Sarge-AI/Sarge AI Files/scripts/UPSMON.sqf
Teh Dango 1218f04f15 2.1.1
Pushing this due to the greatly improved HC logic compared to the
current logic. This minor update includes a new variable to control kill
messages and track AI kills.
2016-04-02 12:18:10 -04:00

392 lines
13 KiB

//if (!isServer) exitWith {};
if (!isServer && hasInterface ) exitWith {};
if (isNil("UPSMON_INIT")) then {
if (isNil("UPSMON_Night")) then {
UPSMON_Night = false;
waitUntil {UPSMON_INIT==1};
if ((count _this)<2) exitWith
If (UPSMON_Debug > 0) then {hint "UPSMON: Unit and marker name have to be defined!"};
//=================== Group ======================================
private ["_obj","_npc","_Ucthis","_grpid","_side","_grpname","_grp","_currpos","_behaviour","_formation","_speed","_members","_grptype","_areamarker","_centerpos","_centerX","_centerY","_areasize","_area","_rangeX","_rangeY","_grpmission","_spawned","_unitstypes","_respawn","_respawnpos","_respawntime","_respawndelay","_template","_issoldier","_hostility","_onroad","_shareinfos","_noveh","_fortify","_nowpType","_ambush","_radiorange","_initpos","_bldpositions","_positiontoambush","_wait","_time"];
//group or leader
_obj = _this select 0;
If ((typename _obj != "OBJECT" && typename _obj != "GROUP") || IsNil "_obj" || IsNull _obj) exitwith
If (UPSMON_Debug > 0) then {Hint "UPSMON: Unit not defined!"};
// Get leader
_npc = [_obj] call UPSMON_SetLeaderGrp;
If (!alive _npc) exitwith
If (UPSMON_Debug > 0) then {Hint "UPSMON: Leader is dead!"};
// Get parameters
_Ucthis = [_this] call UPSMON_GetParams;
// give this group a unique index
UPSMON_Instances = UPSMON_Instances + 1;
_grpid = UPSMON_Instances;
// group infos
_side = side _npc;
_grpname = format["%1_%2",_side,_grpid];
_grp = group _npc;
_currpos = GetposATL _npc;
_behaviour = [_npc,_Ucthis] call UPSMON_GetGroupbehaviour;
_formation = [_npc,_Ucthis] call UPSMON_GetGroupformation;
_speed = [_npc,_Ucthis] call UPSMON_GetGroupspeed;
_members = units _grp;
// what type of "vehicle" is _npc ?
_grptype = [_npc] call UPSMON_grptype;
//Set EH
[_members,_Ucthis,_grpid] spawn UPSMON_SetEventhandlers;
_grp setVariable ["UPSMON_Ucthis", _Ucthis, false];
_grp setVariable ["UPSMON_grpid", _grpid, false];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Origin",[_currpos,_behaviour,_speed,_formation,_members,_side]];
// == get the name of area marker ==============================================
_areamarker = _this select 1;
if (typename _areamarker != "STRING" || isNil ("_areamarker")) exitWith
hint "UPSMON: Area marker not defined.\n(Typo, or name not enclosed in quotation marks?)";
[_grp,_areamarker,_Ucthis] spawn UPSMON_SetMarkerArea;
_grp setVariable ["UPSMON_Marker", _areamarker, false];
// remember center position of area marker
_centerpos = getMarkerPos _areamarker;
_centerX = abs(_centerpos select 0);
_centerY = abs(_centerpos select 1);
_centerpos = [_centerX,_centerY];
// X/Y range of target area
_areasize = getMarkerSize _areamarker;
_rangeX = _areasize select 0;
_rangeY = _areasize select 1;
_area = abs((_rangeX * _rangeY) ^ 0.5);
// ===============================================
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: New instance %2",_grpname,_grpid]};
//To not run all at the same time we hope to have as many seconds as id's
sleep (random 0.8);
_grpmission = "PATROL";
UPSMON_Total = UPSMON_Total + (count _members);
if (UPSMON_Debug>0 && !alive _npc) then {player sidechat format["%1 There is no alive members %1 %2 %3",_grpid,typename _npc,typeof _npc, count units _npc]};
///================= Optional parameters ===================================
//Track Option
If ("TRACK" in _UCthis || UPSMON_Debug > 0) then {UPSMON_Trackednpcs pushback _grp;};
// Spawn part ===================================
//spawned for squads created in runtime
_spawned= if ("SPAWNED" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
if (_spawned) then
//if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: squad has been spawned, respawns %2",_grpid,_respawnmax]};
switch (side _grp) do
case west:
UPSMON_AllWest=UPSMON_AllWest + units _npc;
case east:
UPSMON_AllEast=UPSMON_AllEast + units _npc;
case resistance:
UPSMON_AllRes=UPSMON_AllRes + units _npc;
if (side _grp != civilian) then {call (compile format ["UPSMON_%1_Total = UPSMON_%1_Total + count (units _npc)",side _npc]);};
_unitstypes = [_members] call UPSMON_Getmemberstype;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RESPAWNUNITS",_unitstypes];
_respawn = if ("RESPAWN" in _UCthis || "RESPAWN:" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
_respawnpos = [_Ucthis,_npc] call UPSMON_GetRespawnpos;
_respawntime = [_Ucthis] call UPSMON_GetRespawntime;
_respawndelay = [_Ucthis] call UPSMON_GetRespawndelay;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RESPAWN",_respawn];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RESPAWNPOS",_respawnpos];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RESPAWNTIME",_respawntime];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RESPAWNDELAY",_respawndelay];
_template = ["TEMPLATE:",0,_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
[_spawned,_template,_side,_unitstypes] spawn UPSMON_SetTemplate;
[_Ucthis,_unitstypes] spawn UPSMON_SetClones;
// suppress fight behaviour
_isSoldier = if ("NOAI" in _UCthis || _side == CIVILIAN) then {false} else {true};
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOAI",_isSoldier];
If (_side == CIVILIAN) then
_hostility = ["Hostility:",0,_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_GrpHostility",_hostility]
// create _targerpoint on the roads only (by this group)
_onroad = if ("ONROAD" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_ONROAD",_onroad];
// Group will not throw smoke
if ("NOSMOKE" in _UCthis) then {_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOSMOKE",true]};
//Do group share infos ?
_shareinfos = If ("NOSHARE" in _UCthis) then {false} else {true};
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Shareinfos",_shareinfos];
// Group will not call artillery support
if ("NOARTILLERY" in _UCthis) then {_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOARTILLERY",true];};
// Squad will not leave his marker area
if ("NOFOLLOW" in _UCthis) then {_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOFOLLOW",true];};
// do not search for vehicles (unless in fight and combat vehicles)
_noveh = if ("NOVEH" in _UCthis) then {1} else {0};
_noveh = if ("NOVEH2" in _UCthis) then {2} else {_noveh}; // Ajout
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOVEH",_noveh];
[_grp,_Ucthis] call UPSMON_SetRenfParam;
//fortify group in near places
_fortify= if ("FORTIFY" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
_fortifyorig = if ("FORTIFY" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
if ("TRANSPORT" in _UCthis) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_TRANSPORT",true];
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) == 0) then {_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",["WAITING",_currpos,Objnull]]};
If (_grptype == "IsAir") then {_h1 = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F",_currpos, [], 0, "NONE"];};
switch (_side) do {
case West: {
case EAST: {
//Patrol in building
If ("LANDDROP" in _UCthis) then {_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_LANDDROP",true];};
// don't make waypoints
_nowpType = if ("NOWP" in _UCthis) then {1} else {0};
_nowpType = if ("NOWP2" in _UCthis) then {2} else {_nowpType};
_nowpType = if ("NOWP3" in _UCthis) then {3} else {_nowpType};
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOWP",_nowpType];
//Ambush squad will no move until in combat or so close enemy
_ambush= if (("AMBUSH" in _UCthis) || ("AMBUSHDIR:" in _UCthis) || ("AMBUSH2" in _UCthis) || ("AMBUSHDIR2:" in _UCthis)) then {true} else {false};
// Range of AI radio so AI can call Arty or Reinforcement
_RadioRange = ["RADIORANGE:",8000,_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg; // ajout
// set drop units at random positions
_initpos = "ORIGINAL";
if ("RANDOM" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOM"};
if ("RANDOMUP" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOMUP"};
if ("RANDOMDN" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOMDN"};
if ("RANDOMA" in _UCthis) then {_initpos = "RANDOMA"};
// don't position groups or vehicles on rooftops
if ((_initpos!="ORIGINAL") && (_grptype != "IsMan")) then {_initpos="RANDOM"};
//============== initialization Random / Ambush / Fortify ======================
// make start position random
if (_initpos!="ORIGINAL") then
// find a random position (try a max of 20 positions)
_bldpositions = [];
_currPos = [];
_range = _rangeX;
if (_rangeX < _rangeY) then {_range = _rangeY};
if (_initpos=="RANDOM") then
while {_try<20} do
if (_grptype == "Isboat" || _grptype == "Isdiver") then
_currPos = [_areamarker,2,[],1] call UPSMON_pos;
_currPos=[_areamarker,0,[],1] call UPSMON_pos;
if (count _currPos > 0) then {_try=99};
sleep .01;
//(_initpos=="RANDOMUP") || (_initpos=="RANDOMDN") || (_initpos=="RANDOMA")
_bldpositions = [[_centerX,_centerY,0],_initpos,_range,_areamarker,true] call UPSMON_GetNearestBuildings;
if (count _bldpositions == 0) then
if (count _currPos == 0) then {_currPos = getPosATL _npc;};
{ //man
if (vehicle _x == _x) then
_targetpos = _currPos findEmptyPosition [0, 50];
sleep .05;
if (count _targetpos == 0) then {_targetpos = _currpos};
_x setpos _targetpos;
_targetpos = [];
If (_grptype != "Isboat") then {_targetpos = _currPos findEmptyPosition [10,50];};
sleep .05;
if (count _targetpos == 0) then {_targetpos = _currpos};
_x setPos _targetpos;
} foreach units _npc;
// put the unit on top of a building
_units = [units _npc] call UPSMON_getunits;
_grpmission = "STATIC";
If (_nowpType == 3) then
_unitsin = [_npc,["static"],_range,true,_areamarker] call UPSMON_GetIn_NearestVehicles;
_units = _units - _unitsin;
_grpmission = "FORTIFY";
[_grp,[0,0],"HOLD","LINE","LIMITED","AWARE","YELLOW",1] call UPSMON_DocreateWP;
_nowpType = 1; // don't move if on roof
If (count _units > 0) then {_units = [_units,_bldpositions] call UPSMON_SpawninBuildings;};
_currPos = getPosATL _npc;
_combatmode = "YELLOW";
If (_ambush) then
[_grp,[0,0],"HOLD","LINE","LIMITED","STEALTH","BLUE",1] call UPSMON_DocreateWP;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_AMBUSHFIRE",false];
If !(isNil "bdetect_enable") then {_x setVariable ["bcombat_task", [ "", "mydummytask", 100, [] ] ];};
} foreach units _npc;
_positiontoambush = [_grp,_Ucthis,_currpos] call UPSMON_getAmbushpos;
_grpmission = "AMBUSH";
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Positiontoambush",_positiontoambush];
_wait = ["AMBUSHWAIT:",500,_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
_time = time + _wait;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_AMBUSHWAIT",_time];
_linkdistance = ["LINKED:",0,_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_LINKED",_linkdistance];
_Behaviour = "STEALTH";
_combatmode = "BLUE";
if (_fortify) then
[_grp,[0,0],"HOLD","LINE","LIMITED","AWARE","YELLOW",1] call UPSMON_DocreateWP;
_unitsin = [_npc,["static"],50,false,""] call UPSMON_GetIn_NearestVehicles;
_units = (units _grp) - _unitsin;
if ( count _units > 0 ) then
_units = [_npc,_units,70,9999] call UPSMON_moveNearestBuildings;
If (count _units > 0) then
_lookpos = [getposATL _npc,getdir _npc, 20] call UPSMON_GetPos2D;
[getposATL _npc,_lookpos,50,false,_units] call UPSMON_fnc_find_cover;
_grpmission = "FORTIFY";
If ("RELAX" in _Ucthis) then {_grpmission = "RELAX";_nowtype = 2;};
If (_nowpType > 0 && _grpmission != "FORTIFY") then {_grpmission = "STATIC"};
{_x allowfleeing 0;} foreach units _grp;
_grp enableAttack false;
_npc setbehaviour _Behaviour;
_npc setspeedmode _speed;
_grp setformation _formation;
_grp setcombatmode _combatmode;
// did the leader die?
_npc = [_npc,_grp] call UPSMON_getleader;
if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || isplayer _npc ) exitwith {};
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_GrpStatus","GREEN"];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_GrpMission",_grpmission];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_OrgGrpMission",_grpmission];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Lastinfos",[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_NOWP",_nowpType];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Removegroup",false];
//Assign the current group in the array of UPSMON Groups
If (_side != civilian) then
If (!(_grp in UPSMON_NPCs)) then {UPSMON_NPCs pushback _grp;};
If (!(_grp in UPSMON_Civs)) then {UPSMON_Civs pushback _grp;};