traderMissionNames[]={"Mission - Pikes Peak Express","Mission - Animal Control","Mission - Track a Raider","Mission - VIP Chauffeur","What's the time ?","Who is near by ?","What's New ?","What is your name ?"};
traderMissionLongDesc[]={"Deliver an important message to another trader.","I need a wild animal bringing back here.","Take control of an UAV and track down a bounty.","Deliver a person safely to another location.","ASk the trader the local time.","Find out information about nearby people.","Ask the trader for any news.","Find out the traders name."};
traderMissionActiveLongDesc[]={"Intercept a mission delivery and bring me the message.","","","Capture a VIP being driven."};
condition="(false)";//no longer used - button triggers mission
dialogue[]={"Hi, Can you take this item to another trader town. You will be paid well.","I have an important message to get out, take it to any other trader camp for a reward ?"};
dialogue2[]={"I have added the document to your inventory.","It's in your gear. If you don't have enough room try again later."};
condition="(false)";//Decided in code - change to true to default accept mission.
dialogue[]={"Great, now get out of here.. I will keep an eye on you through a drone.","Head toward one of the traders further away. I have a UAV to monitor your progress. Don't let me down !"};
dialogue2[]={"You now have an implant that allows me to send you messages.","I will try and help you with messages during your mission if possible."};
missionDeclined[]={"Not interested then ? Ok, maybe another time.","Ok, so you have better things to do. I will wait for someone else."};
dialogue[]={"You look hurt, I am going to inject some adrenaline using your implant.","Hang in there buddy.. Your implant is about to give you a boost."};
dialogue[]={"The drone picks up a mild heat signature nearby, could be a body to loot","Have spotted a prone player near your location, might be worth investigating."};
dialogue[]={"Looks like you've lost the message, are you giving up on me ?","Don't leave that message lying around, it's essential that it arrives."};
dialogue2[]={"If you are thinking about taking the goods and running I would have a re-think.","I wouldn't run out on me now, the last person who tried didn't get very far !"};
dialogue[]={"So you're taking over this mission. Deliver this message to another trader for a reward.","New blood eh. This document needs delivering to a trader as soon as possible."};
dialogue2[]={"There's a price to pay for letting me down. Here it comes.","That's the last time you will cheat a trader. We don't take kindly to traitors."};
condition="(false)";//no longer used - button triggers mission
dialogue[]={"I need a loose animal in the area capturing. He is known to be a bit wild","A brave survivor I see.. You need to find me a Sapper."};
dialogue2[]={"Go out and start looting, when you attract the attention of a Sapper Lure him to my location, I will do the rest.","Lure a sapper to my location. Hint: You need to get dirty to attract one."};
dialogue[]={"You need to get him close to me. I need to see the stitchings of his eyes.","I need him closer if I am to catch him. Come on you are nearly there !"};
dialogue[]={"I think we have a target. The UAV picked up an unusual profile in your area.","Well done, you've found one. Now just lure him back to my location."};
dialogue[]={"Well Done, you made it. Get out of the way. I need to cage this animal.","Great work, let me deal with this guy first."};
dialogue2[]={"You've been a great help, here is your reward. Now clear the area as I may release him soon.","I get a good price for these guys. Here is your cut, pleasure doing business."};
dialogue[]={"You look hurt, I am going to inject some adrenaline using your implant.","Hang in there buddy.. Your implant is about to give you a boost."};
dialogue[]={"The drone picks up a mild heat signature nearby, could be a body to loot","Have spotted a prone player near your location, might be worth investigating."};
dialogue[]={"Looks like you've lost the message, are you giving up on me ?","Don't leave that message lying around, it's essential that it arrives."};
dialogue2[]={"If you are thinking about taking the goods and running I would have a re-think.","I wouldn't run out on me now, the last person who tried didn't get very far !"};
dialogue[]={"So you're taking over this mission. Deliver this message to another trader for a reward.","New blood eh. This document needs delivering to a trader as soon as possible."};
dialogue2[]={"There's a price to pay for letting me down. Here it comes.","That's the last time you will cheat a trader. We don't take kindly to traitors."};
condition="(false)";//no longer used - button triggers mission
dialogue[]={"I need to top up my coffers with some bounty. You are going to take control of a UAV and find a target for me.","How are your flying skills ? I need you to fly over nearby towns looking for a bounty."};
dialogue2[]={"I am giving you a Terminal Equip yourself with it.","Check your gear for the terminal. Equip yourself with it to start."};
condition="(false)";//Decided in code - change to true to default accept mission. i.e. Doesn't require the player to be holding welcome item above e.g.
dialogue[]={"Great, you are ready.I am preparing the UAV, it is outside. Once it is ready you can connect to it.","Splendid, you are a natural. Next, you will then need to connect to my UAV. Go look for it, I am preparing it for flight."};
dialogue2[]={"Once in control fly it around and get another player in you sights. Find a good spot to hide in during the mission.","Once you have control target another player in the UAV sights. You might want to find a quiet corner to operate from."};
missionDeclined[]={"Flying isn't for everyone. Come back when you have had some more practice eh ?","I guess you are just too busy right now. Come back later."};
dialogue[]={"You look hurt, I am going to inject some adrenaline using your implant.","Hang in there buddy.. Your implant is about to give you a boost."};
dialogue[]={"The drone picks up a mild heat signature nearby, could be a body to loot","Have spotted a prone player near your location, might be worth investigating."};
dialogue[]={"Looks like you've lost the message, are you giving up on me ?","Don't leave that message lying around, it's essential that it arrives."};
dialogue2[]={"If you are thinking about taking the goods and running I would have a re-think.","I wouldn't run out on me now, the last person who tried didn't get very far !"};
dialogue[]={"So you're taking over this mission. Deliver this message to another trader for a reward.","New blood eh. This document needs delivering to a trader as soon as possible."};
dialogue[]={"I have an important delivery for you to make. She needs to arrive safely. Let me see if you need a GPS.","Can you drive ? My friend here needs a lift. Drop this person off to the general. I will make sure you have some equipment"};
dialogue2[]={"Take the generals daughter to the pick up point. There is a boat waiting so do not hang around.","This VIP must make it to the rendezvous. Wait for coordinates.. and make sure she gets there."};
dialogue[]={"The General has sent us to collect his Daughter. Luckily for you she looks in good health.","Nice work, you delivered her safely. Thankfully, or the General would not be happy."};
dialogue2[]={"Help yourself to supplies from our boat. Hurry, we are leaving shortly.","Our boat is laden with supplies. Take all you can carry as a reward for your good work."};
dialogue2[]={"You need to find us another vehicle. I am not walking all the way there.","How are we going to get there now? You had best find another vehicle !"};