_wpnThrow],
["Magazines ",_wpnMagazines],
["Optics ",_wpnOptics],
["Muzzles ",_wpnMuzzles],
["Pointers ",_wpnPointers],
["Underbarrel ",_wpnUnderbarrel],
["Unknown ",_wpnUnknown]
copyToClipboard _clipBoard;
hint format["Weapons Config Extractor Run complete%1Output copied to clipboard%1Paste it into a text editor to acces",endl]; |