Adjusted spawn mods. Reduced or removed Helis
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class CfgA3EAISettings {
levelRequiredGL = 1;
//Minimum AI unit level requirement to use launcher weapons. Set to -1 to disable completely. Launchers are unlootable and will be removed at death (Default: -1)
levelRequiredLauncher = 3;
levelRequiredLauncher = 1;
//List of launcher-type weapons that AI can use.
launcherTypes[] = {"launch_NLAW_F","launch_RPG32_F"};
@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ class CfgA3EAISettings {
//If enabled, A3EAI will remove all explosive ammo (missiles, rockets, bombs - but not HE rounds) from spawned AI air vehicles. (Default: 1)
//Affects: All AI air vehicle types (patrols/custom/reinforcement). Does not affect UAV/UGVs.
removeExplosiveAmmo = 1;
removeExplosiveAmmo = 0;
//if enabled, AI units suffer no damage from vehicle collisions. (Default: 1)
noCollisionDamage = 0;
//If enabled, AI killed by vehicle collisions will have their gear removed (Default: 1)
roadKillPenalty = 0;
/* Static Infantry AI Spawning Settings
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class CfgA3EAISettings {
//Global maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).
maxAirPatrols = 1;
maxAirPatrols = 0;
//Probability of spawning Level 0/1/2/3 AI air vehicle patrol spawns. Probabilities should add up to 1.00
levelChancesAir[] = {0.00,0.50,0.35,0.15};
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class CfgA3EAISettings {
//Maximum allowed number of simultaneous active reinforcements (Default: 5)
maxAirReinforcements = 5;
maxAirReinforcements = 2;
//Air vehicles to use as reinforcement vehicles. Default: {"B_Heli_Transport_01_F","B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"}
//Armed air vehicles will detect and engage players within reinforcement area. Unarmed air vehicles will deploy an AI paradrop group.
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ class CfgA3EAISettings {
//Global maximum number of active UGV patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).
maxUGVPatrols = 2;
maxUGVPatrols = 0;
//Classnames of UGV types to use, with the maximum amount of each type to spawn.
UGVList[] = {
@ -139,10 +139,10 @@
blck_RunGear = true; // When set to true, AI that have been run over will ve stripped of gear, and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage.
blck_RunGear = false; // When set to true, AI that have been run over will ve stripped of gear, and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage.
blck_RunGearDamage = 0.2; // Damage applied to player vehicle for each AI run over
blck_VK_Gear = true; // When set to true, AI that have been killed by a player in a vehicle in the list of forbidden vehicles or using a forbiden gun will be stripped of gear and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage
blck_VK_RunoverDamage = true; // when the AI was run over blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle.
blck_VK_Gear = false; // When set to true, AI that have been killed by a player in a vehicle in the list of forbidden vehicles or using a forbiden gun will be stripped of gear and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage
blck_VK_RunoverDamage = false; // when the AI was run over blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle.
blck_VK_GunnerDamage = false; // when the AI was killed by a gunner on a vehicle that is is in the list of forbidden vehicles, blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle each time an AI is killed with a vehicle's gun.
blck_forbidenVehicles = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"]; // Add any vehicles for which you wish to forbid vehicle kills
// For a listing of the guns mounted on various land vehicles see the following link:
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
blck_useKilledAIName = true; // When false, the name of the killer (player), weapon and distance are displayed; otherwise the name of the player, distance and name of AI unit killed are shown.
blck_useMines = false; // when true mines are spawned around the mission area. these are cleaned up when a player reaches the crate. Turn this off if you have vehicle patrols.
blck_cleanupCompositionTimer = 60*30; // Mission objects will be deleted after the mission is completed after a deley set by this timer.
blck_cleanupCompositionTimer = 60*60*5; // Mission objects will be deleted after the mission is completed after a deley set by this timer.
blck_cleanUpLootChests = false; // when true, loot crates will be deleted together with other mission objects.
blck_MissionTimeout = 60*60; // 60 min - missions will timeout and respawn in another location. This prevents missions in impossible locations from persisting.
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
// When true, AI loadouts will be set from the class names in CfgPricing rather than the settings in the mod-specific configuration files
blck_useConfigsGeneratedLoadouts = false;
blck_useConfigsGeneratedLoadouts = true;
blck_logBlacklistedItems = true;
//blck_maximumitempriceinai_loadouts = 1000;
// lists of black-listed items to be excluded from dynamic loadouts
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
//blck_launcherTypes = ["launch_NLAW_F","launch_RPG32_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_short_F","launch_I_Titan_short_F","launch_O_Titan_short_F"];
blck_launcherTypes = ["launch_RPG32_F"];
blck_launchersPerGroup = 1; // Defines the number of AI per group spawned with a launcher
blck_launcherCleanup = true;// When true, launchers and launcher ammo are removed from dead AI.
blck_launcherCleanup = false;// When true, launchers and launcher ammo are removed from dead AI.
blck_minimumPatrolRadius = 22; // AI will patrol within a circle with radius of approximately min-max meters. note that because of the way waypoints are completed they may more more or less than this distance.
blck_maximumPatrolRadius = 45;
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
// values are ordered as follows [blue, red, green, orange];
blck_AIIntelligence = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9];
blck_baseSkill = 1.0; // The overal skill of the AI - range 0.1 to 1.0.
blck_baseSkill = 0.5; // The overal skill of the AI - range 0.1 to 1.0.
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ DZMSCntHumanity = 25;
// Do You Want AI to use NVGs?
//(They are deleted on death)
DZMSUseNVG = true;
DZMSUseNVG = false;
// Do you want AI to use RPG7V's?
//(Only one unit per group spawn will have one)
DZMSUseRPG = false;
DZMSUseRPG = true;
// Do you want AI kills to count as bandit kills?
DZMSCntBanditKls = true;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ DZMSSkills2 = [
DZMSSkills3 = [
DZMSSkills3 = [
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ DZMSGear0 = ["FAK","FAK","ItemAntibiotic","ItemPainkiller","ItemSodaRbull","meat
DZMSGear1 = ["FAK","FAK","ItemPainkillers","morphine_epoch","ItemSodaPurple","redburger_epoch"];
DZMSGear2 = ["FAK","Towelette","ItemBloodbag","ItemPainkillers","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","sardines_epoch"];
DZMSGear2 = ["FAK","Towelette","ItemPainkillers","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","sardines_epoch"];
DZMSGear3 = ["FAK","FAK","morphine_epoch","ItemHeatPack","ItemSodaAlpineDude","TacticalBacon"];
DZMSGear4 = ["FAK","Towelette","atropine_epoch","ItemBloodBag_Full","FoodWalkNSons","sweetcorn_epoch"];
DZMSGear4 = ["FAK","Towelette","atropine_epoch","FoodWalkNSons","sweetcorn_epoch"];
// These are the backpacks that can be assigned to AI units.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
punishRoadKills = no; // enable/disable respect deduction if player roadkills AI
removeAllAssignedItems = no; // enable/disable removal of Map, Compass, Watch and Radio from all AI
sayKilled = yes; // enable/disable AI kill messages
sayKilledName = no; // enable/disable the usage of AI's names instead of just "AI"
sayKilledName = yes; // enable/disable the usage of AI's names instead of just "AI"
timeOutTime = 25; // enable/disable mission timeOutTime (in minutes)
validateLoot = yes; // enable/disable validation of all defined loot classnames. Checks if classnames exist in server's game configFile
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
aiMode = random; // options: random | 0 (Guerilla) | 1 (Regular Police) | 2 (Police SF (Special Forces)) | 3 (Gendarmerie (needs Apex DLC)) | 4 (Apex Bandits (needs Apex DLC)) | manual (uses AIequipment class)
behaviour = "CARELESS"; // optional: random |
enableAttack = false; //
enabled = no; // enable/disable this addon
enableAttack = true; //
enabled = yes; // enable/disable this addon
combatMode = "BLUE"; //
freeze = no;
from[] = { { position }, { position } };
@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
class DynamicLocationInvasion // DynamicLocationInvasion (mission) settings
allowCrateLift = 0; // Allow/disallow the loot crate to be lifted with helicopter
allowCrateLift = 1; // Allow/disallow the loot crate to be lifted with helicopter
allowLaunchers = yes; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers
allowRepeat = no; // Allow/disallow re-invading of a previously invaded city/town/location
announce = yes; // enable/disable mission notificatons
cal50s = 3; // Max amount of .50 caliber machineguns at mission | Needs to be lower than total unit count per mission
cal50s = 1; // Max amount of .50 caliber machineguns at mission | Needs to be lower than total unit count per mission
cal50sDelete = yes; // enable/disable the removal of .50cal | optional: destroy
class crateSettings
allowThermalHelmets = no; // Allow/disallow special (Apex) thermal-vision helmets in loot crate
allowThermalHelmets = yes; // Allow/disallow special (Apex) thermal-vision helmets in loot crate
rifleSlotsMax = 7; // Maximum primary weapons in each loot crate
rifleSlotsMin = 2; // Minimum primary weapons in each loot crate
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
class heliPatrol
enabled = yes;
enabled = no;
classesVanilla[] = { "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F", "B_Heli_Attack_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_v2_F", "I_Heli_light_03_F" }; // the types of heli(s)
classesHeliDLC[] = { };
classesApex[] = { "B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_sand_F", "B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_tropic_F" };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user