Epoch Survival 0.4 b629

more BE kick fixes
removed pcre3.dll along with other uneeded files
epochserver.dll/so version requires update to
This commit is contained in:
vbawol 2016-10-30 17:29:48 -05:00
parent 9ba075c2dc
commit 54269db977
44 changed files with 26 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
[New] Dynamic and extensible inventory sub menu system for item interaction and crafting options. (Double click item in your inventory)
[Added] Vehicle immunity when a vehicle is left locked inside a player owned base (within jammer range) at server startup. Thanks to @morgoth0 for the feedback!
[Changed] Stamina loss when player jumps.
[Added] Stamina loss when a player jumps.
[Changed] Inventory Armor stats feature now dynamic and no longer forced via config.
[Changed] Group menu and group requests options are now found options on the self action menu. (SPACE BAR)
[Changed] Group menu and group requests options are now found options on the self-action menu. (SPACE BAR)
[Changed] Wardrobe mirror now works in single player.
[Changed] Jetski and Electric Motorcycle motorcycle in-vehicle HUD now works in singleplayer.
[Changed] Updated Tanoa trader city layout and added ATM's. Thanks to @morgoth0 (aka Grahame on EpochMod.com Forum)
[Changed] Jetski and Electric Motorcycle motorcycle in-vehicle HUD now functions in singleplayer or editor.
[Changed] Updated Tanoa trade city layout and added ATM's. Thanks to @morgoth0 (aka Grahame on EpochMod.com Forum)
[Changed] Players now start with only 30% Hunger and Thirst instead of 100%.
[Fixed] Increased mass of "Hotwire Kit" (ItemHotwire) magazine item from 2 to 50 to address balance issues. Thanks to PR from @Ignatz-HeMan
[Fixed] Disposal of Snakes and other animals when inside a protection zone.
[Fixed] Shark bite attack and effect can now target all players correctly.
[Fixed] Shark bite attack and effect can now target all players.
[Fixed] Female ghillie suit transparency issue since Arma update 1.62.
[Fixed] Fireplace position incorrectly shifted down after lighting fireplace. Thanks for the report by @Ignatz-HeMan #592
[Fixed] Fireplace position incorrectly shifted down after lighting the fireplace. Thanks for the report by @Ignatz-HeMan #592
[Fixed] Increased anti-teleport range that should hopefully allow for proper HALO spawning.
[Fixed] Typos in Battleye script.txt that caused the filter not to function properly.
[Fixed] Trailing commas in mission addons array. Thanks to a RP from @SPKcoding (aka $p4rky on EpochMod.com Forum)
Server Side Only:
[New] EpochServer.dll/so is now statically linked to pcre3 and hredis. On Windows this means that the pcre3.dll file in the arma 3 root can now be removed. On Linux we no longer depend on libhredis and libpcre to be installed.
[Fixed] Database logging now trims log entries via the LogLimit setting provided in EpochServer.ini. The default is 1000 log records per list.
Known Issues:
Jetski and Electric Motorcycle motorcycle in-vehicle HUD will not initialize if player is spawned inside vehicle, as display getin EH did not fire.
Selected Inventory item is deselected randomly.

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
BattlEyePath = C:\BattlEye
InstanceID = NA123
LogAbuse = 1
LogLimit = 999
IP =
Port = 2306
Password = changeme

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
A3 EPOCH Server Install Guide
Prerequisites (Windows):
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013:
@ -8,19 +8,17 @@ http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
1. Remove any previous @Epoch folders and Install A3 Epoch client files (@Epoch) into Arma3 root directory.
2. Copy the pcre3.dll and @EpochHive folder into your Arma3 root directory.
3. Open "DB" folder and start redis-server.exe with the parameter "redis.conf" or use start-redis.cmd. (Only one redis instance is needed per box, All servers connecting to the same redis will share character data by default.)
4. Open @EpochHive folder and edit EpochServer.ini BattlEyePath to match your server path to Battleye.
5. If running multiple servers on the same box, open "@EpochHive" folder and edit the "EpochServer.ini" setting "InstanceID" to a unique string for each A3 Epoch server.
6. Open "SC" folder and rename server-example.cfg to server.cfg edit the server.cfg server name, password, etc.
7. Open the SC/Battleye folder and rename example-BEServer.cfg to BEServer.cfg and change the RConPassword.
2. Open "DB" folder and start redis-server.exe with the parameter "redis.conf" or use start-redis.cmd. (Only one redis instance is needed per box, All servers connecting to the same redis will share character data by default.)
3. Open @EpochHive folder and edit EpochServer.ini BattlEyePath to match your server path to Battleye.
4. If running multiple servers on the same box, open "@EpochHive" folder and edit the "EpochServer.ini" setting "InstanceID" to a unique string for each A3 Epoch server.
5. Open "SC" folder and rename server-example.cfg to server.cfg edit the server.cfg server name, password, etc.
6. Open the SC/Battleye folder and rename example-BEServer.cfg to BEServer.cfg and change the RConPassword.
7. Look at the "start-A3-cmd-line-example.txt" file for an example command line for starting your server.
== NOTES ==
* As of Server Hotfix Build A you only need BEC (http://ibattle.org/) with watchdog plugin (included in BEC folder) if you use do not use a PVS prefix.
* You should use a service restarter (like firedaemon) to keep the redis server and Arma 3 server running.
* A3 Server should be restarted every 4 hours. A good option ssing BEC http://ibattle.org/ scheduler and the #shutdown rcon command works well. (Scheduler Example: https://gist.github.com/vbawol/38b2f57d89c2c36106b3)
* The log rotator found in tools should only need one path to Arma 3 changed and should be ran just before the Arma 3 server starts. (firedeamon Pre/post service: Before Event)
* It is recommended that you use ASM https://github.com/fred41/ASM to monitor your server performance.
* Go to http://epochmod.com/forum/ for more help if needed.
* Go to http://epochmod.com/forum/ for more help if needed. GLHF!

Binary file not shown.

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@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
7 createGroup !="EPOCH_server_createGroup" !="_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE;" !="if (isserver) then {\n_group = creategroup sidelogic;" !="grpVIPGeneral = createGroup RESISTANCE;" !="_grp = createGroup side _plyr;" !="_grp = createGroup side player;" !="_grp = createGroup _side;" !="_grp = createGroup (side _plyr);" !="createcenter sidelogic;\n_grpLogic = creategroup sidelogic;\nbis_functions_mainscope" !="_group = creategroup west;"
7 createVehicleCrew !="createvehiclecrew _x;"
7 createVehicleLocal !="\"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal" !="\"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal" !="\"BloodSplat\" createVehicleLocal" !="[\"lightning1_F\", \"lightning2_F\"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;\n_lighting = _class createVehicleLocal" !="SLX_XEH_DUMMY createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];" !="CBA_eventHandlers = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal [0, 0];"
7 createUnit !="_driver = _grp createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="axeGeneral = grpVIPGeneral createUnit [\"I_officer_F\", axeGeneralPos, [], 1, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="bis_functions_mainscope = _grpLogic createunit [\"Logic\",[9,9,9],[],0,\"none\"];" !="_unit = _grp createUnit[selectRandom _arrUnits, _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];"
7 createAgent !="bis_revive_ratioLethal = createAgent [\"Logic\", [10,10,0], [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 5, \"NONE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Cloak_F\", _pos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", _targetPos, [], 180, \"FORM\"];" !="_sapper = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", getPos _cage2, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, position player, [], _zRange, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"
7 createUnit !="_driver = _grp createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="axeGeneral = grpVIPGeneral createUnit [\"I_officer_F\", axeGeneralPos, [], 1, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="bis_functions_mainscope = _grpLogic createunit [\"Logic\",[9,9,9],[],0,\"none\"];" !="_unit = _grp createUnit[selectRandom _arrUnits, _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !="_driver = (group player) createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position axeUAV, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"
7 createAgent !="bis_revive_ratioLethal = createAgent [\"Logic\", [10,10,0], [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 5, \"NONE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Cloak_F\", _pos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", _targetPos, [], 180, \"FORM\"];" !="_sapper = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", getPos _cage2, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, position player, [], _zRange, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_axeSapper = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", _pos, [], 12, \"FORM\"];"
7 createTeam
7 createDialog !="createDialog \"rmx_dynamenu\";" !="createDialog \"rmx_craftingUI\";" !="createDialog \"QuickUpgrade\";" !="createDialog \"QuickTake\";" !="createDialog \"InteractBank\";" !="createdialog \"SelectGender\";" !="_handled = createdialog _dialog;" !="if !(createdialog \"InteractItem\") exitWith {};" !="createDialog _tapDiag;" !="if !(createdialog \"Trade\") exitWith {};" !="_ok = createdialog \"Interact\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"TradeNPCMenu\";" !="createDialog \"Epoch_myGroup\";" !="createDialog (if ((Epoch_my_GroupUID == \"\") && (Epoch_my_Group isEqualTo [])) then {\"EPOCH_createGrp\"} else {\"Epoch_myGroup\"});" !="createDialog \"GroupRequests\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"MissionSelect\";" !="createDialog 'Skaronator_AdminMenu';"
7 createDisplay !="createDisplay \"rmx_dynamenu\";" !="createDisplay \"rmx_moveDynamicHUD\";" !="_parent createdisplay _displayClass;" !="finddisplay 151 createdisplay 'RscDisplayOptionsLayout'"

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -128,5 +128,5 @@ class CfgServerVersion
client = "";
config = "";
hive = "";
hive = "";

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1 +1 @@