add snap point tool

This commit is contained in:
vbawol 2017-06-24 12:06:31 -05:00
parent 3813a76dce
commit 1759243002
2 changed files with 608 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
Hesco3_EPOCH = [
WoodWall1_EPOCH = [
WoodWall2_EPOCH = [
WoodWall3_EPOCH = [
WoodWall4_EPOCH = [
WoodLargeWall_EPOCH = [
WoodFloor_Epoch = [
MetalFloor_EPOCH = [
WoodLargeWallCor_EPOCH = [
WoodLargeWallDoorway_EPOCH = [
WoodLargeWallDoor_EPOCH = [
WoodLargeWallDoorL_EPOCH = [
WoodStairs_EPOCH = [
WoodStairs2_EPOCH = [
WoodTower_EPOCH = [
WoodRamp_EPOCH = [
CinderWallGarage_EPOCH = [
CinderWall_EPOCH = [
CinderWallHalf_EPOCH = [
EPOCH_buildClasses = [
EPOCH_buildClassesCount = count EPOCH_buildClasses - 1;
Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex = 0;
EPOCH_selectedBuildClass = EPOCH_buildClasses select 0;
EPOCH_objPOS = player modelToWorld[0, 5, 1];
if !(surfaceIsWater _currentPos) then {
EPOCH_objPOS = ATLtoASL _currentPos;
detach _x;
} forEach attachedObjects player;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj = EPOCH_selectedBuildClass createVehicle EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj setPosATL EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj attachTo[player];
EPOCH_selectedEditIndex = 0;
_pos = _this;
if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then {_pos = ASLToATL _pos};
EPOCH_KeyDownFunctionhandler = {
_dikCode = _this select 1;
_shift = _this select 2;
_ctrl = _this select 3;
_alt = _this select 4;
_handled = false;
switch (_dikCode) do {
case 0xC7 : {
_index = missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",0];
_index = _index + 1;
missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",_index];
hint str(_index);
_handled = true;
case 0xCF : {
_index = missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",0];
_index = _index - 1;
missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",_index];
hint str(_index);
_handled = true;
case 0xC8 : {
hint "UP";
_extents = (missionNamespace getVariable EPOCH_selectedBuildClass) ;
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
_new pushBack ([[_extents1 select 0, _extents1 select 1, (_extents1 select 2)-0.1],[_extents2 select 0, _extents2 select 1, (_extents2 select 2)+0.1]]);
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xD0 : {
hint "DOWN";
_extents = (missionNamespace getVariable EPOCH_selectedBuildClass) ;
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
_new pushBack ([[_extents1 select 0, _extents1 select 1, (_extents1 select 2)+0.1],[_extents2 select 0, _extents2 select 1, (_extents2 select 2)-0.1]]);
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xCB : {
hint "LEFT";
_extents = (missionNamespace getVariable EPOCH_selectedBuildClass) ;
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
if (_ctrl) then {
_new pushBack [[_extents1 select 0, (_extents1 select 1)-0.1, _extents1 select 2],[_extents2 select 0, (_extents2 select 1)+0.1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack [[(_extents1 select 0)-0.1, _extents1 select 1, _extents1 select 2],[(_extents2 select 0)+0.1, _extents2 select 1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xCD : {
hint "RIGHT";
_extents = (missionNamespace getVariable EPOCH_selectedBuildClass) ;
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
if (_ctrl) then {
_new pushBack [[_extents1 select 0, (_extents1 select 1)+0.1, _extents1 select 2],[_extents2 select 0, (_extents2 select 1)-0.1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack [[(_extents1 select 0)+0.1, _extents1 select 1, _extents1 select 2],[(_extents2 select 0)-0.1, _extents2 select 1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xC9 : {
Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex = ((Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex + 1) min EPOCH_buildClassesCount) max 0;
EPOCH_selectedBuildClass = EPOCH_buildClasses select Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex;
if !(isNull EPOCH_currentBuildObj) then {
deleteVehicle EPOCH_currentBuildObj;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj = EPOCH_selectedBuildClass createVehicle EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj setPosATL EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj attachTo[player];
hint EPOCH_selectedBuildClass;
_handled = true;
case 0xD1 : {
Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex = ((Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex - 1) min EPOCH_buildClassesCount) max 0;
EPOCH_selectedBuildClass = EPOCH_buildClasses select Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex;
hint EPOCH_selectedBuildClass;
if !(isNull EPOCH_currentBuildObj) then {
deleteVehicle EPOCH_currentBuildObj;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj = EPOCH_selectedBuildClass createVehicle EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj setPosATL EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj attachTo[player];
_handled = true;
[] spawn {
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown",{_this call EPOCH_KeyDownFunctionhandler}];
onEachFrame {
_numberOfContacts = 0;
_maxWidth = 0;
_maxLength = 0;
_maxHeight = 0;
_getSettings = missionNamespace getVariable format["%1_MAX",(typeOf EPOCH_currentBuildObj)];
if !(isNil "_getSettings") then {
_maxWidth = _getSettings param [0,0];
_maxLength = _getSettings param [1,0];
_maxHeight = _getSettings param [2,0];
} else {
_bbr = boundingBoxReal EPOCH_currentBuildObj;
_p1 = _bbr select 0;
_p2 = _bbr select 1;
_maxWidth = abs ((_p2 select 0) - (_p1 select 0)/2);
_maxLength = abs ((_p2 select 1) - (_p1 select 1)/2);
_maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2));
missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1_MAX",(typeOf EPOCH_currentBuildObj)],[_maxWidth,_maxLength,_maxHeight]];
_color = [0,0,1,1];
_pos1 = EPOCH_currentBuildObj modelToWorld (_x select 0);
_pos2 = EPOCH_currentBuildObj modelToWorld (_x select 1);
drawLine3D [_pos1,_pos2,_color];
} forEach[
_color = [0,1,0,1];
_pos1 = EPOCH_currentBuildObj modelToWorld (_x select 0);
_pos2 = EPOCH_currentBuildObj modelToWorld (_x select 1);
_ins = lineIntersectsSurfaces [AGLToASL _pos1, AGLToASL _pos2,player,EPOCH_currentBuildObj,true,1,"VIEW","FIRE"];
if (count _ins == 0) then {
drawIcon3D ["a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa", [1,1,1,1], _pos2, 1, 1, 45, "no", 1, 0.02, "TahomaB"];
} else {
drawIcon3D ["a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa", [1,1,1,1], ASLToATL (_ins select 0 select 0), 1, 1, 45, "yes", 1, 0.02, "TahomaB"];
drawLine3D [_pos1,_pos2,_color];
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable format["%1",(typeOf EPOCH_currentBuildObj)]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
Bed_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.6],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.6],[0,0,0.9]],[[0,0,0.5],[1.1,0,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[-0.7,0,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,1.4,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,-1.4,0.5]]];
Fridge_EPOCH = [[[0,0,1.1],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0,0,2.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0.5,0,1.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[-0.5,0,1.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0,0.4,1.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0,-0.9,1.1]]];
Shelf_EPOCH = [[[0,0,1],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,1],[0,0,1.8]],[[0,0,1],[0.5,0,1]],[[0,0,1],[-0.5,0,1]],[[0,0,1],[0,0.2,1]],[[0,0,1],[0,-0.6,1]]];
Couch_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.4],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.4],[0,0,1.2]],[[0,0,0.4],[1.3,0,0.4]],[[0,0,0.4],[-0.3,0,0.4]],[[0,0,0.4],[0,1.4,0.4]],[[0,0,0.4],[0,-1.4,0.4]]];
wardrobe_epoch = [[[0,0,1.3],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,1.3],[0,0,2.3]],[[0,0,1.3],[0.7,0,1.3]],[[0,0,1.3],[-0.7,0,1.3]],[[0,0,1.3],[0,0.4,1.3]],[[0,0,1.3],[0,-0.6,1.3]]];
cooker_epoch = [[[0,0,0],[0,0,-0.7]],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0.7]],[[0,0,0],[0.4,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[-0.4,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,0.5,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,-0.7,0]]];
Chair_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.5],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,0,1.5]],[[0,0,0.6],[0.6,0,0.6]],[[0,0,0.6],[-0.6,0,0.6]],[[0,0,0.6],[0,0.6,0.6]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,-0.6,0.5]]];
Filing_epoch = [[[0,0,0.8],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.8],[0,0,1.6]],[[0,0,0.8],[0.3,0,0.8]],[[0,0,0.8],[-0.3,0,0.8]],[[0,0,0.8],[0,0.4,0.8]],[[0,0,0.8],[0,-0.5,0.8]]];
Pelican_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.2],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.2],[0,0,0.7]],[[0,0,0.2],[0.9,0,0.2]],[[0,0,0.2],[-0.9,0,0.2]],[[0,0,0.2],[0,0.6,0.2]],[[0,0,0.2],[0,-0.4,0.2]]];
Table_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.5],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,0,0.8]],[[0,0,0.5],[1.1,0,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[-1,0,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,0.5,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,-0.7,0.5]]];
Locker_EPOCH = [[[0,0,1.1],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0,0,2.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[1,0,1.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[-0.9,0,1.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0,0.4,1.1]],[[0,0,1.1],[0,-0.5,1.1]]];
ToolRack_EPOCH = [[[0,0,1.5],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,1.5],[0,0,2.3]],[[0,0,1.5],[1,0,1.5]],[[0,0,1.5],[-0.9,0,1.5]],[[0,0,1.5],[0,0.05,1.5]],[[0,0,1.5],[0,-0.4,1.5]]];
Shoebox_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.1],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.1],[0,0,0.3]],[[0,0,0.1],[0.3,0,0.1]],[[0,0,0.1],[-0.3,0,0.1]],[[0,0,0.1],[0,0.2,0.1]],[[0,0,0.1],[0,-0.2,0.1]]];
Tarp_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.2],[0,0,-0.1]],[[0,0,0.2],[0,0,1]],[[0,0,0.2],[0.9,0,0.2]],[[0,0,0.2],[-0.9,0,0.2]],[[0,0,0.2],[0,1,0.2]],[[0,0,0.2],[0,-0.9,0.2]]];
Freezer_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0.5],[0,0,-0.2]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,0,1.1]],[[0,0,0.5],[0.7,0,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[-0.7,0,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,0.5,0.5]],[[0,0,0.5],[0,-0.6,0.5]]];
Cabinet_EPOCH = [[[0,0,0],[0,0,-0.4]],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0.4]],[[0,0,0],[0.2,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[-0.2,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,0.3,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,-0.3,0]]];
EPOCH_buildClasses = [
EPOCH_buildClassesCount = count EPOCH_buildClasses - 1;
Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex = 0;
EPOCH_selectedBuildClass = EPOCH_buildClasses select 0;
EPOCH_objPOS = player modelToWorld[0, 5, 0.5];
if !(surfaceIsWater _currentPos) then {
EPOCH_objPOS = ATLtoASL _currentPos;
detach _x;
} forEach attachedObjects player;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj = EPOCH_selectedBuildClass createVehicle EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj setPosATL EPOCH_objPOS;
comment "EPOCH_currentBuildObj attachTo[player];";
EPOCH_selectedEditIndex = 0;
_pos = _this;
if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then {_pos = ASLToATL _pos};
EPOCH_KeyDownFunctionhandler = {
_dikCode = _this select 1;
_shift = _this select 2;
_ctrl = _this select 3;
_alt = _this select 4;
_handled = false;
switch (_dikCode) do {
case 0xC7 : {
_index = missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",0];
_index = _index + 1;
missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",_index];
hint str(_index);
_handled = true;
case 0xCF : {
_index = missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",0];
_index = _index - 1;
missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_selectedEditIndex",_index];
hint str(_index);
_handled = true;
case 0xC8 : {
hint "UP";
_extents = missionNamespace getVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,[[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]];
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
if (_ctrl) then {
_new pushBack ([[_extents1 select 0, _extents1 select 1, (_extents1 select 2)+0.1],[_extents2 select 0, _extents2 select 1, (_extents2 select 2)+0.1]]);
} else {
_new pushBack ([[_extents1 select 0, _extents1 select 1, (_extents1 select 2)],[_extents2 select 0, _extents2 select 1, (_extents2 select 2)+0.1]]);
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xD0 : {
hint "DOWN";
_extents = missionNamespace getVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,[[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]];
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
if (_ctrl) then {
_new pushBack ([[_extents1 select 0, _extents1 select 1, (_extents1 select 2)-0.1],[_extents2 select 0, _extents2 select 1, (_extents2 select 2)-0.1]]);
} else {
_new pushBack ([[_extents1 select 0, _extents1 select 1, (_extents1 select 2)],[_extents2 select 0, _extents2 select 1, (_extents2 select 2)-0.1]]);
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xCB : {
hint "LEFT";
_extents = missionNamespace getVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,[[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]];
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
if (_ctrl) then {
_new pushBack [[_extents1 select 0, (_extents1 select 1), _extents1 select 2],[_extents2 select 0, (_extents2 select 1)+0.1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack [[(_extents1 select 0), _extents1 select 1, _extents1 select 2],[(_extents2 select 0)+0.1, _extents2 select 1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xCD : {
hint "RIGHT";
_extents = missionNamespace getVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,[[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]];
_new = [];
if (_foreachindex == EPOCH_selectedEditIndex) then {
_extents1 = _x select 0;
_extents2 = _x select 1;
if (_ctrl) then {
_new pushBack [[_extents1 select 0, (_extents1 select 1), _extents1 select 2],[_extents2 select 0, (_extents2 select 1)-0.1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack [[(_extents1 select 0), _extents1 select 1, _extents1 select 2],[(_extents2 select 0)-0.1, _extents2 select 1, _extents2 select 2]];
} else {
_new pushBack _x;
} forEach _extents;
missionNamespace setVariable [EPOCH_selectedBuildClass,_new];
_handled = true;
case 0xC9 : {
Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex = ((Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex + 1) min EPOCH_buildClassesCount) max 0;
EPOCH_selectedBuildClass = EPOCH_buildClasses select Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex;
if !(isNull EPOCH_currentBuildObj) then {
deleteVehicle EPOCH_currentBuildObj;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj = EPOCH_selectedBuildClass createVehicle EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj setPosATL EPOCH_objPOS;
comment "EPOCH_currentBuildObj attachTo[player];";
hint EPOCH_selectedBuildClass;
_handled = true;
case 0xD1 : {
Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex = ((Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex - 1) min EPOCH_buildClassesCount) max 0;
EPOCH_selectedBuildClass = EPOCH_buildClasses select Epoch_selectedBuildClasIndex;
hint EPOCH_selectedBuildClass;
if !(isNull EPOCH_currentBuildObj) then {
deleteVehicle EPOCH_currentBuildObj;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj = EPOCH_selectedBuildClass createVehicle EPOCH_objPOS;
EPOCH_currentBuildObj setPosATL EPOCH_objPOS;
comment "EPOCH_currentBuildObj attachTo[player];";
_handled = true;
[] spawn {
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown",{_this call EPOCH_KeyDownFunctionhandler}];
onEachFrame {
_numberOfContacts = 0;
_maxWidth = 0;
_maxLength = 0;
_maxHeight = 0;
_getSettings = missionNamespace getVariable format["%1_MAX",(typeOf EPOCH_currentBuildObj)];
if !(isNil "_getSettings") then {
_maxWidth = _getSettings param [0,0];
_maxLength = _getSettings param [1,0];
_maxHeight = _getSettings param [2,0];
} else {
_bbr = boundingBoxReal EPOCH_currentBuildObj;
_p1 = _bbr select 0;
_p2 = _bbr select 1;
_maxWidth = abs ((_p2 select 0) - (_p1 select 0)/2);
_maxLength = abs ((_p2 select 1) - (_p1 select 1)/2);
_maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2));
missionNamespace setVariable [format["%1_MAX",(typeOf EPOCH_currentBuildObj)],[_maxWidth,_maxLength,_maxHeight]];
_color = [0,1,0,1];
_pos1 = EPOCH_currentBuildObj modelToWorld (_x select 0);
_pos2 = EPOCH_currentBuildObj modelToWorld (_x select 1);
_ins = lineIntersectsSurfaces [AGLToASL _pos2, AGLToASL _pos1,player,objNull,true,1,"VIEW","FIRE"];
(_ins select 0) params ["_intersectPosASL","_surfaceNormal","_intersectObject","_parentObject"];
if (_intersectObject isEqualTo EPOCH_currentBuildObj) then {
drawIcon3D ["a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa", [1,1,1,1], _pos1, 1, 1, 45, "start", 1, 0.02, "TahomaB"];
drawIcon3D ["a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa", [1,1,1,1], _pos2, 1, 1, 45, "stop", 1, 0.02, "TahomaB"];
} else {
drawIcon3D ["a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa", [1,1,1,1], ASLToATL (_ins select 0 select 0), 1, 1, 45, "no", 1, 0.02, "TahomaB"];
drawLine3D [_pos1,_pos2,_color];
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable format["%1",(typeOf EPOCH_currentBuildObj)]);