mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
move save stats to master loop and basic radiation system
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ if !(alive player && alive _playerObject && !isPlayer _playerObject) then {
deleteVehicle _playerObject;
true call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
EPOCH_forceUpdateNow = true;
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
// init
_forceUpdate = false;
_forceBloodRise = false;
_forceFatigue = false;
_allowBloodDrop = false;
@ -150,10 +149,7 @@ if (_forceStaminaDrop) then {
// force update
if (_forceUpdate) then {
true call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
// ~ debug
if (EPOCH_debugMode) then {
@ -273,3 +269,12 @@ if !(EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission isequalto []) then {
} foreach _taskDialogues;
// Update read only vars
EPOCH_playerRadiation = _playerRadiation;
// force update
if (EPOCH_forceUpdateNow) then {
EPOCH_forceUpdateNow = false;
call _fnc_forceUpdate;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if !(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo[]) then {
if (damage player != _damagePlayer) then {
if (alive player) then {
true call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
_forceUpdate = true;
_damagePlayer = damage player;
@ -33,16 +33,23 @@ if (currentVisionMode player == 1) then { //NV enabled
// Sets visual effect
if (EPOCH_playerAlcohol > 20) then {
_drunkVal = linearConversion [0,100,EPOCH_playerAlcohol,0.1,1,true];
[(round(_drunkVal * 10)/10), 2] call epoch_setDrunk;
_drunkVal = (linearConversion [0,100,EPOCH_playerAlcohol,0.1,1,true]) toFixed 2;
[_drunkVal, 2] call epoch_setDrunk;
} else {
[0, 2] call epoch_setDrunk;
// Sets visual effect
if (_playerRadiation > 1) then {
_radiationVal = linearConversion [0,100,_playerRadiation,0.1,1,true];
[(round(_radiationVal * 10)/10), 2] call epoch_setRadiation;
_radiationVal = (linearConversion [0,100,_playerRadiation,0.1,1,true]) toFixed 2;
[_radiationVal, 2] call epoch_setRadiation;
// if player has geiger counter make sound based on rads level
if ('GeigerCounter' in assignedItems player) then { // TODO change classname to match
_level = round(linearConversion [0,100,_radsLevel,0,3,true]);
_sound = format ["geiger_%1",_level];
playSound _sound;
} else {
[0, 2] call epoch_setRadiation;
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
// runs every 15 seconds
if !(_prevEquippedItem isEqualTo EPOCH_equippedItem_PVS) then {
_EPOCH_15 = _tickTime;
_prevEquippedItem = EPOCH_equippedItem_PVS;
EPOCH_equippedItem_PVS remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_equippedItem",2];
// force update
if (_forceUpdate || EPOCH_forceUpdate) then {
_forceUpdate = false;
EPOCH_forceUpdate = false;
call _fnc_forceUpdate;
@ -1,18 +1,38 @@
_position = getPosATL player;
EPOCH_nearestLocations = nearestLocations[player, ["NameCityCapital", "NameCity", "Airport"], 300];
_powerSources = nearestObjects[player, ["Land_spp_Tower_F","Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F","Land_wpp_Turbine_V1_F","SolarGen_EPOCH","Land_Wreck_Satellite_EPOCH"], _energyRange];
// TODO: add more sources and config based check instead of global var
_nearbyRadioactiveObjects = (_powerSources + EPOCH_nearestLocations) select {_x getVariable ["EPOCH_Rads", 0] > 0};
// check if player is out of map bounds.
_worldSize = worldSize/2;
_outOfBounds = !(player inArea [[_worldSize,_worldSize,0], _worldSize, _worldSize, 0, true ]);
if (_outOfBounds) then {
// player is out of map bounds, give ten times background rads
["You are out of the play area!", 5] call Epoch_message;
_radsLevel = _backgroundRadiation;
_playerRadiation = ((_playerRadiation + _radsLevel) min 100) max 0;
} else {
// do in bounds radiation checks here.
// radiated objects or locations nearby
if !(_nearbyRadioactiveObjects isEqualTo []) then {
// add extra rads based on intensity and distance from site.
_radioActiveSite = _nearbyRadioactiveObjects select 0;
_radsLevel = (_radioActiveSite getVariable ["EPOCH_Rads", 0]) / (player distance _radioActiveSite);
_playerRadiation = ((_playerRadiation + _radsLevel) min 100) max 0;
} else {
// handle reduction of rads in master loop
_anitRadiation = player getVariable ["EPOCH_antiRadiation", 0];
if (_anitRadiation > 0) then {
// lower radiation by 0.1 per tick
_playerRadiation = ((_playerRadiation - 0.1) min 100) max 0;
// lower anti rad level
player setVariable ["EPOCH_antiRadiation", _anitRadiation - 1];
EPOCH_nearestLocations = nearestLocations[player, ["NameCityCapital", "NameCity", "Airport"], 300];
EPOCH_playerIsSwimming = false;
if !(surfaceIsWater _position) then {
@ -37,7 +57,6 @@ EPOCH_nearPower = false;
EPOCH_chargeRate = 0;
// energy Charge from nearby power plants
_powerSources = nearestObjects[player, ["Land_spp_Tower_F","Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F","Land_wpp_Turbine_V1_F","SolarGen_EPOCH"], _energyRange];
if !(_powerSources isEqualTo[]) then {
_totalCapacity = 0;
@ -69,3 +88,6 @@ EPOCH_playerAlcohol = ((EPOCH_playerAlcohol - 1) min 100) max 0;
EPOCH_playerAliveTime = round(EPOCH_playerAliveTime + (_tickTime - EPOCH_clientAliveTimer));
EPOCH_clientAliveTimer = _tickTime;
// force update after 60 seconds
_forceUpdate = true;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
false call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
_spawnChance = ((EPOCH_playerNuisance + EPOCH_playerSoiled)/2) max 1;
// add more antagonist spawn chances
if (random _antagonistRndChance < _spawnChance) then {
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
//Updates favorites bar
call epoch_favBar_refresh;
call epoch_favBar_refresh;
@ -1,29 +1,60 @@
// make sure we wait for Display #46
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
// force update within 15 seconds
EPOCH_forceUpdate = false;
_forceUpdate = false;
// force update within 1 second
EPOCH_forceUpdateNow = false;
// init local player stat vars
_playerRadiation = EPOCH_playerRadiation;
// inline function to sync player stats to server
_fnc_forceUpdate = {
private _customVars = [];
// use local var from inside master loop
switch (_x) do {
case ("Radiation"): {
_customVars pushBack _playerRadiation;
default {
_customVars pushBack (missionNamespace getVariable format["EPOCH_player%1",_x]);
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable["EPOCH_customVars", []]);
[player,_customVars,missionNamespace getVariable "Epoch_personalToken"] remoteExec ["EPOCH_fnc_savePlayer",2];
// disable fuel sources client side.
{_x setFuelCargo 0;} foreach (missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_staticFuelSources", []]);
// setup display EH's
if (isNil "EPOCH_display_setup_complete") then {
EPOCH_display_setup_complete = true;
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [_x,(["CfgEpochClient", _x, ""] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];
} forEach (["CfgEpochClient", "displayAddEventHandler", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2);
// reset anim state
player switchMove "";
// setup Epoch Hud
call epoch_dynamicHUD_start;
EPOCH_display_setup_complete = true;
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [_x,(["CfgEpochClient", _x, ""] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];
} forEach (["CfgEpochClient", "displayAddEventHandler", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2);
// reset anim state
player switchMove "";
// setup Epoch Hud
call epoch_dynamicHUD_start;
// Background radiation
_backgroundRadiation = ["CfgEpochClient", "backgroundRadiation", 10] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_radsLevel = 0;
_prevEquippedItem = [];
_damagePlayer = damage player;
_isOnFoot = isNull objectParent player;
_panic = false;
_prevEnergy = EPOCH_playerEnergy;
// init config data
_antagonistRndChance = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistRngChance", 100] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
@ -50,13 +81,13 @@ _antagonistChances = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistChances", _antagonistChanceDe
// Init antagonist spawn limits
EPOCH_spawnIndex = [];
EPOCH_spawnLimits = [];
_spawnIndex = [];
_spawnLimits = [];
_antagonistSpawnDefaults = [
["Epoch_Cloak_F", 1],
["GreatWhite_F", 2],
@ -69,19 +100,29 @@ _spawnLimits = ["CfgEpochClient", "antagonistSpawnIndex", _antagonistSpawnDefaul
_x params ["_spawnName","_spawnLimit"];
if (_spawnName isEqualTo "EPOCH_RyanZombie_1") then {
if (EPOCH_mod_Ryanzombies_Enabled) then {
EPOCH_spawnIndex pushBack _spawnName;
EPOCH_spawnLimits pushBack _spawnLimit;
_spawnIndex pushBack _spawnName;
_spawnLimits pushBack _spawnLimit;
} else {
EPOCH_spawnIndex pushBack _spawnName;
EPOCH_spawnLimits pushBack _spawnLimit;
_spawnIndex pushBack _spawnName;
_spawnLimits pushBack _spawnLimit;
} forEach _spawnLimits;
EPOCH_spawnIndex = _spawnIndex;
EPOCH_spawnLimits = _spawnLimits;
_customVars = [];
_customVars pushBack (missionNamespace getVariable format["EPOCH_player%1",_x]);
} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable["EPOCH_customVars", []]);
_prevCustomVars = _customVars;
// default data if mismatch
if !(EPOCH_playerSpawnArray isEqualTypeParams EPOCH_spawnIndex) then{
if !(EPOCH_playerSpawnArray isEqualTypeParams _spawnIndex) then{
EPOCH_playerSpawnArray = [];
{ EPOCH_playerSpawnArray pushBack 0 } forEach EPOCH_spawnIndex;
{ EPOCH_playerSpawnArray pushBack 0 } forEach _spawnIndex;
// find radio
@ -68,18 +68,14 @@ _respawnButton ctrlEnable false;
[_display] spawn {
params ["_display"];
with missionNamespace do {
false call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
EPOCH_forceUpdate = true;
_startTime = diag_tickTime+5;
waitUntil {
uiSleep 0.2;
(isNull _display) || ((_startTime - diag_tickTime) <= 0)
if (!isNull _display) then {
with missionNamespace do {
true call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
EPOCH_forceUpdate = true;
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ if ((count _position) == 2) then{
_item = createVehicle[(selectRandom _satellites), _position, [], 0.0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// set rads
_item setVariable ["EPOCH_Rads", 100, true];
if (EPOCH_showSatellites) then{
_marker = createMarker[str(_position), _position];
_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user