//Enable or disable event logging to the server RPT file (named arma3server_[date]_[time].rpt). Debug level setting. 0: No debug output, 1: Basic Debug output, 2: Detailed Debug output. (Default: 0)
//Debug output may help finding additional information about A3XAI's background behavior. This output is helpful when asking for help regarding bugs or unexpected behaviors.
//Frequency of server monitor update to RPT log in seconds. The monitor periodically reports number of max/current AI units and dynamically spawned triggers into RPT log. (Default: 300, 0 = Disable reporting)
//Enable or disable verification and error-correction of classname tables used by A3XAI. If invalid entries are found, they are removed and logged into the RPT log.
//If disabled, any invalid classnames will not be removed and clients may crash if AI bodies with invalid items are looted. Only disable if a previous scan shows no invalid classnames (Default: 1).
//Enables checking of all A3XAI config settings. (Default: 1)
//Minimum seconds to pass until each dead AI body or destroyed vehicle can be cleaned up by A3XAI's task scheduler. A3XAI will not clean up a body/vehicle if there is a player close by (Default: 900).
//Enabled: A3XAI will load custom spawn/blacklist definitions file on startup (A3XAI_config.pbo >> custom_defs.sqf) (Default: 0)
//If HC support enabled, A3XAI will pause during post-initialization until HC has successfully connected. (Default: 0)
//IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to ensure that the HC is properly setup before enabling this option, otherwise A3XAI may be stuck waiting for HC to to connect.
/* Dynamic Classname Settings
Ifasettingisdisabled,A3XAIwillusethecorrespondingclassnametablefurtherbelow.See"AI clothing, weapon, loot, and equipment settings"section.
//Purchase price limit for items generated by dynamic classname system as defined in CfgExileArsenal. Lowering this value may reduce variety of items carried by AI. (Default: 2000)
//1: Generate AI weapons from Exile trader tables (Default)
//0: Weapons defined by pistolList, rifleList, machinegunList, sniperList
//dynamicWeaponBlacklist: Classnames of weapons to ignore from Exile trader tables
//1: Use Exile loot table data as whitelist for AI-usable weapon scopes (Default)
//0: Scopes defined by weaponOpticsList
//dynamicOpticsBlacklist: List of optics classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//1: Generate AI uniform types from Exile trader tables (Default)
//0: Uniforms defined by uniformTypes0, uniformTypes1, uniformTypes2, uniformTypes3
//dynamicUniformBlacklist: List of uniform classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//1: Generate AI backpack types from Exile trader tables (Default)
//0: Backpacks defined by backpackTypes0, backpackTypes1, backpackTypes2, backpackTypes3
//dynamicBackpackBlacklist: List of backpack classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//1: Generate AI backpack types from Exile trader tables (Default)
//0: Vests defined by vestTypes0, vestTypes1, vestTypes2, vestTypes3
//dynamicVestBlacklist: List of vest classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//1: Generate AI headgear types from Exile trader tables (Default)
//0: Headgear defined by headgearTypes0, headgearTypes1, headgearTypes2, headgearTypes3
//dynamicHeadgearBlacklist: List of headgear classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//1: Generate AI food types from Exile trader tables (Default)
//0: Food defined by foodLoot
//dynamicFoodBlacklist: List of food classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//1: Generate AI generic loot types from Exile trader tables. Includes "Hardware", "Smoke", "Flare" -class items. (Default)
//0: Loot defined by MiscLoot
//dynamicLootBlacklist: List of loot classnames to ignore from Exile trader tables.
//Enable or disable radio message receiving. Players with radios or part of a group with at least one radio will be able to intercept some AI communications. (Default: 0)
/* Shared AI Unit Settings. These settings affect all AI spawned unless noted otherwise.
//Sets side/faction for AI spawned by A3XAI. If A3XAI units are hostile with AI spawned from other install addons, consider changing this setting. Acceptable sides: east or west (Default: east)
//Number of online players required for maximum (or minimum) AI spawn chance. Affects Static, Dynamic, Random AI spawns. (Default: 10)
//1: Spawn chance multiplier scales upwards from value defined by chanceScalingThreshold to 1.00. 0: Spawn chance multiplier scales downwards from 1.00 to chanceScalingThreshold.
//If upwardsChanceScaling is 1: Initial spawn chance multiplier. If upwardsChanceScaling is 0: Final spawn chance multiplier. (Default: 0.50)
//(Static/Dynamic/Random Spawns) minAI: Minimum number of units. addAI: maximum number of additional units. unitLevel: Unit level (0-3)
//(For dynamic and random spawns only) Defines amount of time to wait in seconds until cleaning up temporary blacklist area after dynamic/random spawn is deactivated (Default: 1200)
//Enable or disable AI death messages. Messages will be visible to all group members of player responsible for killing the AI unit. (Default: 1)
//If enabled, AI group will attempt to track down player responsible for killing a group member. (Default: 1)
//If normal probability check for spawning NVGs fails, then give AI temporary NVGs during night hours. Temporary NVGs are unlootable and will be removed at death (Default: 0).
//Minimum AI unit level requirement to use underslung grenade launchers. Set to -1 to disable completely. (Default: 1)
//Minimum AI unit level requirement to use launcher weapons. Set to -1 to disable completely. Launchers are unlootable and will be removed at death (Default: -1)
//Enable or disable static AI spawns. If enabled, AI spawn points will be generated in cities, towns, and other named areas.
//Enabled: A3XAI automatically generates static spawns at named locations on map. Disabled: No static spawns will be generated. (Default: 1)
//Set minimum and maximum wait time (seconds) to respawn an AI group after all units have been killed. Applies to both static AI and custom spawned AI (Default: Min 300, Max 600).
//Time to allow spawned AI units to exist in seconds before being despawned when no players are present in a trigger area. Applies to both static AI and custom spawned AI (Default: 120)
//Respawn Limits. Set to -1 for unlimited respawns. (Default: -1 for each).
/* Dynamic Infantry AI Spawning Settings. Probabilities should add up to 1.00
//Upper limit of dynamic spawns on map at once. Set to 0 to disable dynamic spawns (Default: 15)
//Minimum time (in seconds) that must pass between dynamic spawns for each player (Default: 900)
//Players offline for this amount of time (seconds) will have their last spawn timestamp reset (Default: 3600)
//Probability for dynamic AI to actively hunt a targeted player. If probability check fails, dynamic AI will patrol the area instead of hunting (Default: 0.60)
//Time to wait (seconds) before despawning all AI units in dynamic spawn area when no players are present. (Default: 120)
//Maximum number of placed random spawns on map. Set to -1 for A3XAI to automatically adjust spawn limit according to map size. Set to 0 to disable random spawns. (Default: -1)
//Time to wait (seconds) before despawning all AI units in random spawn area when no players are present. (Default: 120)
//Minimum distance between a random spawn location and other random spawns. (Default: 0)
//Time to wait (seconds) before despawning disabled/destroyed AI vehicles. If vehiclesAllowedForPlayers is enabled, this timer is cleared once a player enters the vehicle. (Default: 600)
//Enable player use of AI vehicles. Players must either disable the vehicle or kill all units of the group in order to access the vehicle. (Default: 0)
//Add name of location as displayed on map prevent AI vehicle patrols from travelling to these locations. Location names are case-sensitive. Note: Vehicles may still pass through these areas
//Maximum number of gunner units per air vehicle. Limited by actual number of available gunner positions. (Default: 2)
//Affects: All AI air vehicle patrols, including custom and reinforcement.
//Probability of AI helicopter sucessfully detecting player if there is line-of-sight. AI helicopters will conduct a visual sweep upon arriving at each waypoint and some distance after leaving. (Default: 0.80)
//Affects: All AI air vehicle patrols, including custom and reinforcement.
//Probability of AI to deploy infantry units by parachute if players are nearby when helicopter is investigating a waypoint. (Default: 0.50)
//Affects: Air vehicle patrols.
//Cooldown time for AI paradrop deployment in seconds. (Default: 1800).
//Affects: Air vehicle patrols.
//Number of infantry AI to paradrop if players are nearby when helicopter is investigating a waypoint, or if helicopter is reinforcing a dynamic AI spawn. Limited by number of cargo seats available in the vehicle. (Default: 3)
//Affects: Air vehicle patrols, air reinforcements.
/* AI Land Vehicle patrol settings. These AI vehicles will randomly travel between different cities and towns.
//Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn a UAV after vehicle is destroyed or disabled. (Default: Min 600, Max 900).
//Set to '1' to set detection-only behavior (UAV will not directly engage enemies). (Default: 0)
//Cooldown required in between air reinforcement summons when detecting players. Value in seconds. (Default: 1800)
//Probability to successfully detect player if there is line-of-sight. If at least one player is detected, air reinforcements will be summoned to the area. (Default: 0.50)
//Global maximum number of active UGV patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).
//Classnames of UGV types to use, with the maximum amount of each type to spawn.
//Probability of spawning Level 0/1/2/3 AI UGV spawns. Probabilities should add up to 1.00
//Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn a UGV patrol after vehicle is destroyed or disabled. (Default: Min 600, Max 900).
//Set to '1' to set detection-only behavior (UGV will not directly engage enemies). (Default: 0)
//Cooldown required in between air reinforcement summons when detecting players. Value in seconds. (Default: 1800)
//Probability to successfully detect player if there is line-of-sight. If at least one player is detected, air reinforcements will be summoned to the area. (Default: 0.50)
//AI-useable toolbelt item types. These items are added to AI inventory at unit creation and may be used by AI. Format: {item classname, item probability}