revert location changes + fix math in rads calc

This commit is contained in:
Raymix 2017-10-22 18:39:29 +01:00
parent faa26dfe5a
commit 25528b59c3
3 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ if (_outOfBounds) then {
//Reduce % radiation from max armor value possible
_maxArmor = (missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_MAX_ARMOR",[0,0,0,2300]]) select 3;
_currentArmorPercent = (((uniform player) call EPOCH_uniformArmorCalc) + ((vest player) call EPOCH_gearArmorCalc) + ((headgear player) call EPOCH_gearArmorCalc)) / _maxArmor * 100;
_currentArmor = ((uniform player) call EPOCH_uniformArmorCalc) + ((vest player) call EPOCH_gearArmorCalc) + ((headgear player) call EPOCH_gearArmorCalc);
_currentArmorPercent = 100 - (_currentArmor / _maxArmor * 100);
_radsLevel = _currentArmorPercent / 100 * _radsLevel;
//Reduce radiation by 50% for respirators (easy to find loot in construction sites?)

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@ -336,7 +336,9 @@ EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission = [];
_LastMissionTrigger = 0;
// setup radio active locations
_x params ["_loc", "_rads","_markers"];
_loc setVariable ["EPOCH_Rads", _rads];
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_radioactiveLocations", []]);

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@ -271,10 +271,9 @@ if !(_radioactiveLocations isEqualTo []) then {
_locations = _locations - [_selectedLoc];
_locSize = size _selectedLoc;
_radius = sqrt((_locSize select 0)^2 + (_locSize select 1)^2);
_radioactiveLocationsTmp pushBack [_selectedLoc,[random 666,_radius]];
private _position = locationPosition _selectedLoc;
_createdLoc = createLocation ["NameLocal", _position, _radius, _radius];
_markers = ["Radiation", _position] call EPOCH_server_createGlobalMarkerSet;
_radioactiveLocationsTmp pushBack [_createdLoc,[random 666,_radius],_markers];