Build 2
Added basic export tool for static missions. Configuration of most options now working properly (a time saver !)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#define oddsOfGarrison 0.67
#define maxGarrisonStatics 3
#define maxGarrisonUnits 4
#define typesGarrisonStatics [] // When empty a static will be randomly chosen from the defaults for blckeagls
#define garrisonMarkerObject "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" // This can be anything you like. I find this large sphere easy to see and convenient.
#define unitMarkerObject "Sign_Arrow_Direction_Green_F" // This can be anything. I chose this arrow type because it allows you to easily indicate direction.
_helpers = allMissionObjects garrisonMarkerObject;
//diag_log format["_helpers = %1",_helpers];
if ( (typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject) then
private _isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then
_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer;
blck_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _building;
blck_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _x;
// data structure ["building Classname",[/*building pos*/],/*building dir*/,/*odds of garrison*/, /*Max Statics*/,/*types statics*/,/*max units*/],
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9]',typeOf _building,(getPosATL _building) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _building, 'true','true',oddsOfGarrison,maxGarrisonStatics,typesGarrisonStatics,maxGarrisonUnits];
systemChat _line;
//diag_log _line;
if (_forEachIndex == 0) then
_cb = _cb + format["%1%2",endl,_line];
} else {
_cb = _cb + format[",%1%2",endl,_line];
} forEach _helpers;
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#define oddsOfGarrison 0.67
#define maxGarrisonStatics 3
#define maxGarrisonUnits 4
#define typesGarrisonStatics [] // When empty a static will be randomly chosen from the defaults for blckeagls
#define garrisonMarkerObject "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" // This can be anything you like. I find this large sphere easy to see and convenient.
#define unitMarkerObject "Sign_Arrow_Direction_Green_F" // This can be anything. I chose this arrow type because it allows you to easily indicate direction.
_b = _this select 0;
private _count = 0;
if (_b in blck_garrisonedBuildings) exitWith {""};
private _staticsText = "";
private _unitsText = "";
private _buildingGarrisonATL = "";
_staticsInBuilding = nearestObjects[getPosATL _building,["StaticWeapon"],sizeOf (typeOf _building)];
if !(_x in _configuredStatics) then
_isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then {_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer};
if (_b isEqualTo _building) then
_configuredStatics pushBackUnique _x;
//_configuredStaticsPositions pushBack (getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER;
if (_staticsText isEqualTo "") then
_staticsText = format['["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
} else {
_staticsText = _staticsText + format[',["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
} forEach _staticsInBuilding;
// Since this is run from the editor we do not have to worry about units running off from their original locations
_unitsInBuilding = nearestObjects[getPosATL _building,["Man"],sizeOf (typeOf _building)] select {(vehicle _x) isEqualTo _x};
if !(_x in _configuredUnits) then
_isInside = [_x] call _fn_isInside;
if (_isInside) then {_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer};
if (_b isEqualTo _building) then
_configuredUnits pushBackUnique _x;
if (_unitsText isEqualTo "") then
_unitsText = format["[%1,%2]",(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
} else {
_unitsText = _unitsText + format[",[%1,%2]",(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff (getPosATL _b),getDir _x];
_count = _count + 1;
} forEach _unitsInBuilding;
if ( !(_staticsText isEqualTo "") || !(_unitsText isEqualTo "")) then
_buildingGarrisonATL = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5,[%6],[%7]]',typeOf _b,(getPosATL _b) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _b,'true','true',_staticsText,_unitsText];
blck_garrisonedBuildings pushBackUnique _b;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_difficulty",getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultMissionDifficulty")];
diag_log format["Initilization: blck_difficulty set to %1",blck_difficulty];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_lootTiming",getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultLootcrateSpawnTiming")];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_loadTiming",getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultLootcrateLoadTiming")];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_endState",getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultMissionEndState")];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_startMessage","TODO: Add a start message"];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_endMessage","TODO: Add an end message"];
diag_log format["Mission Attributes Initialized for blckeagls at time %1",diag_tickTime];
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_loadTiming",_timing];
systemChat format["Mission Load Crates Timing set to %1",_timing];
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_endState",_mode];
systemChat format["Mission End State updated to %1",_mode];
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_difficulty",_difficulty];
private _m = format["Mission Difficulty updated to %1",_difficulty];
systemChat _m;
diag_log _m;
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_difficulty","Red"];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_lootTiming","atMissionStartGround"];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_loadTiming","atMissionStart"];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_endState","allUnitsKilled"];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_startMessage","TODO: Add a start message"];
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_endMessage","TODO: Add an end message"];
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
missionNamespace setVariable["blck_lootTiming",_timing];
systemChat format["Loot Chest Spawn Timing updated to %1",_timing];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
private _header = format["%4Mission.sqf generated:: blckeagls 3DEN Plugin Version %1 : Build %2 : Build Date %3",
getNumber(configFile >> " CfgBlck3DEN" >> "CfgVersion" >> "version"),
getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "CfgVersion" >> "build"),
getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "CfgVersion" >> "date"),
diag_log _header;
@ -1,95 +1,51 @@
class CfgVehicles
class Object
class AttributeCategories
class LandVehicle;
class blckLandVehicle: LandVehicle;
class Attributes
class blckLootVehicle
displayName = "Loot Vehicle";
toolTip = "Enable/Disable Use as Loot Vehicle";
property = "blckLootVehicle";
control = "Edit";
expression = "_this setVariable['%s',_value];";
defaultValue = 'false';
unique = 0;
validate = "BOOL";
typeName = "BOOL";
Output from GRG Plugin for blckeagls
For Credits and Acknowledgements see the Readme and comments
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\privateVars.sqf";
_markerType = [,[0,0],];
_markerColor = ;
_startMsg = "TODO: Change approiately";
_endMsg = "TODO: Change Appropriately;
_markerMissionName = TODO: Update appropriately;
_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Blue;
_lootCounts = blck_lootCountsBlue;
_missionLandscape = [
_simpleObjects = [
_missionPatrolVehicles = [
_submarinePatrolParameters = [
_airPatrols = [
_missionEmplacedWeapons = [
_missionGroups = [
_scubaGroupParameters = [
_missionLootBoxes = [
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue;
_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisBlue;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisBlue;
_chancePara = blck_chanceParaBlue;
_noPara = blck_noParaBlue;
_paraTriggerDistance = 400;
_paraSkill = 'Blue';
_chanceLoot = 0.0;
_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Blue;
_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsBlue;
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise";
_uniforms = blck_SkinList;
_headgear = blck_headgear;
_vests = blck_vests;
_backpacks = blck_backpacks;
_sideArms = blck_Pistols;
_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming;
_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming;
_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition;
_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_Blue;
_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_Blue;
_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_Blue;
_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_Blue;
_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Blue;
_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_Blue;
_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_Blue
_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_Blue;
_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_Blue;
_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Blue;
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf";
class Static;
class blckHouse: Static
class Attributes
class blckGarison
displayName = "Garison Building";
toolTip = "Enable/Disable ?Garisoned Building";
property = "blckGarison";
control = "Edit";
expression = "_this setVariable['%s',_value];";
defaultValue = 'false';
unique = 0;
validate = "BOOL";
typeName = "BOOL";
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
_parameter = 0;
_ok = "Multiplayer" set3DENMissionAttribute ["respawn",15];
_parameter = "Multiplayer" get3DENMissionAtrribute "respawn";
systemChat format["_parameter = %1",_parameter];
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
private _success = "blck_missions" set3DENAttribute ["mission_Dificulty","Blue"];
[format["Difficulty Set to: %1",_difficulty],"Mission Difficulty","OK","Cancel"] call BIS_fnc_3DENShowMessage;
@ -1,26 +1,49 @@
#define aiDifficulty "Red"
#define minAI 3
#define maxAI 6
#define minPatrolRadius 30
#define maxPatrolRadius 45
#define AI_respawnTime 600
#define aiVehiclePatrolRadius 75
#define vehiclePatrolRespawnTime 600
#define staticWeaponRespawnTime 600
#define aiAircraftPatrolRespawnTime 600
#define aiAircraftPatrolRadius 1700
#define oddsOfGarrison 0.67
#define maxGarrisonStatics 3
#define maxGarrisonUnits 4
#define typesGarrisonStatics [] // When empty a static will be randomly chosen from the defaults for blckeagls
#define garrisonMarkerObject "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" // This can be anything you like. I find this large sphere easy to see and convenient.
#define unitMarkerObject "Sign_Arrow_Direction_Green_F" // This can be anything. I chose this arrow type because it allows you to easily indicate direction.
#define objectAtMissionCenter "RoadCone_L_F"
#define lootVehicleMarker "Sign_Arrow_F"
#define landVehicles "LandVehicle"
objectAtMissionCenter = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "objectAtMissionCenter");
blck_minAI = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "minAI");
blck_maxAI = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxAI");
minPatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "minPatroRadius");
maxPatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxPatrolRadius");
maxVehiclePatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxVehiclePatrolRadius");
aircraftPatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "aircraftPatrolRadius");
oddsOfGarison = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "oddsOfGarison");
maxGarrisonStatics = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxGarrisonStatics");
typesGarrisonStatics = getArray(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "typesGarrisonStatics");
//blck_MissionDifficulty = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultMissionDifficulty");
blck_MissionDifficulty = missionNamespace getVariable["blck_difficulty",getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultMissionDifficulty")];
lootVehicleVariableName = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "lootVehicleVariableName");
buildingPosGarrisonVariableName = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "buildingPosGarrisonVariableName");
buildingATLGarrisionVariableName = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "buildingATLGarrisionVariableName");
diag_log format["param %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_x];
} forEach [
CENTER = [0,0,0];
diag_log format["Dynamic Export called at %1",diag_tickTime];
diag_log format["With blck_MissionDifficulty = %1",blck_MissionDifficulty];
Set Default Values Where not Defined using Menu Commands
if (isNil "blck_dynamicStartMessage") then
blck_dynamicStartMessage = "TODO: Change approiately";
@ -31,38 +54,59 @@ if (isNil "blck_dynamicEndMessage") then
if (isNil "blck_dynamicCrateLoot") then
blck_dynamicCrateLoot = "_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Green;";
blck_dynamicCrateLoot = format["_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
if (isNil "blck_dynamicCrateLootCounts") then {
blck_dynamicCrateLootCounts = "_lootCounts = blck_lootCountsGreen;";
blck_dynamicCrateLootCounts = format["_lootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
if (isNil "blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName") then
blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName = "TODO: Update appropriately";
if (isNil "blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty") then
if (isNil "blck_spawnCratesTiming") then
blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty = "Blue";
blck_spawnCratesTiming = missionNamespace getVariable["blck_lootTiming","atMissionStartGround"];
diag_log format["blck_loadCratesTiming set to default value of %1",blck_spawnCratesTiming];
if (isNil "blck_loadCratesTiming") then
blck_loadCratesTiming = missionNamespace getVariable["blck_loadTiming","atMissionStart"];
diag_log format["blck_loadCratesTiming set to default value of %1",blck_loadCratesTiming];
if (isNil "blck_missionEndCondition") then
blck_missionEndCondition = missionNamespace getVariable["blck_endState","allUnitsKilled"];
diag_log format["blck_missionEndCondition set to default value of %1",blck_missionEndCondition];
Look for an object defined in CfgBlck3DEN \ configs \ that marks the center of the mission
and set the coords of the center if such an object is found
private _centerMarkers = allMissionObjects objectAtMissionCenter;
diag_log format["_centerMarkers = %1",_centerMarkers];
if !(_centerMarkers isEqualTo []) then
CENTER = getPosATL (_centerMarkers select 0);
diag_log format["CENTER defined by object %1 typeOf %2",_centerMarker,typeOf (_centerMarkers select 0)];
} else {
diag_log format["<WARNING> No object marking the center of the mission was found: using a flashing road cone or flag is recommended",getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> objectAtMissionCenter >> "displayName")];
diag_log format["Place such an object or a marker to ensure the mission is accurately stored and spawned"];
private _entities = all3DENEntities;
private _markers = _entities select 5;
diag_log format["_markers = %1",_markers];
private ["_m1","_type","_shape","_size","_color","_brush"];
all3DENEntities params ["_objects","_groups","_triggers","_systems","_waypoints","_markers","_layers","_comments"];
private _units = [];
diag_log format["_m1 get3EDENAttribute %1 = %2",_x, _m1 get3DENAttribute _x];
} forEch ["markerType","markerColor","markerBrush","position","size2","text"];
if (vehicle _x isEqualTo _x) then {_units pushBack _x};
} forEach (units _x);
} forEach _groups;
pull info on the first marker found
if !(_markers isEqualTo []) then
_m1 = _markers select 0;
@ -75,114 +119,166 @@ if !(_markers isEqualTo []) then
_markerPos = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "position") select 0;
_markerSize = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "size2") select 0;
_markerText = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "text") select 0;
if (CENTER isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {CENTER = markerPos _m1};
use the coordinates of that marker as mission center of no object demarkating the center is found
if ((isNil "CENTER") || (CENTER isEqualTo [0,0,0])) then {
CENTER = _markerPos;
diag_log format["Position of marker %1 used for position of CENTER = %2",_m1,CENTER];
if (count _markers > 1) then
diag_log format["<WARNING> More than one marker was found; only the first marker was processed"];
} else {
_type = "mil_square";
_shape = "null";
_size = "[0,0]";
_color = "COLORRED";
_brush = "null";
CENTER = [0,0,0];
_markerType = "mil_square";
_markerShape = "null";
_markerSize = "[0,0]";
_markerColor = "COLORRED";
_markerBrush = "null";
if !(_objects isEqualTo []) then
CENTER = getPosATL (_objects select 0);
} else {
CENTER = getPos (_objects select 0);
diag_log format["<WARNING> No marker was found, using default values and position for mission center position"];
diag_log format["_m1 = %1 | _type = %2 | _shape = %3 | _size = %4 | _color = %5 | _brush = %6 | _text = %7",_m1,_markerType,_markerShape,_markerSize,_markerColor,_markerBrush,_markerText];
private _garrisonedBuildings = [];
private _missionLootVehicles = [];
private _staticObjects = (_entities select 0) select {(_x isKindOf "Static") && !(isSimpleObject _x)};
diag_log format["_staticObjects: %1",_staticObjects];
if (CENTER isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then
CENTER = getPosATL (_staticObjects select 0);
diag_log format["CENTER = %1",CENTER];
private _garisonedBuildings = [];
private _garisonedStatics = [];
private _garisonedUnits = [];
private _landscape = _objects select{
!(isSimpleObject _x) &&
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "Static")
diag_log format["CENTER = %1 | _landscape = %2",CENTER,_landscape];
private _missionLandscape = [];
if !(_x in _garrisonedBuildings && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then
_missionLandscape pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
}forEach _staticObjects;
_missionLandscape pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
}forEach _landscape;
private _simpleObjects = (_entities select 0) select {isSimpleObject _x};
private _simpleObjects = _objects select {isSimpleObject _x};
diag_log format["_simpleObjects = %1",_simpleObjects];
private _missionSimpleObjects = [];
if !(_x in _garrisonedBuildings && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then
_missionSimpleObjects pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
_missionSimpleObjects pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
} forEach _simpleObjects;
private _missionPatrolVehicles = [];
private _patrolVehicles = ((allMissionObjects "Car") + (allMissionObjects "Tank") + allMissionObjects "Ship") select {!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") && !(_x in _missionLootVehicles)};
diag_log format["_patrolVehicles = _count = %2 | %1",_patrolVehicles,count _patrolVehicles];
private _missionLootVehicles = [];
private _lootVehicles = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "AllVehicles") &&
!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "Man") &&
(_x get3DENAttribute "name" isEqualTo lootVehicleVariableName)
diag_log format["_lootVehicles = %1",_lootVehicles];
_missionPatrolVehicles pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x];
_missionLootVehicles pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER, '_crateLoot','_lootCounts',getDir _x];
} forEach _lootVehicles;
_missionPatrolVehicles = [];
private _patrolVehicles = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "AllVehicles") &&
!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "Man") &&
!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") &&
!((typeOf _x) isEqualTo "Air") &&
!(_x in _lootVehicles)
diag_log format["_patrolVehicles = %1",_patrolVehicles];
_missionPatrolVehicles pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x,maxVehiclePatrolRadius,maxVehiclePatrolRadius];
}forEach _patrolVehicles;
private _subs = allMissionObjects "SDV_01_base_F" select {((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") && !(_x in _missionLootVehicles)};
private _subPatrols = [];
private _subs = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") &&
!(_x in _lootVehicles)
diag_log format["_subs = %1",_subs];
_lines pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x];
_subPatrols pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x,maxVehiclePatrolRadius,maxVehiclePatrolRadius];
} forEach _subs;
private _airvehicles = allMissionObjects "Air";
private _airPatrols = [];
diag_log format["_airPatrolvehicles = %1",_airvehicles];
private _airVehicles = _objects select {
(typeOf _x) isKindOf "Air"
diag_log format["_airVehicles = %1",_airvehicles];
_airPatrols pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
} forEach _airvehicles;
_airPatrols pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x,aircraftPatrolRadius,aircraftPatrolRadius];
} forEach _airVehicles;
private _allstaticWeapons = allMissionObjects "StaticWeapon";
private _staticWeapons = [];
diag_log format["_staticWeapons = %1",_staticWeapons];
private _statics = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "StaticWeapon") &&
!(_x in _garisonedStatics)
diag_log format["_statics = %1",_statics];
_staticWeapons pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
} forEach _allstaticWeapons;
private _isInside = false;
private _infantry = allMissionObjects "Man" select {!(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) && !(_isInside) && !(isPlayer _x) && ((vehicle _x isEqualTo _x))};
_staticWeapons pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x];
} forEach _statics;
private _infantry = _units select {
!(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) &&
!(_x in _garisonedUnits)
diag_log format["_infantry = %1",_infantry];
_infantryGroups = [];
_infantryGroups pushBack format[' ,[%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,minAI,maxAI,aiDifficulty,minPatrolRadius,maxPatrolRadius];
} forEach _infantry;
_infantryGroups pushBack format[' ,[%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,blck_minAI,blck_maxAI,blck_MissionDifficulty,minPatrolRadius,maxPatrolRadius];
} forEach _units;
private _scuba = allMissionObjects "Man" select {(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) && !(_isInside) && !(isPlayer _x) && ((vehicle _x isEqualTo _x))};
private _scuba = _units select {
(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) &&
!(_x in _garisonedUnits)
// checck _x get3EDENAtribute "name" != "garrison";
diag_log format["_scuba = %1",_scuba];
private _scubaGroups = [];
_scubaGroups pushBack format[' [%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,minAI,maxAI,aiDifficulty,minPatrolRadius,maxPatrolRadius];
_scubaGroups pushBack format[' [%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,blck_minAI,blck_maxAI,blck_MissionDifficulty,minPatrolRadius,maxPatrolRadius];
} forEach _scuba;
private _lootBoxes = ((allMissionObjects "ReammoBox") + (allMissionObjects "ReammoBox_F"));
diag_log format["_lootBoxes = %1",_lootBoxes];
private _lootContainers = [];
private _ammoBoxes = _objects select {
(((typeOf _x) isKindOf "ReammoBox") || ((typeOf _x) isKindOf "ReammoBox_F"))
diag_log format["_ammoBoxes = %1",_ammoboxes];
_lootContainers pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER, '_crateLoot','_lootCounts',getDir _x];
}forEach _lootBoxes;
}forEach _ammoBoxes;
private _lines = [];
private _lineBreak = toString [10];
_lines pushBack "/*";
_lines pushBack " Output from GRG Plugin for blckeagls";
_lines pushBack " For Credits and Acknowledgements see the Readme and comments";
_lines pushBack " Dynamic Mission Generated";
_lines pushBack " Using 3DEN Plugin for blckeagls";
_lines pushBack format[" %1",['dynamic'] call blck3DEN_fnc_versionInfo];
_lines pushBack " By Ghostrider-GRG-";
_lines pushBack "*/";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack '#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";';
_lines pushBack '#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\privateVars.sqf";';
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack format["_markerType = %1",format["[%1,%2,%3];",_markerType,_markerSize,_markerBrush]];
_lines pushBack format["_markerColor = %1;",_markerColor];
_lines pushBack format['_startMsg = "%1";',blck_dynamicStartMessage];
_lines pushBack format['_endMsg = "%1;',blck_dynamicEndMessage];
_lines pushBack format['_markerMissionName = %1;',blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName];
_lines pushBack format['_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;',blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format['_lootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;',blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format['_markerMissionName = "%1";',blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName];
_lines pushBack format['_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;',blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format['_lootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;',blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionLandscape = [";
_lines pushback (_missionLandscape joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
@ -192,6 +288,10 @@ _lines pushBack "_simpleObjects = [";
_lines pushback (_simpleObjects joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionLootVehicles = [";
_lines pushBack (_missionLootVehicles joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionPatrolVehicles = [";
_lines pushback (_missionPatrolVehicles joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
@ -223,16 +323,16 @@ _lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "/*";
_lines pushBack " Use the parameters below to customize your mission - see the template or blck_configs.sqf for details about each them";
_lines pushBack "*/";
_lines pushBack format["_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrol%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelis%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelis%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_chancePara = blck_chancePara%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noPara = blck_noPara%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrol%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelis%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelis%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_chancePara = blck_chancePara%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noPara = blck_noPara%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_paraTriggerDistance = 400;"];
_lines pushBack format["_paraSkill = '%1';",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_paraSkill = '%1';",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_chanceLoot = 0.0;"];
_lines pushBack format["_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format['_missionLandscapeMode = "precise";'];
_linse pushBack "_useMines = blck_useMines;";
_lines pushBack "_uniforms = blck_SkinList;";
@ -240,22 +340,22 @@ _lines pushBack "_headgear = blck_headgear;";
_lines pushBack "_vests = blck_vests;";
_lines pushBack "_backpacks = blck_backpacks;";
_lines pushBack "_sideArms = blck_Pistols;";
_lines pushBack '_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming;';
_lines pushBack '_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming;';
_lines pushBack '_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition;';
_lines pushBack format["_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_%1",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_%1;",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
diag_log format["blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty = %1",blck_dynamicMissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format['_spawnCratesTiming = %1',blck_spawnCratesTiming];
_lines pushBack format['_loadCratesTiming = %1',blck_loadCratesTiming];
_lines pushBack format['_endCondition = %1;',blck_missionEndCondition];
_lines pushBack format["_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_%1",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format["_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack '#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf";';
diag_log ["dynamic"] call blck3EDEN_fnc_versionInfo;
uiNameSpace setVariable ["Display3DENCopy_data", ["dynamicMission.sqf", _lines joinString _lineBreak]];
(findDisplay 313) createdisplay "Display3DENCopy";
@ -1,20 +1,295 @@
diag_log format["Dynamic Export called at %1",diag_tickTime];
objectAtMissionCenter = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "objectAtMissionCenter");
blck_minAI = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "minAI");
blck_maxAI = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxAI");
minPatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "minPatroRadius");
maxPatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxPatrolRadius");
maxVehiclePatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxVehiclePatrolRadius");
aircraftPatrolRadius = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "aircraftPatrolRadius");
oddsOfGarison = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "oddsOfGarison");
maxGarrisonStatics = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "maxGarrisonStatics");
typesGarrisonStatics = getArray(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "typesGarrisonStatics");
blck_MissionDifficulty = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "defaultMissionDifficulty");
lootVehicleVariableName = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "lootVehicleVariableName");
buildingPosGarrisonVariableName = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "buildingPosGarrisonVariableName");
buildingATLGarrisionVariableName = getText(configFile >> "CfgBlck3DEN" >> "configs" >> "buildingATLGarrisionVariableName");
diag_log format["param %1 = %2",_forEachIndex,_x];
} forEach [
CENTER = [0,0,0];
diag_log format["Static Mission Export called at %1",diag_tickTime];
diag_log format["With blck_MissionDifficulty = %1",blck_MissionDifficulty];
Set Default Values Where not Defined using Menu Commands
if (isNil "blck_dynamicCrateLoot") then
blck_dynamicCrateLoot = format["_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
if (isNil "blck_dynamicCrateLootCounts") then {
blck_dynamicCrateLootCounts = format["_lootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;",blck_MissionDifficulty];
if (isNil "blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName") then
blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName = "TODO: Update appropriately";
Look for an object defined in CfgBlck3DEN \ configs \ that marks the center of the mission
and set the coords of the center if such an object is found
private _centerMarkers = allMissionObjects objectAtMissionCenter;
diag_log format["_centerMarkers = %1",_centerMarkers];
if !(_centerMarkers isEqualTo []) then
CENTER = getPosATL (_centerMarkers select 0);
diag_log format["CENTER defined by object %1 typeOf %2",_centerMarker,typeOf (_centerMarkers select 0)];
} else {
diag_log format["<WARNING> No object marking the center of the mission was found: using a flashing road cone or flag is recommended",getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> objectAtMissionCenter >> "displayName")];
diag_log format["Place such an object or a marker to ensure the mission is accurately stored and spawned"];
all3DENEntities params ["_objects","_groups","_triggers","_systems","_waypoints","_markers","_layers","_comments"];
private _units = [];
if (vehicle _x isEqualTo _x) then {_units pushBack _x};
} forEach (units _x);
} forEach _groups;
pull info on the first marker found
if !(_markers isEqualTo []) then
_m1 = _markers select 0;
_markerType = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "itemClass") select 0;
_markerShape = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "markerType") select 0;
_markerColor = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "baseColor") select 0;
_markerText = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "text") select 0;
if !(_markerText isEqualTo "") then {blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName = _markerText};
_markerBrush = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "markerBrush") select 0;
_markerPos = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "position") select 0;
_markerSize = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "size2") select 0;
_markerText = (_m1 get3DENAttribute "text") select 0;
use the coordinates of that marker as mission center of no object demarkating the center is found
} else {
_markerType = "mil_square";
_markerShape = "null";
_markerSize = "[0,0]";
_markerColor = "COLORRED";
_markerBrush = "null";
diag_log format["<WARNING> No marker was found, using default values and position for mission center position"];
diag_log format["_m1 = %1 | _type = %2 | _shape = %3 | _size = %4 | _color = %5 | _brush = %6 | _text = %7",_m1,_markerType,_markerShape,_markerSize,_markerColor,_markerBrush,_markerText];
private _garisonedBuildings = [];
private _garisonedStatics = [];
private _garisonedUnits = [];
private _landscape = _objects select{
!(isSimpleObject _x) &&
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "Static")
diag_log format["CENTER = %1 | _landscape = %2","ignored",_landscape];
private _missionLandscape = [];
_missionLandscape pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x),[vectorDir _x,vectorUp _x], 'true','true'];
}forEach _landscape;
private _simpleObjects = _objects select {isSimpleObject _x};
diag_log format["_simpleObjects = %1",_simpleObjects];
private _missionSimpleObjects = [];
_missionSimpleObjects pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x),[vectorDir _x,vectorUp _x], 'true','true'];
} forEach _simpleObjects;
private _missionLootVehicles = [];
private _lootVehicles = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "AllVehicles") &&
!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "Man") &&
(_x get3DENAttribute "name" isEqualTo lootVehicleVariableName)
diag_log format["_lootVehicles = %1",_lootVehicles];
_missionLootVehicles pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x), '_crateLoot','_lootCounts',[vectorDir _x,vectorUp _x]];
} forEach _lootVehicles;
_missionPatrolVehicles = [];
private _patrolVehicles = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "AllVehicles") &&
!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "Man") &&
!((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") &&
!((typeOf _x) isEqualTo "Air") &&
!(_x in _lootVehicles)
diag_log format["_patrolVehicles = %1",_patrolVehicles];
_missionPatrolVehicles pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x,maxVehiclePatrolRadius,600,-1];
}forEach _patrolVehicles;
private _subPatrols = [];
private _subs = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "SDV_01_base_F") &&
!(_x in _lootVehicles)
diag_log format["_subs = %1",_subs];
_subPatrols pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x),getDir _x,maxVehiclePatrolRadius,600,-1];
} forEach _subs;
private _airPatrols = [];
private _airVehicles = _objects select {
(typeOf _x) isKindOf "Air"
diag_log format["_airVehicles = %1",_airvehicles];
_airPatrols pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x),getDir _x,aircraftPatrolRadius,900,-1];
} forEach _airVehicles;
private _staticWeapons = [];
private _statics = _objects select {
((typeOf _x) isKindOf "StaticWeapon") &&
!(_x in _garisonedStatics)
diag_log format["_statics = %1",_statics];
_staticWeapons pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x),getDir _x,0,-1];
} forEach _statics;
private _infantry = _units select {
!(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) &&
!(_x in _garisonedUnits)
diag_log format["_infantry = %1",_infantry];
_infantryGroups = [];
_infantryGroups pushBack format[' ,[%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x),blck_minAI,blck_maxAI,blck_MissionDifficulty,maxPatrolRadius,600,-1];
} forEach _units;
private _scuba = _units select {
(surfaceIsWater (getPos _x)) &&
!(_x in _garisonedUnits)
// checck _x get3EDENAtribute "name" != "garrison";
diag_log format["_scuba = %1",_scuba];
private _scubaGroups = [];
_scubaGroups pushBack format[' [%1,%2,%3,"%4",%5,%6]',(getPosATL _x),blck_minAI,blck_maxAI,blck_MissionDifficulty,maxPatrolRadius,600,-1];
} forEach _scuba;
private _lootContainers = [];
private _ammoBoxes = _objects select {
(((typeOf _x) isKindOf "ReammoBox") || ((typeOf _x) isKindOf "ReammoBox_F"))
diag_log format["_ammoBoxes = %1",_ammoboxes];
_lootContainers pushBack format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x), '_crateLoot','_lootCounts',[vectorDir _x,vectorUp _x]];
}forEach _ammoBoxes;
private _lines = [];
private _lineBreak = toString [10];
_lines pushBack "/*";
_lines pushBack " Ourput from GRG Plugin for blckeagls";
_lines pushBack " For Credits and Acknowledgements see the Readme and comments";
_lines pushBack " Static Mission Generated";
_lines pushBack " Using 3DEN Plugin for blckeagls";
_lines pushBack format[" %1",['dynamic'] call blck3DEN_fnc_versionInfo];
_lines pushBack " By Ghostrider-GRG-";
_lines pushBack "*/";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack '#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";';
_lines pushBack '#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\privateVars.sqf";';
_lines pushBack '#include "privateVars.sqf";';
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack format["_markerType = %1",format["[%1,%2,%3];",_markerType,_markerSize,_markerBrush]];
_lines pushBack format["_markerColor = %1;",_markerColor];
_lines pushBack format['_markerMissionName = "%1";',blck_dynamicmarkerMissionName];
_lines pushBack format['_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_%1;',blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack format['_lootCounts = blck_lootCounts%1;',blck_MissionDifficulty];
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionLandscape = [";
_lines pushback (_missionLandscape joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_simpleObjects = [";
_lines pushback (_simpleObjects joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionLootVehicles = [";
_lines pushBack (_missionLootVehicles joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_vehiclePatrolParameters = [";
_lines pushback (_missionPatrolVehicles joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_submarinePatrolParameters = [";
_lines pushback (_subPatrols joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_airPatrols = [";
_lines pushback (_airPatrols joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionEmplacedWeapons = [";
_lines pushback (_staticWeapons joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_aiGroupParameters = [";
_lines pushback (_infantryGroups joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_aiScubaGroupParameters = [";
_lines pushback (_scubaGroups joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "_missionLootBoxes = [";
_lines pushback (_lootContainers joinString (format [",%1", _lineBreak]));
_lines pushBack "];";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack "/*";
_lines pushBack " Use the parameters below to customize your mission - see the template or blck_configs.sqf for details about each them";
_lines pushBack "*/";
// As found in fn_3DENExportTerrainBuilder.sqf
uiNameSpace setVariable ["Display3DENCopy_data", ["dynamicMission.sqf", _lines joinString _lineBreak]];
_linse pushBack "_useMines = blck_useMines;";
_lines pushBack "_uniforms = blck_SkinList;";
_lines pushBack "_headgear = blck_headgear;";
_lines pushBack "_vests = blck_vests;";
_lines pushBack "_backpacks = blck_backpacks;";
_lines pushBack "_sideArms = blck_Pistols;";
_lines pushBack "";
_lines pushBack '#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\Static\Code\GMS_fnc_sm_initializeMission.sqf"; ';
diag_log ["static"] call blck3EDEN_fnc_versionInfo;
uiNameSpace setVariable ["Display3DENCopy_data", ["staticMission.sqf", _lines joinString _lineBreak]];
(findDisplay 313) createdisplay "Display3DENCopy";
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ diag_log format["<< ---- pullDynamicMision: START %1 ---- >>",diag_tickTime
// Begin pulling data here
_cb = _cb + format["_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem = [",endl];
_cb = _cb + format["blck_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem = [",endl];
_helpers = allMissionObjects garrisonMarkerObject;
//diag_log format["_helpers = %1",_helpers];
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ _helpers = allMissionObjects garrisonMarkerObject;
if (_isInside) then
_building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer;
_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _building;
_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _x;
blck_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _building;
blck_garrisonedBuildings pushbackunique _x;
// data structure ["building Classname",[/*building pos*/],/*building dir*/,/*odds of garrison*/, /*Max Statics*/,/*types statics*/,/*max units*/],
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9]',typeOf _building,(getPosATL _building) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _building, 'true','true',oddsOfGarrison,maxGarrisonStatics,typesGarrisonStatics,maxGarrisonUnits];
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ _helpers = allMissionObjects garrisonMarkerObject;
} forEach _helpers;
_cb = _cb + format["%1];%1%1",endl];
_logging = format["_garrisonedBuildings = %1",_garrisonedBuildings];
_logging = format["blck_garrisonedBuildings = %1",blck_garrisonedBuildings];
diag_log _logging;
systemChat _logging;
//diag_log format["_cb = %1%2",endl,_cb];
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ _fn_configureGarrisonForBuildingATL = {
_b = _this select 0;
_count = 0;
if (_b in _garrisonedBuildings) exitWith {""};
if (_b in blck_garrisonedBuildings) exitWith {""};
_staticsText = "";
_unitsText = "";
_buildingGarrisonATL = "";
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ _fn_configureGarrisonForBuildingATL = {
if ( !(_staticsText isEqualTo "") || !(_unitsText isEqualTo "")) then
_buildingGarrisonATL = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5,[%6],[%7]]',typeOf _b,(getPosATL _b) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _b,'true','true',_staticsText,_unitsText];
_garrisonedBuildings pushBackUnique _b;
blck_garrisonedBuildings pushBackUnique _b;
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ _cb = _cb + "_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem = [";
if (_isInside) then
private _building = [_x] call _fn_buildingContainer;
private _include = if ( !(_building in _garrisonedBuildings) && !((typeOf _building) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _building) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then {true} else {false};
private _include = if ( !(_building in blck_garrisonedBuildings) && !((typeOf _building) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _building) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then {true} else {false};
if (_include) then
//diag_log format["_x = %1 | _building = %1",_x,_building];
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ _cb = _cb + format["_missionLandscape = [",endl];
diag_log format["evaluating mission landscape: _x = %1 | typeOf _x = %1",_x, typeOf _x];
//diag_log format["evaluating mission landscape: _x %1 | typeOf _x %1",_x, _x isKindOf "Helper_Base_F"];
if !(_x in _garrisonedBuildings && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then
if !(_x in blck_garrisonedBuildings && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo unitMarkerObject) && !((typeOf _x) isEqualTo garrisonMarkerObject)) then
_line = format[' ["%1",%2,%3,%4,%5]',typeOf _x,(getPosATL _x) vectorDiff CENTER,getDir _x, 'true','true'];
systemChat _line;
@ -1,71 +1,11 @@
Mission Template by Ghostrider [GRG]
Mission Compositions by Bill prepared for ghostridergaming
Copyright 2016
Last modified 3/20/17
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Configs\blck_defines.hpp";
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Missions\privateVars.sqf";
//diag_log "[blckeagls] Spawning Green Mission with template = default";
_crateLoot = blck_BoxLoot_G;reen
_lootCounts = blck_lootCountsGreen;
_startMsg = "An enemy research center was sighted in a nearby sector! Check the Green marker on your map for the location!";
_endMsg = "The Sector at the Green Marker is under survivor control!";
_markerMissionName = "Research Center";
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; // acceptable values are "none","random","precise"
_useMines = blck_useMines;
_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_Green;
_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_Green;
_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_Green;
_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_Green;
_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Green;
_minNoAI = blck_MinAI_Blue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults such as blck_MinAI_Blue
_maxNoAI = blck_MaxAI_Blue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_noAIGroups = blck_AIGrps_Blue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_noVehiclePatrols = blck_SpawnVeh_Blue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_noEmplacedWeapons = blck_SpawnEmplaced_Blue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
// Change _useMines to true/false below to enable mission-specific settings.
_useMines = blck_useMines; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_uniforms = blck_SkinList; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_headgear = blck_headgear; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_vests = blck_vests;
_backpacks = blck_backpacks;
_weaponList = ["blue"] call blck_fnc_selectAILoadout;
_sideArms = blck_Pistols;
_chanceHeliPatrol = blck_chanceHeliPatrolBlue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_noChoppers = blck_noPatrolHelisBlue;
_missionHelis = blck_patrolHelisBlue;
_chancePara = blck_chanceParaBlue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_noPara = blck_noParaBlue; // Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
_paraTriggerDistance = 400; // Distance from mission at which a player triggers these reinforcements and any supplemental loot. // To have paras spawn at the time the mission spawns with/without accompanying loot set this to 0.
_paraSkill = "red"; // Choose any skill you like; bump up skill or add AI to justify more valuable loot.
_chanceLoot = 0.0; // The chance that a loot crate will be dropped with paratroops.
_paraLoot = blck_BoxLoot_Blue;
_paraLootCounts = blck_lootCountsRed; // Throw in something more exotic than found at a normal blue mission.
_spawnCratesTiming = blck_spawnCratesTiming; // Choices: "atMissionSpawnGround","atMissionEndGround","atMissionEndAir".
// Crates spawned in the air will be spawned at mission center or the position(s) defined in the mission file and dropped under a parachute.
// This sets the default value but can be overridden by defining _spawnCrateTiming in the file defining a particular mission.
_loadCratesTiming = blck_loadCratesTiming; // valid choices are "atMissionCompletion" and "atMissionSpawn";
// Pertains only to crates spawned at mission spawn.
// This sets the default but can be overridden for specific missions by defining _loadCratesTiming
// Examples:
// To spawn crates at mission start loaded with gear set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround" && blck_loadCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawn"
// To spawn crates at mission start but load gear only after the mission is completed set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround" && blck_loadCratesTiming = "atMissionCompletion"
// To spawn crates on the ground at mission completion set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionEndGround" // Note that a loaded crate will be spawned.
// To spawn crates in the air and drop them by chutes set blck_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionEndAir" // Note that a loaded crate will be spawned.
_endCondition = blck_missionEndCondition; // Options are "allUnitsKilled", "playerNear", "allKilledOrPlayerNear"
// Setting this in the mission file overrides the defaults
#include "\q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf";
all3DENEntities params ["_objects","_groups","_triggers","_systems","_waypoints","_markers","_layers","_comments"];
_units = [];
if (vehicle _x isEqualTo _x) then {_units pushBack _x};
} forEach (units _x);
} forEach _groups;
diag_log format["_groups = %1",_groups];
diag_log format["_units = %1",_units];
@ -7,169 +7,53 @@
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
class CfgPatches
#include "defines.h"
class CfgBlck3DEN
class blckeagls_3den
class configs
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"3den"};
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
magazines[] = {};
ammo[] = {};
objectAtMissionCenter = "RoadCone_L_F";
minAI = 3;
maxAI = 6;
minPatroRadius = 30;
maxPatrolRadius = 45;
maxVehiclePatrolRadius = 75;
aircraftPatrolRadius = 1000;
oddsOfGarison = 0.67;
maxGarrisonStatics = 3;
typesGarrisonStatics = [];
defaultMissionDifficulty = "Blue";
defaultLootcrateSpawnTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround";
defaultLootcrateLoadTiming = "atMissionSpawn";
defaultMissionEndState = "allKilledOrPlayerNear";
// Enter the string shown here under Atributes\Variable Name
// to demarcate this vehicle as a loot vehicle
lootVehicleVariableName = "lootVehicle";
// Enter the string shown here under Atributes\Variable Name
// To indicate that a garrison should be placed at standard Arma
// building positions
buildingPosGarrisonVariableName = "pos";
// Enter the string shown here under Atributes\Variable Name
// To indicate that a garrison should be placed using setPosATL
// relative to the spawn position of the building
buildingATLGarrisionVariableName = "atl";
aiRespawnTime = 600; // respawn time for infantry
vehicleRespawnTime = 900; // respawn time for vehicle patrols
aircraftRespawnTime = 1200; // respawn time for aircraft patrols
class CfgVersion
version = 1.0;
build = 2;
date = "08/15/20";
class CfgFunctions
class blck3EDEN
class Export
file = "3EDEN_plugin\Export";
class exportDynamic {};
class exportStatic {};
//class buildingContainer {};
//class isInfantry {};
//class isInside {};
class Core
file = "3EDEN_plugin\Core";
class help {};
class about {};
class ctrlCombo;
class cfg3EDEN
class EventHandlers
class blck
class Attributes
class Default;
class Title: Default
class Controls
class Title;
class Combo: Title
class Controls: Controls
class Title: Title {};
class Value: ctrlCombo {};
class missionDifficulty: Combo
class Controls: Controls
class Title: Title {};
class Value: Value
onLoad = "\
_index = _control lbAdd _x;\
_control lbsetdata [_index,_x];\
forEach['','Blue (Easy)','Red (Medium)','Green (Hard)','Orange (Very Hard)'];";
class ctrlMenuStrip;
class display3DEN
class Controls
class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip
class Items
items[] += {"Blackeagls"};
class Blackeagls
text = "Blackeagls";
items[] = {
class blckAbout3EDENPlugin
text = "3EDEN Plugin Version 1.0 for BlckEagls by Ghostrider-GRG-";
action = "call blck3EDEN_fnc_about";
class blckSeparator
value = 0;
class blckSaveStaticMission
text = "Save StaticMission";
action = "call blck3EDEN_fnc_exportStatic";
picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class blckSaveDynamicMission
text = "Save Dynamic Mission";
action = "call blck3EDEN_fnc_exportDynamic";
picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class Blck3EDENPluginHelp
text = "Help";
action = "call blck3EDEN_fnc_Help";
//picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class CfgVehicles
class B_Soldier_base_F;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
// defines.h
class CfgPatches
class blckeagls_3den
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"3den"};
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
magazines[] = {};
ammo[] = {};
class CfgFunctions
class blck3DEN
class Export
file = "3EDEN_plugin\Export";
class exportDynamic {};
class exportStatic {};
class Core
file = "3EDEN_plugin\Core";
class help {};
class about {};
class initializeAttributes {};
class isInfantry {};
class isInside {};
class buildingContainer {};
class display {};
class setDifficulty {};
class setCompletionMode {}
class spawnCratesTiming {};
class loadCratesTiming {};
class versionInfo {};
class ctrlCombo;
class ctrlCheckbox;
class ctrlCheckboxes;
class ctrlEdit;
class cfg3DEN
class EventHandlers
class blckeagls
OnMissionLoad = "call blck3DEN_fnc_initializeAttributes";
OnMissionNew = "call blck3DEN_fnc_initializeAttributes";
class Attributes
class Mission
class CfgVehicles
class ctrlMenuStrip;
class display3DEN
class Controls
class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip
class Items
items[] += {"Blackeagls"};
class Blackeagls
text = "Blackeagls";
items[] = {
class blckAbout3EDENPlugin
text = "3EDEN Plugin Version 1.0 for BlckEagls by Ghostrider-GRG-";
action = "call blck3EDEN_fnc_about";
class blckSeparator
value = 0;
class Attributes
items[] += {
class blck_setDifficulty
text = "Set Mission Difficulty";
items[] = {
class difficulty_blue
text = "Easy (Blue)";
action = "['Blue'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty";
class blck_setLootSpawnTime
text = "Set Lootcrate Spawn Timing";
action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'lootSpawnTime'";
class blckMissionDifficulty
text = "Set Mission Difficulty";
items[] = {
class blckDifficultyBlue
text = "Set Mission Difficutly to EASY (Blue)";
action = "['Blue'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Blue";
class blckDifficultyRed
text = "Set Mission Difficulty to MEDIUM (Red)";
action = "['Red'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Red";
class blckDifficutlyGreen
text = "Set Mission Difficult To HARD (Green)";
action = "['Green'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Green";
class blckDifficultyOrange
text = "Set Mission Difficulty to Very HARD (Orange)";
action = "['Orange'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Orange";
class blckMissionCompletionMode
text = "Set the Criterial for Mission Completion";
items[] = {
class allUnitsKilled
text = "All AI Dead";
toolTip = "Mission is complete only when All AI are Dead";
action = "['allUnitsKilled'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setCompletionMode;";
value = "allUnitsKilled";
class playerNear
text = "Player near mission center";
toolTip = "MIssion is Complete when a player reaches the mission center";
action = "['playerNear'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setCompletionMode;";
value = "playerNear";
class allKilledOrPlayerNear
text = "Units Dead / Player @ Center";
toolTip = "Mission is Complete when all units are dead or a player reaches mission center";
action = "['allKilledOrPlayerNear'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setCompletionMode;";
value = "allUnitsKilled";
class lootSpawnTiming
text = "Set timing for spawning loot chests";
items[] = {
class atMissionSpawnGround
text = "Crates are spawned on the ground at mission startup";
action = "['atMissionSpawnGround'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class atMissionSpawnAir
text = "Crates are spawned in the air at mission startup";
action = "['atMissionSpawnAir'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class atMissionEndGround
text = "Crates are spawned on the ground at mission completion";
action = "['atMissionEndGround'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class atMissionEndAir
text = "Crates are spawned in the air at mission completion";
action = "['atMissionEndAir'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class loadCratesTiming
text = "Set timing for loading crates";
items[] = {
class atMissionSpawn
text = "Load crates when the mission spawns";
action = "['atMissionSpawn'] call blck3DEN_fnc_loadCratesTiming";
class atMissionCompletion
text = "Load crates when the mission is complete";
action = "['atMissionCompletion'] call blck3DEN_fnc_loadCratesTiming";
class blckMissionMessages
text = "Set timing for loading crates";
items[] = {
class blckStartMessage
text = "Misstion Start Message";
//action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'MissionStartMsg';";
class blckEndMessage
text = "Mission End Message";
//action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'MissionEndMsg';";
class blckSaveStaticMission
text = "Save StaticMission";
action = "call blck3DEN_fnc_exportStatic";
picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class blckSaveDynamicMission
text = "Save Dynamic Mission";
action = "call blck3DEN_fnc_exportDynamic";
picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class Blck3EDENPluginHelp
text = "Help";
action = "call blck3DEN_fnc_Help";
//picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user