Go to file
2016-04-16 23:41:41 +02:00
exile_vemf_reloaded Added description 2016-04-16 23:41:41 +02:00
Exile.MapName Typo fix 2016-04-11 18:31:32 +02:00
ArmA3_exile_vemf_reloaded.7z Download v0742.0 2016-04-16 23:20:44 +02:00
CHANGELOG.md Changes for v0741.5 2016-04-16 13:09:06 +02:00
LICENSE.txt Copyright change due to heavy fundamental 2016-04-10 17:37:26 +02:00
README.md Updated 2016-04-15 11:39:13 +02:00


Not to confuse with VEMF

How to download?

Because of its new location, the download process is a little different:
Click the .7z file and then click the "Raw" button. You will then get the exile_vemf_reloaded folder and the Exile.MapName folder inside of a packed .7z :)

How to install?

Server-side files

  • copy the exile_vemf_reloaded folder over into where your server's @ExileServer\addons\ folder is located.
  • navigate into the exile_vemf_reloaded folder that you just copied over into your server.
  • open the config.cpp and READ IT. There is A LOT of settings in there that you can adjust to change VEMFr.
  • when done changing stuff in the config.cpp, simply pack the contents(!) of the parent folder into a pbo called exile_vemf_reloaded
  • you can delete the exile_vemf_reloaded folder that the program you use to pack into a pbo might have left behind. You don't have to though.

    Client-side files
  • whatever your server setup might be, you need to open/download/unpack your server's mission file. If you are running the Altis map for example, it will be a .pbo called Exile.Altis. Or when you are running Esseker for example, then it will be Exile.Esseker. Normally that file is located inside the mpmissions folder which is in the root of your server's installation path. Simply unpack that file and go into the folder that comes out of it. There should be a file called description.ext in there. Open that. Then look for a line that says class CfgFunctions. If you can not find it, then add this somewhere near the bottom of your description.ext:
    Try and find it in your description.ext, if it is not there, then just simply add this to the bottom of your description.ext:
class RscTitles
	#include "VEMFr_client\gui\RscDisplayVEMFrClient.hpp"

BUT, if you DO have a `class RscTitles` already, then just make a new line just before the `};` and then put this on that new line:
`#include "VEMFr_client\gui\RscDisplayVEMFrClient.hpp"`
Just an example of how it would look with other stuff in between the brackets of `class RscTitles`:
``` class RscTitles { #include "some\other\scriptszzzzz\file.hpp" #include "bla\addons\dialog.hpp" #include "addons\scripts\gui\someFile.hpp" #include "VEMFr_client\gui\RscDisplayVEMFrClient.hpp" }; ```
Now, the last part: *init.sqf*.
- open the init.sqf that is located inside *Exile.MapName* and simply follow the instructions that are inside that file.
