New settings and tweaks

This commit is contained in:
IT07 2016-07-02 16:19:18 +02:00
parent ea729141c2
commit 409cd49fb3

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
punishRoadKills = 1; // Enable/disable respect deduction if player roadkills AI
removeAllAssignedItems = 0; // Enable/disable removal of Map, Compass, Watch and Radio from all AI
sayKilled = 1; // Enable/disable AI kill messages
sayKilledName = 0; // Enable/disable the usage of AI's names instead of just "AI"
timeOutTime = 25; // Enable/disable mission timeOutTime (in minutes)
validateLoot = 1; // Enable/disable validation of all defined loot classnames. Checks if classnames exist in server's game configFile
@ -75,9 +76,9 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
class BaseAttack // WORK IN PROGRESS!!
{ // BaseAttack (mission) settings
aiLaunchers = 1; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers
aiMode = 1; // 0 = "military" | 1 = Police | 2 = S.W.A.T.
aiSetup[] = {2,5}; // format: {amountOfGroups,unitsInEachGroup};
allowLaunchers = 1; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers
hasLauncherChance = 25; // In percentage. How big the chance that each AI gets a launcher
maxAttacks = 5; // Maximum amount of active attacks at the same time | can not be turned off
minimumLevel = 2; // Minimum required level of base before it can get attacked
@ -92,28 +93,37 @@ class CfgVemfReloaded
class DynamicLocationInvasion
{ // DynamicLocationInvasion (mission) settings
allowCrateLift = 0; // Allow/disallow the loot crate to be lifted with helicopter
aiLaunchers = 1; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers
allowLaunchers = 1; // Allow/disallow AI to have rocket launchers
allowRepeat = 0; // Allow/disallow re-invading of a previously invaded city/town/location
announce = 1; // Enable/disable mission notificatons
cal50s = 3; // Max amount of .50 caliber machineguns at mission | Needs to be lower than total unit count per mission
cal50sDelete = 1; // Enable/disable the removal of .50cal | 2 = destroy (not remove)
class crateParachute
enabled = 0; // Enable/disable parachute of the loot crate
altitude = 250; // loot crate spawn-altitude in meters
crateTypes[] = {"I_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","O_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","I_supplyCrate_F","Box_East_AmmoVeh_F","Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F"};
flairTypes[] = {"Chemlight_green","Chemlight_red","Chemlight_yellow","Chemlight_blue"};
groupCount[] = {2,4}; // In format: {minimum, maximum}; VEMF will pick a random number between min and max. If you want the same amount always, use same numbers for minimum and maximum.
groupUnits[] = {4,6}; // How much units in each group. Works the same like groupCount
hasLauncherChance = 25; // In percentage. How big the chance that each AI gets a launcher
heliPatrol[] = {1, {"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F"}}; // Enable/disable heli patrol at mission location and set the types of heli(s)
heliLocked = 0; // Enable/disable heli lock to prevent/allow players from flying it
marker = 1; // Enable/disable mission markers
class heliPatrol
enabled = 1;
classes[] = {"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F"}; // the types of heli(s)
locked = 0; // Enable/disable heli lock to prevent/allow players from flying it
useMarker = 1; // Enable/disable mission markers
markCrateOnMap = 1; // Enable/disable loot crate marker on map called "Loot"
markCrateVisual = 1; // Enable/disable loot crate VISUAL marker (smoke and/or chem)
/* maxDistance NOTE: make sure to keep this number very high. 15000 is for Altis */
maxDistancePrefered = 7000; // Prefered maximum mission distance from player
maxInvasions = 7; // Max amount of active uncompleted invasions allowed at the same time
mines = 0; // Enable/disable mines at mission | 1 = anti-Armor mines | 2 = anti-Personell mines | 3 = both anti-Armor and anti-Personell mines
minesAmount = 20; // Ignore if placeMines = 0;
minesAmount = 20; // Ignore if mines = 0;
minesCleanup = 1; // Enable/disable the removal of mines once mission has been completed | 2 = explode mines
nonPopulated = -1; // Allow/disallow this mission type being placed at locations without buildings | using -1 will ignore this setting and use the global settting
parachuteCrate[] = {0, 250}; // default: {disabled, 250 meters} | use 1 as first number to enable crate parachute spawn
randomModes = 1; // Enable/disable randomization of AI types (linked to aiMode setting)
skipDistance = 800; // No missions at locations which have players within this range (in meters)
smokeTypes[] = {"SmokeShell","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellOrange","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellYellow"};