DESKTOP-UH65DCE\MusTanG 43958142b8 Community Stats System #1
Fully customizable system.
Base system laid out more so as an example.

Client side stat change with optional send to server.
Server side stat change with optional send to client.
Server is backed up with token check if sent from client.
2017-08-02 22:16:21 -05:00

49 lines
1.6 KiB

Author: DirtySanchez - EpochMod.com
Update player community stat
Can function as inbound stat adjustment from server side change
Can also function as client side adjustment and send to server for saving
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
// This will add +15 to the "ZedKills" index and will also update the server variable
["ZedKills",15,true] call EPOCH_client_updatePlayerStat;
_statType - STRING: the name of the variable as set in the EpochClientConfig defineCommunityStats[] = {};
_adjust - NUMBER: set the positive or negative adjustment, a value of 0 will exit the script
_toServer - BOOLEAN: (OPTIONAL): false by default
params [ ["_statType",""], ["_adjust",0], ["_toServer",false] ];
if(isNull player)exitWith{
diag_log "EPOCHDebug: updatePlayerStats -1- player is null object";
if(_statType isEqualTo "")exitWith{
diag_log "EPOCHDebug: updatePlayerStats -2- stat type not defined";
if(_adjust isEqualTo 0)exitWith{
diag_log "EPOCHDebug: updatePlayerStats -3- stat adjustment is 0";
_playerUID = getplayerUID player;
if(_playerUID isEqualTo "")exitWith{
diag_log "EPOCHDebug: updatePlayerStats -4- player UID is empty";
_statVarName = format["EPOCH_total%1",_statType];
_currentStat = missionNameSpace getVariable[_statVarName,0];
_newStat = _currentStat + _adjust;
missionNameSpace setVariable[_statVarName,_newStat];
[player, _statType, _adjust, false, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_fnc_updatePlayerStats",2];