Moved from CfgFunctions

This commit is contained in:
IT07 2016-04-13 22:32:39 +02:00
parent fefe173e3d
commit ec7c0074aa
4 changed files with 213 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Author: IT07
this function makes sure that AI spawned by VEMF does NOT become local to the server.
On detection of a local group, it will reassign it to a client or Headless Client if enabled.
none, this is a Standalone function
[] spawn
uiNamespace setVariable ["VEMFrHcLoad", []];
uiNamespace setVariable ["vemfGroups", []];
while {true} do
_groups = uiNamespace getVariable "vemfGroups";
waitUntil { uiSleep 1; count _groups > 0 };
if (local _x) then
if ((count units _x) < 1) then
deleteGroup _x;
if (count (units _x) > 0) then
// Group still has units, check if there is anyone that can be the owner
[_x] call VEMFr_fnc_transferOwner;
} forEach _groups;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Author: IT07
checks the VEMF loot table for invalid classnames. Reports to RPT if invalid classes found.
if ("validateLoot" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting isEqualTo 1) then
{ // _validateLoot is enabled, go ahead...
if ("debugMode" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting < 1) then
["CheckLoot", 0, "Failed to validate loot: no output allowed in RPT"] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
} else
["CheckLoot", 1, "Validating loot tables..."] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
_invalidClasses = [];
_mags = [];
_cfgMags = "_mags pushBack (configName _x); true" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgMagazines");
_weapons = [];
_cfgWeapons = "_weapons pushBack (configName _x); true" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgWeapons");
_bags = [];
_cfgBags = "getText (_x >> 'vehicleClass') isEqualTo 'Backpacks'" configClasses (configFile >> "cfgVehicles");
_bags pushBack (configName _x);
} forEach _cfgBags;
_aiGear = [["aiGear"],["aiUniforms","aiVests","aiRifles","aiBackpacks","aiLaunchers","aiPistols"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if not((_x in _mags) OR (_x in _weapons) OR (_x in _bags)) then
_invalidClasses pushBack _x;
} forEach _x;
} forEach _aiGear;
_loot = [["crateLoot"],["primaryWeaponLoot","secondaryWeaponLoot","magazinesLoot","attachmentsLoot","itemsLoot","vestsLoot","headGearLoot","backpacksLoot"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_class = _x select 0;
if not((_class in _mags) OR (_class in _weapons) OR (_class in _bags)) then
_invalidClasses pushBack _x;
} forEach _x;
} forEach _loot;
_invalid = if (count _invalidClasses isEqualTo 0) then { false } else { true };
switch true do
case _invalid:
["CheckLoot", 0, format["Invalid classes found in loot! | %1", _invalidClasses]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
case (not _invalid):
["CheckLoot", 1, "Loot tables are all valid :)"] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Author: IT07
Handles the start and timeout of missions
_maxGlobalMissions = "maxGlobalMissions" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_maxGlobalMissions > 0) then
_minNew = "minNew" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_minNew > -1) then
_maxNew = "maxNew" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (_maxNew > 0) then
_missionList = "missionList" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
if (count _missionList > 0) then
[_maxGlobalMissions, _minNew, _maxNew, _missionList] spawn
_maxGlobalMissions = _this select 0;
_minNew = _this select 1;
_maxNew = _this select 2;
_missionList = _this select 3;
_minFps = "minServerFPS" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_minPlayers = "minPlayers" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
waitUntil { uiSleep 5; (if (([_minPlayers] call VEMFr_fnc_playerCount) AND (diag_fps > _minFps)) then { true } else { false }) };
["missionTimer", 1, format["Enough players online (%1) and server FPS (%2) is above %3. Starting missionTimer...", count allPlayers, diag_fps, _minFps]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
VEMFrMissionCount = 0;
private ["_ignoreLimit"];
_ignoreLimit = false;
if (_maxGlobalMissions isEqualTo 0) then
_ignoreLimit = true;
while {true} do
// Wait random amount
uiSleep ((_minNew*60)+ floor random ((_maxNew*60)-(_minNew*60)));
// Pick A Mission if enough players online
if ([_minPlayers] call VEMFr_fnc_playerCount) then
if _ignoreLimit then
_missionName = selectRandom _missionList;
[_missionName] execVM format["exile_vemf_reloaded\missions\%1.sqf", _missionName];
_lastMission = serverTime;
if not _ignoreLimit then
if (VEMFrMissionCount <= _maxGlobalMissions) then
_missionName = selectRandom _missionList;
[_missionName] execVM format["exile_vemf_reloaded\missions\%1.sqf", _missionName];
VEMFrMissionCount = VEMFrMissionCount +1;
_lastMission = serverTime;
} else
["missionTimer", 0, format["Invalid maximum global missions number! it is: %1", _maxGlobalMissions]] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Author: IT07
spawns AI at all given locations in config file
if ([["aiStatic"],["enabled"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting isEqualTo 1) then
["spawnStaticAI", 3, "launching..."] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
_settings = [["aiStatic"],["positions","amount"]] call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting;
_positions = _settings select 0;
if (count _positions > 0) then
["spawnStaticAI", 3, "spawning AI on positions..."] spawn VEMFr_fnc_log;
_amounts = _settings select 1;
_amount = _amounts select _foreachindex;
[_x, 2, _amount / 2, "aiMode" call VEMFr_fnc_getSetting] spawn VEMFr_fnc_spawnAI;
} forEach _positions;