Added basic export tool for static missions. Configuration of most options now working properly (a time saver !)
329 lines
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329 lines
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// defines.h
class CfgPatches
class blckeagls_3den
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"3den"};
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
magazines[] = {};
ammo[] = {};
class CfgFunctions
class blck3DEN
class Export
file = "3EDEN_plugin\Export";
class exportDynamic {};
class exportStatic {};
class Core
file = "3EDEN_plugin\Core";
class help {};
class about {};
class initializeAttributes {};
class isInfantry {};
class isInside {};
class buildingContainer {};
class display {};
class setDifficulty {};
class setCompletionMode {}
class spawnCratesTiming {};
class loadCratesTiming {};
class versionInfo {};
class ctrlCombo;
class ctrlCheckbox;
class ctrlCheckboxes;
class ctrlEdit;
class cfg3DEN
class EventHandlers
class blckeagls
OnMissionLoad = "call blck3DEN_fnc_initializeAttributes";
OnMissionNew = "call blck3DEN_fnc_initializeAttributes";
class Attributes
class Mission
class CfgVehicles
class ctrlMenuStrip;
class display3DEN
class Controls
class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip
class Items
items[] += {"Blackeagls"};
class Blackeagls
text = "Blackeagls";
items[] = {
class blckAbout3EDENPlugin
text = "3EDEN Plugin Version 1.0 for BlckEagls by Ghostrider-GRG-";
action = "call blck3EDEN_fnc_about";
class blckSeparator
value = 0;
class Attributes
items[] += {
class blck_setDifficulty
text = "Set Mission Difficulty";
items[] = {
class difficulty_blue
text = "Easy (Blue)";
action = "['Blue'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty";
class blck_setLootSpawnTime
text = "Set Lootcrate Spawn Timing";
action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'lootSpawnTime'";
class blckMissionDifficulty
text = "Set Mission Difficulty";
items[] = {
class blckDifficultyBlue
text = "Set Mission Difficutly to EASY (Blue)";
action = "['Blue'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Blue";
class blckDifficultyRed
text = "Set Mission Difficulty to MEDIUM (Red)";
action = "['Red'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Red";
class blckDifficutlyGreen
text = "Set Mission Difficult To HARD (Green)";
action = "['Green'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Green";
class blckDifficultyOrange
text = "Set Mission Difficulty to Very HARD (Orange)";
action = "['Orange'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setDifficulty;";
value = "Orange";
class blckMissionCompletionMode
text = "Set the Criterial for Mission Completion";
items[] = {
class allUnitsKilled
text = "All AI Dead";
toolTip = "Mission is complete only when All AI are Dead";
action = "['allUnitsKilled'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setCompletionMode;";
value = "allUnitsKilled";
class playerNear
text = "Player near mission center";
toolTip = "MIssion is Complete when a player reaches the mission center";
action = "['playerNear'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setCompletionMode;";
value = "playerNear";
class allKilledOrPlayerNear
text = "Units Dead / Player @ Center";
toolTip = "Mission is Complete when all units are dead or a player reaches mission center";
action = "['allKilledOrPlayerNear'] call blck3DEN_fnc_setCompletionMode;";
value = "allUnitsKilled";
class lootSpawnTiming
text = "Set timing for spawning loot chests";
items[] = {
class atMissionSpawnGround
text = "Crates are spawned on the ground at mission startup";
action = "['atMissionSpawnGround'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class atMissionSpawnAir
text = "Crates are spawned in the air at mission startup";
action = "['atMissionSpawnAir'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class atMissionEndGround
text = "Crates are spawned on the ground at mission completion";
action = "['atMissionEndGround'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class atMissionEndAir
text = "Crates are spawned in the air at mission completion";
action = "['atMissionEndAir'] call blck3DEN_fnc_spawnCratesTiming;";
class loadCratesTiming
text = "Set timing for loading crates";
items[] = {
class atMissionSpawn
text = "Load crates when the mission spawns";
action = "['atMissionSpawn'] call blck3DEN_fnc_loadCratesTiming";
class atMissionCompletion
text = "Load crates when the mission is complete";
action = "['atMissionCompletion'] call blck3DEN_fnc_loadCratesTiming";
class blckMissionMessages
text = "Set timing for loading crates";
items[] = {
class blckStartMessage
text = "Misstion Start Message";
//action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'MissionStartMsg';";
class blckEndMessage
text = "Mission End Message";
//action = "edit3DENMissionAttributes 'MissionEndMsg';";
class blckSaveStaticMission
text = "Save StaticMission";
action = "call blck3DEN_fnc_exportStatic";
picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class blckSaveDynamicMission
text = "Save Dynamic Mission";
action = "call blck3DEN_fnc_exportDynamic";
picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";
class Blck3EDENPluginHelp
text = "Help";
action = "call blck3DEN_fnc_Help";
//picture = "\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DEN\ToolBar\save_ca.paa";