35 lines
998 B
35 lines
998 B
execVM "debug\blckClient.sqf";
#include "A3EAI_Client\A3EAI_initclient.sqf";
if hasInterface then
[] ExecVM "addons\Status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf";
[] ExecVM "VEMFr_client\sqf\initClient.sqf"; // Client-side part of VEMFr
//FlipVic = compileFinal preProcessFileLineNumbers "scripts\flip.sqf";
execVM "scripts\playermarker.sqf";
execVM "addons\service_point\service_point.sqf";
//Advanced towing only tow 1 car
//Test of AI mod
TCL_Path = "TCL_System\";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (TCL_Path+"TCL_Preprocess.sqf");
// Control the epoch ai limit per player
// 1. Epoch_Cloak_F = Cultist
// 2. GreatWhite_F = Great White Shark
// 3. Epoch_Sapper_F = Regular Sapper
// 4. Epoch_SapperB_F = Super Sapper (dark)
// 5. I_UAV_01_F = UAV (that spawns the AI)
// 6. PHANTOM = Invisible phantom
// 7. B_Heli_Transport_01_F = Transport helicopter for the mission system
EPOCH_spawnLimits = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1];
execVM "addons\drag_body\H8_dragBody.sqf";