Credist to blckeagls who wrote the initial mission script for A3 Epoch
To Narines for debugging that original version
To cynwncler for many helpful comments along the way
And mostly importantly,
To Vampire, KiloSwiss, blckeagls, theFUCHS, lazylink, Mark311 and Buttface (Face) who wrote the pionering mission and roaming AI systems upon which this one is based and who's code is used with modification in some parts of this addon.
if (blck_blacklistTraderCities || blck_blacklistSpawns || blcklistConcreteMixerZones) then {execVM "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Functions\getTraderCitesExile.sqf";};
diag_log format["[blckeagls] version %1 Build %2 for mod = %3 Loaded in %4 seconds",_blck_versionDate,_blck_version,_modType,diag_tickTime - _blck_loadingStartTime]; //,blck_modType];
diag_log format["blckeagls] waiting for players to join ---- >>>>"];
waitUntil{{isPlayer _x}count playableUnits > 0};
diag_log "[blckeagls] Player Connected, loading mission system";
//Start the mission timers
if (blck_enableOrangeMissions == 1) then
[_missionListOrange,_pathOrange,"OrangeMarker","orange",blck_TMin_Orange,blck_TMax_Orange] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;//Starts major mission system (Orange Map Markers)
if (blck_enableGreenMissions == 1) then
[_missionListGreen,_pathGreen,"GreenMarker","green",blck_TMin_Green,blck_TMax_Green] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;//Starts major mission system 2 (Green Map Markers)
if (blck_enableRedMissions == 1) then
[_missionListRed,_pathRed,"RedMarker","red",blck_TMin_Red,blck_TMax_Red] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;//Starts minor mission system (Red Map Markers)//Starts minor mission system 2 (Red Map Markers)
if (blck_enableBlueMissions == 1) then
[_missionListBlue,_pathBlue,"BlueMarker","blue",blck_TMin_Blue,blck_TMax_Blue] spawn blck_fnc_missionTimer;//Starts minor mission system (Blue Map Markers)