Action change

Change selection in array to "" as the current selection is not built
into these non-epoch objects.
This commit is contained in:
DESKTOP-UH65DCE\MusTanG 2017-07-24 12:26:14 -05:00
parent 5fe2d99731
commit f68f616fea

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ _config = configFile >> "CfgEpoch";
_veh1 = createVehicle[_enterClass, _pos1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// force addaction on any other objects that are not setup properly
if !(_veh1 isKindOf "Transport_EPOCH") then {
[_veh1, [(localize "STR_EPOCH_Teleport"), {(_this select 0) call EPOCH_EnterBuilding}, [], 1, true, true, "Action", "alive _target", 3, false, "Epoch_Action_Point"]] remoteExec ["addAction", -2, _veh1, true];
[_veh1, [(localize "STR_EPOCH_Teleport"), {(_this select 0) call EPOCH_EnterBuilding}, [], 1, true, true, "Action", "alive _target", 3, false, ""]] remoteExec ["addAction", -2, _veh1, true];
_veh1 enableSimulationGlobal false;
_veh1 allowDamage false;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ _config = configFile >> "CfgEpoch";
_veh2 = createVehicle[_exitClass, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// force addaction on any other objects that are not setup properly
if !(_veh2 isKindOf "Transport_EPOCH") then {
[_veh2, [(localize "STR_EPOCH_Teleport"), {(_this select 0) call EPOCH_EnterBuilding}, [], 1, true, true, "Action", "alive _target", 3, false, "Epoch_Action_Point"]] remoteExec ["addAction", -2, _veh1, true];
[_veh2, [(localize "STR_EPOCH_Teleport"), {(_this select 0) call EPOCH_EnterBuilding}, [], 1, true, true, "Action", "alive _target", 3, false, ""]] remoteExec ["addAction", -2, _veh1, true];
_veh2 enableSimulationGlobal false;
_veh2 allowDamage false;