// EPOCH_taskMarker - Array for Marker, if set [markername,markerType]. "markerType" see in task description
// EPOCH_taskMarkerPos - Markerposition, if set.
author="My Name";
title="Mission Title";
items[]={"B_UavTerminal"};// Items will be dropped on the Ground next to Player
triggerDelay=2;// Before this time (in sec) the task will not Start
taskCheckTime=3;// Intervall (in sec) for the triggers
markerType=0;// Place a marker on task target (0 = No Marker, 1 = Marker, with text, exactly on target, 2 = radial marker with target somewhere random inside marker)
markerVisible=0;// Marker visible for: 0 = Only Player (default), 1 = Group of Player, 2 = Global
markerRadius=0;// Set marker radius for radial marker (markerType = 2)
markerText="";// Marker Text - Add text to marker, leave "" for no text. No text available for Marker type 2 yet.
initcall="";// Code to call on task-start
cleanUpCall="";// Code to call on task failed or when cleanUp = 1 on finished
dialogues[]={// Array to make dialogues while task is running
"alive player",// Condition 1
{"Text 1","Text 2","Text 3"}// Array of random dialogues when condition 1 = true
"alive player",// Condition 2
{"Text 1","Text 2","Text 3"}// Array of random dialogues when condition 2 = true
callevents[]={// Array to call codes and / or start a nex task
"(diag_tickTime - StartTime > 30)",// Condition 1
"",// String with code to call when condition 1 = true
{"uavMission1"}// Array of random selected tasks to switch to when condition 1 = true
"!alive player",// Condition 2
"player setdamage 1",// String with code to call when condition 2 = true
{"uavMission2"}// Array of random selected tasks to switch to when condition 2 = true
abandonTime=240;// Timeout for task
failedCondition="false";// Failed Condition for Task
faileddialogues[]={"Text1","Text2"};// Array of random dialogues when task failed