Ghostrider [GRG] d4a7542d5f Added Support for Static Missions
And tweaked some code
And Fixed one bug with spawning aircraft.
2023-09-25 15:54:52 -04:00

119 lines
3.7 KiB

class cfg3DEN
class EventHandlers
class gms3DEN
OnMissionLoad = "diag_log format['Mission loaded at %1',diag_tickTime]; call gms3DEN_fnc_initialize";
OnMissionNew = "diag_log format['New Mission Created at %1',diag_tickTime]; call gms3DEN_fnc_initialize";
//onHistoryChange = "call gms3DEN_fnc_updateObjects";
class Attributes
class Default;
class Title: Default
class Controls
class Title;
class CheckBox;
class gms3DENCheckboxLootVehControl: CheckBox
Use on: Display, Control
Fired on: Fires when UI container is created, but no action is taken. The onLoad event for display fires after the onLoad events for all controls it contains are fired.
Returns: Display or control, for controls it also returns the control's config (since
Arma 3 logo black.png
params ["_displayOrControl", ["_config", configNull]];
onload = "\
params ['_displayOrControl', ['_config', configNull]];\
diag_log format['_displayControl = %1 | _config = %2',_displayControl,_config];\
[] call gms3DEN_fnc_onLoadLootVeh;\
//onUnload = "diag_log 'onUnload for loot veh'";
AttributeLoad = "\
_checked = switch (true) do {\
case (_value isequaltype 0): {([false,true] select (_value max 0 min 1))};\
case (_value isequaltype ''): {([false,true] select ((parsenumber _value) max 0 min 1))};\
default {_value};\
(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) cbsetchecked _checked;\
diag_log format['onAttributeLoad:lootVehControl: _checked = %1',_checked];\
AttributeSave = "\
cbchecked (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100);\
diag_log format['onattributesave:lootVehControl: _checked = %1',cbchecked (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100)];\
class gms3DENCLootVehicleColorControl: CheckBox
onload = "\
params ['_displayOrControl', ['_config', configNull]];\
diag_log format['_displayControl = %1 | _config = %2',_displayControl,_config];\
[] call gms3DEN_fnc_onLoadLootVehColor;\
//onUnload = "diag_log 'onUnload for loot veh'";
AttributeLoad = "\
_checked = switch (true) do {\
case (_value isequaltype 0): {([false,true] select (_value max 0 min 1))};\
case (_value isequaltype ''): {([false,true] select ((parsenumber _value) max 0 min 1))};\
default {_value};\
(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) cbsetchecked _checked;\
diag_log format['onAttributeLoad:lootVehControlColor: _checked = %1',_checked];\
AttributeSave = "\
cbchecked (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100);\
diag_log format['onattributesave:lootVehColorControl: _checked = %1',cbchecked (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100)];\
[cbchecked (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100)] call gms3DEN_fnc_setLootVehColor;\
class Object
class AttributeCategories
class gms3DENlootVehicles
displayName = "Loot Vehicle";
collapsed = 1;
class Attributes
class lootVehicleAttribute
displayName = "Loot Vehicle";
tooltip = "Set box to checked for loot vehicles";
property = "gmsIsLootVehicle";
control = "gms3DENCheckboxLootVehControl";
condition = "objectVehicle ";
expression = "_this setVariable ['%s',_value];";
defaultValue = "false";
class lootVehicleColorAttribute
displayName = "Color On";
tooltip = "Check box to color this loot vehicle";
property = "gmsLootVehicleColor";
control = "gms3DENCLootVehicleColorControl";
condition = "objectVehicle ";
expression = "_this setVariable ['%s',_value];";
defaultValue = "false";