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Created by eraser1
_vehicleClass, // STRING: Vehicle classname to spawn.
_pos, // ARRAY (positionATL or position2d): Where the vehicle will be spawned (strict)
_pinCode // STRING or NUMBER: String has to be 4 digits. Number has to be between 0-9999, and will be automatically formatted.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle;
Returns the created vehicle object.
private ["_vehicleClass", "_pos", "_pinCode", "_vehObj"];
_OK = params
_vehObj = objNull;
if (!_OK) then
throw (format ["invalid parameters: %1",_this]);
if ((count _pos) isEqualTo 2) then
_pos set [2,0];
if ((typeName _pinCode)=="SCALAR") then
if (_pinCode<0 || {_pinCode>9999}) then
throw (format ["invalid SCALAR _pinCode value (must be between 0 and 9999): %1",_pinCode]);
switch (true) do
case (_pinCode<10):
_pinCode = format ["000%1",_pinCode];
case (_pinCode<100):
_pinCode = format ["00%1",_pinCode];
case (_pinCode<1000):
_pinCode = format ["0%1",_pinCode];
_pinCode = str _pinCode;
if ((count _pinCode)!=4) then
throw (format ["invalid STRING _pinCode value (must be 4 digits): %1",_pinCode]);
// Create and set the vehicle
_vehObj = [_vehicleClass,_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
_vehObj setPosATL _pos;
// Set up EHs
_vehObj addEventHandler ["GetOut", { _this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onGetOut}];
_vehObj addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { _this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onMPKilled}];
// Set up vars
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", true];
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileAccessCode", _pinCode];
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileOwnerUID", "76561198027700602"]; // That is my (eraser1's) PUID. Just so you don't think I'm trying to be sneaky...
// Deny access until specified to do so.
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileIsLocked",-1];
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileLastLockToggleAt", time];
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileAccessDenied", true];
_vehObj setVariable ["ExileAccessDeniedExpiresAt", 999999];
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_SpawnPersistentVehicle with %1!",_exception];