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synced 2024-08-30 16:02:11 +00:00
Removed most debugging code. Static missions randomly selected from a list of available missions. See changelog for details.
119 lines
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119 lines
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For each mission for which data was precompiled test if the current time is greater than the time at which a mission of that 'color' should be spawned.
If so, that mission is initialized and added to the cue of available missions.
By Ghostrider [GRG]
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\GMS\Compiles\Init\GMS_defines.hpp"
// TODO: Need to debug for GMS
if (GMS_missionsRunning >= GMS_maxSpawnedMissions) exitWith
[format["_spawnNewMissions (18): GMS_maxSpawnedMissions of %1 Reached",GMS_maxSpawnedMissions]] call GMS_fnc_log;
for "_i" from 1 to (count GMS_missionData) do
if (_i > (count GMS_missionData)) exitWith {};
private _missionDescriptors = GMS_missionData deleteAt 0;
// _missionDescriptor is configures as follows:
private _mission = [
_key, // We can search for this key or for _missionDescriptors if we need to delete this particular mission.
_noMissions, // Max no missions of this category
0, // Number active
_tMin, // Used to calculate waittime in the future
_tMax, // as above
_waitTime, // time at which a mission should be spawned
_missionsData, // Array of data about individual missions that could be spawned. The data table for each mission is defined in _missionSpawner
_missionDescriptors params["_key","_difficulty","_maxMissions","_activeMissions","_tMin","_tMax","_waitTime","_missionsData","_isStatic"];
// Just in case there are no missions to choose from for some reason.
// But this could happen if all of the available missions had reached their maximal number of respawns.
// Note that an element with an empty _missionsData array is not added back for future evaluation.
if !(_missionsData isEqualTo []) then {
_activeMissions = the number of active missions allowed of this type which can be, for example, blue missions or static missions.
_maxMissions = the maximum number of missions allowed of this type.
_waitTime = at what time can the next mission be spawned.
if (_activeMissions < _maxMissions && {diag_tickTime > _waitTime && {GMS_missionsRunning < GMS_maxSpawnedMissions}}) then
// time to reset timers and spawn something.
private _missionSelected = selectRandom _missionsData;
// _missionSelected is configured as:
params [
_aiDifficultyLevel, // index 0
_markerConfigs, // index 1
_endCondition, // index 2
_isscubamission, // index 3
_missionLootConfigs, // index 4
_aiConfigs, // index 5
_missionMessages, // index 6
_paraConfigs, // index 8
_defaultMissionLocations, // index 9
_maxMissionRespawns, // index 10
_timesSpawned, // index 11
_chanceMissionSpawned, // index 12
_isSpawned, // index 13
_spawnedAt // index 14
private _missionInitialized = [_key,_missionSelected,GMS_MissionsSpawned,_isStatic] call GMS_fnc_initializeMission;
//[format["_spawnNewMissions (78) GMS_fnc_initializeMission returned %1",_missionInitialized]] call GMS_fnc_log;
switch (_missionInitialized) do
case -2: {
// Handle the case in which a mission has been spawned _maxmissionRespawns
[format["_spawnNewMission (82): count _missionsData before deletion = %1", count _missionsData]] call GMS_fnc_log;
private _posn = _missionsData findIf {(_x select 0) isEqualTo _key};
_missionsData deleteAt _posn;
[format["_spawnNewMission (85): count _missionsData after deletion = %1", count _missionsData]] call GMS_fnc_log;
#define missionsData 7
_missionDescriptors set [missionsData, _missionsData];
case -1: {
#define waitTime 6
private _wt = diag_tickTime + _tmin + (random(_tMax - _tMin));
_missionDescriptors set[waitTime, _wt];
case 1: {
GMS_MissionsSpawned = GMS_MissionsSpawned + 1;
#define waitTime 6
#define noActive 3
private _wt = diag_tickTime + _tmin + (random(_tMax - _tMin));
_missionDescriptors set[waitTime, _wt];
_missionDescriptors set[noActive, _activeMissions + 1];
case 2: { // A special case for static missions that have never been spawned that did not pass the test for chance of a spawn. Here we set waitTime to 60 sec.
#define waitTime 6
private _wt = diag_tickTime + 60;
_missionDescriptors set[waitTime, _wt];
case 3: {
// Nothing to do here at this time.
GMS_missionData pushBack _missionDescriptors;
private _exitcode = 1;