This commit is contained in:
IT07 2016-08-21 21:35:58 +02:00
parent c72545730a
commit 4f07f509ff
2 changed files with 0 additions and 287 deletions

View File

@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
Author: IT07
executed upon AI unit death
_this: ARRAY
_this select 0: OBJECT - the killed AI
_this select 1: OBJECT - killer
(_this select 0) params [
(_this select 1) params [
_mod = call VEMFr_fnc_whichMod;
if (isPlayer _k) then
scopeName "isPlayer";
private [("_rspct"),("_crpt")];
if (_mod isEqualTo "Exile") then
_rspct =
_arr = [[]];
(_arr select 0) pushBack [(selectRandom [("AI WACKED"),("AI CLIPPED"),("AI WIPED"),("AI ERASED"),("AI LYNCHED"),("AI WRECKED"),("AI SNUFFED"),("AI WASTED"),("AI ZAPPED")]), _rw];
_dist = _t distance _k;
_bns = call
private "_r";
if (_dist <= 10) exitWith { _r = 25; _r };
if (_dist <= 25) exitWith { _r = 23; _r };
if (_dist <= 45) exitWith { _r = 20; _r };
if (_dist <= 65) exitWith { _r = 18; _r };
if (_dist <= 85) exitWith { _r = 16; _r };
if (_dist <= 100) exitWith { _r = 14; _r };
if (_dist <= 150) exitWith { _r = 12; _r };
if (_dist <= 175) exitWith { _r = 14; _r };
if (_dist <= 200) exitWith { _r = 16; _r };
if (_dist <= 250) exitWith { _r = 18; _r };
if (_dist <= 350) exitWith { _r = 21; _r };
if (_dist <= 475) exitWith { _r = 24; _r };
if (_dist > 475) exitWith { _r = 25; _r };
(_arr select 0) pushBack ["BONUS", _bns];
_score = (_k getVariable ["ExileScore", 0]) + (((_arr select 0) select 1) select 1) + _rw;
[_k, "showFragRequest", _arr] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
_k setVariable ["ExileScore", _score];
ExileClientPlayerScore = _score;
(owner _k) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerScore";
ExileClientPlayerScore = nil;
_kllCnt = (_k getVariable ["ExileKills",0]) + 1;
_k setVariable ["ExileKills", _kllCnt];
ExileClientPlayerKills = _kllCnt;
(owner _k) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerKills";
ExileClientPlayerKills = nil;
format["addAccountKill:%1", getPlayerUID _k] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
format['setAccountScore:%1:%2', _score, getPlayerUID _k] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
if (_mod isEqualTo "Epoch") then
_crpt =
_ffct =
_vrs = _k getVariable ["VARS", nil];
_crptId = EPOCH_customVars find "Crypto";
_nwCrpt = (_vrs select _crptId) + _rwrd + (([[_mod],["cryptoReward"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0);
_vrs set [_crptId, _nwCrpt];
_k setVariable ["VARS", _vrs];
_nwCrpt remoteExec ['EPOCH_effectCrypto', owner _k];
_rwrd = 0;
_dist = _t distance _k;
if (_dist < 2500) then
scopeName "dist";
if (_dist <= 5) then { _rwrd = 25; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 10) then { _rwrd = 15; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 50) then { _rwrd = 15; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 100) then { _rwrd = 20; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 200) then { _rwrd = 25; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 500) then { _rwrd = 30; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 1000) then { _rwrd = 45; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist <= 2000) then { _rwrd = 50; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
if (_dist > 2000) then { _rwrd = 65; call _ffct; breakOut "dist" };
_rw = ([["Exile"],["respectReward"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0;
_cw = ([["Epoch"],["cryptoReward"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0;
_sk = "sayKilled" call VEMFr_fnc_config;
if (_k isKindOf "Man") then // Roadkill or regular kill
if (vehicle _k isEqualTo _k) then // If on foot
if (vehicle _t isEqualTo _t) then
if ((_mod isEqualTo "Exile") AND (_rw > 0)) then { call _rspct };
if ((_mod isEqualTo "Epoch") AND (_cw > 0)) then { call _crpt };
if (_sk isEqualTo 1) then { [[_t, _nt],[_k, _nk]] ExecVM ("sayKilled" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath) };
} else
if (typeOf (vehicle _t) isEqualTo "Steerable_Parachute_F") then
if ("logCowardKills" call VEMFr_fnc_config isEqualTo "yes") then
["fn_aiKilled", 1, format["A coward (%1 @ %2) killed a parachuting AI", _nk, mapGridPosition _k]] ExecVM ("log" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath);
} else
if ((_mod isEqualTo "Exile") AND (_rw > 0)) then { call _rspct };
if ((_mod isEqualTo "Epoch") AND (_cw > 0)) then { call _crpt };
if (_sk isEqualTo 1) then { [[_t, _nt],[_k, _nk]] ExecVM ("sayKilled" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath) };
} else // If in vehicle (a.k.a. roadkill)
if (("punishRoadKills" call VEMFr_fnc_config) isEqualTo "yes") then
if (_mod isEqualTo "Exile") then
_pnsh = ([["Exile"],["respectRoadKillDeduct"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0;
//diag_log text format["_crRspct of _k (%1) is %2", _k, _crRspct];
_nwRspct = (_k getVariable ["ExileScore", 0]) - _pnsh;
_k setVariable ["ExileScore", _nwRspct];
ExileClientPlayerScore = _nwRspct;
(owner _k) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerScore";
ExileClientPlayerScore = nil;
[_k, "showFragRequest", [[["ROADKILL..."],["Penalty:", -_pnsh]]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
format['setAccountScore:%1:%2', _nwRspct, getPlayerUID _k] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
if (("sayKilled" call VEMFr_fnc_config) isEqualTo "yes") then { [format["%1 roadkilled %2", _nk, if (("sayKilledName" call VEMFr_fnc_config) isEqualTo "yes") then {_nt + " (AI)"} else {"an AI"}]] ExecVM ("systemChatToClient" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath) };
if (_mod isEqualTo "Epoch") then
_vrs = _k getVariable ["VARS", nil];
_crptId = EPOCH_customVars find "Crypto";
_nwCrpt = (_vrs select _crptId) - (([["Epoch"],["cryptoRoadKillPunish"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0);
_vrs set [_crptId, _nwCrpt];
_k setVariable ["VARS", _vrs];
_nwCrpt remoteExec ['EPOCH_effectCrypto', owner _k];
} else // If kill from vehicle (NOT a roadkill)
if ((typeOf (vehicle _t)) isEqualTo "Steerable_Parachute_F") then
if ("logCowardKills" call VEMFr_fnc_config isEqualTo "yes") then
["fn_aiKilled", 1, format["A coward (%1 @ %2) killed a parachuting AI", _nk, mapGridPosition _k]] ExecVM ("log" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath);
} else
_k = effectiveCommander _k;
if ((_mod isEqualTo "Exile") AND (_rw > 0)) then { call _rspct };
if ((_mod isEqualTo "Epoch") AND (_cw > 0)) then { call _crpt };
if (_sk isEqualTo 1) then { [[_t, _nt],[_k, _nk]] ExecVM ("sayKilled" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath) };
([["aiCleanup"],["removeLaunchers","aiDeathRemovalEffect","removeHeadGear"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) params [("_ms0"),("_ms1"),("_ms2")];
if (_ms0 isEqualTo "yes") then
_sw = secondaryWeapon _t;
if not(_sw isEqualTo "") then
_t removeWeaponGlobal _sw;
_mssls = getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _sw >> "magazines");
if (_x in _mssls) then
_t removeMagazineGlobal _x;
} forEach (magazines _t);
if (_ms2 isEqualTo "yes") then { removeHeadGear _t };
if (_ms1 isEqualTo "yes") then // If killEffect enabled
playSound3D ["A3\Missions_F_Bootcamp\data\sounds\vr_shutdown.wss", _t, false, getPosASL _t, 2, 1, 60];
for "_u" from 1 to 12 do
if not(isObjectHidden _t) then
_t hideObjectGlobal true;
} else
_t hideObjectGlobal false;
uiSleep 0.12;
_t hideObjectGlobal true;
removeAllWeapons _t;
// Automatic cleanup yaaay
deleteVehicle _t;
} else
if (_mod isEqualTo "Exile") then
_v = ([[(_mod)],["aiMoney"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0;
if (_v > 0) then { _t setVariable ["exilemoney",(2 + ((round random _v) - 2)),(true)] };
_t removeAllEventHandlers "MPKilled";

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
Author: IT07
will alert players
for global(!) systemChat message:
_this select 0: FORMATTED STRING - thing to send
_this select 1: ARRAY - objects to send message to. If empty, broadcast will go to all players
_this select 2: STRING - must be "sys"
for mission announcement:
_this: ARRAY
_this select 0: ARRAY
_this select 0 select 0: SCALAR - broadcast type (determines the color of the message icon)
_this select 0 select 1: STRING - announcement title
_this select 0 select 2: FORMATTED STRING - Message line
_this select 1: ARRAY - objects to send message to. If empty, broadcast will go to all players
_this select 2: STRING - (optional) must be empty or nil | for systemChat broadcast, use "sys"
_send =
private "_arr";
if (count _this isEqualTo 0) then
_arr = allPlayers;
} else
_arr = _this;
if (isPlayer _x AND alive _x) then
VEMFrMsgToClient = [_msg, _mode];
(owner _x) publicVariableClient "VEMFrMsgToClient";
} forEach _arr;
_to = param [1, [], [[]]];
if (_this select 0 isEqualType []) then // mission notification
_mode = (_this select 0) param [0, -1, [0]];
_title = (_this select 0) param [1, "DEFAULT TITLE", [""]];
_line = (_this select 0) param [2, "Default message", [""]];
_msg = [_mode, _title, _line];
_to call _send;
if (_this select 0 isEqualType "") then // systemchat broadcast
_mode = param [2, "", [""]];
_msg = param [0, "", [""]];
_to call _send;