New missions.

This commit is contained in:
Defent 2015-09-06 19:11:00 +02:00
parent baff70830d
commit 36d9012987
16 changed files with 1442 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Sample mission (duplicate for testing purposes)
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added"];
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_vehicle"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ _pos = call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "easy";
_difficulty = "moderate";
// Create AI
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ _group =
// Create Crate
_crate = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_vehicle = ["Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla01",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values =
@ -56,21 +57,21 @@ _missionAIUnits =
_missionObjs =
[], // No spawned buildings
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A group of mercenaries has been spotted at %1! Kill them and take their equipment!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Armed Bandits! </t><br/> A heavily armed bandit group has been spotted, take them out and claim their vehicle!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have successfully eliminated the mercenaries at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Armed Bandits! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully taken care of the bandit group!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["The mercenaries are no longer at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Armed Bandits! </t><br/> The bandits have taken their vehicle and drove off, no loot today!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Mercenary Group";
_missionName = "Armed Bandits";
// Create Markers
_markers =

View File

@ -72,15 +72,14 @@ _missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A Bauhaus truck has crashed and lost all its building supplies, get there quickly!"];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Bauhaus Truck </t><br/> A Bauhaus truck has crashed and lost all its building supplies, get there quickly!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have successfully claimed the crashed Buahaus truck %1!"];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Bauhaus Truck </t><br/> Convicts have successfully claimed the crashed Buahaus truck!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["The Bauhause truck has been repaired and escaped!"];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Bauhaus Truck! </t><br/> The Bauhause truck has been repaired and escaped!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Bauhaus Truck";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 3 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Van_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
8, // Weapons
[10,["Exile_Item_Beer"]], // Items
1 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Beer transport! </t><br/> A transport truck carrying beer and guns is being robbed, stop the robbers and steal the loot!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Beer transport! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully claimed all of the beer and guns. 'Murica."];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Beer transport! </t><br/> The robbers have taken off with all the beer and all the guns, what a travesty!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Beer & Guns Truck";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "easy";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 2 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_BagBunker_Tower_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
5, // Weapons
3, // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Enemy Bunker! </t><br/> A team of soldiers have set up a bunker inside convict land. Rid them from this place!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Enemy Bunker! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully taken care of the enemies and their bunker!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Enemy Bunker! </t><br/> The soldiers became impatient and have escaped the area!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Enemy Bunker";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_UWreck_Heli_Attack_02_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
8, // Weapons
4, // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Blackhawk down! </t><br/> We got a Blackhawk down, Super 6-1 is down, secure the perimeter and claim what can be claimed!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Blackhawk down! </t><br/> Convicts have secured the blackhawk and claimed the remaining loot!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Blackhawk down! </t><br/> The blackhawk has been sized by the enemy and the loot has been destroyed!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Blackhawk Down";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_vehicle1","_vehicle2","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "easy";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 3 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_FuelStation_Build_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle1 = ["Exile_Car_SUV_Red",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
_vehicle2 = ["Exile_Car_SUV_Grey",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
5, // Weapons
5, // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Car Dealer Robbery! </t><br/> A local car dealership is being robbed by bandits, stop them!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Car Dealer Robbery! </t><br/> Convicts have secured the local dealership and removed the bandits!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Car Dealer Robbery! </t><br/> The bandits have escaped with the cars and left nothing but a trail of smoke behind!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Car Dealer Robbery";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
Sample mission (duplicate for testing purposes)
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck1","_wreck2","_wreck3","_vehicle"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "hardcore";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 5 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"hardcore", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crate
_crate = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",[(_pos select 0)+2,(_pos select 1)-1,0]] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck1 = createVehicle ["Land_CinderBlocks_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.1],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_wreck2 = createVehicle ["Land_Bricks_V1_F",[(_pos select 0) - 5, (_pos select 1),-3.3],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_wreck3 = createVehicle ["Land_Bricks_V1_F",[(_pos select 0) - 13, (_pos select 1),-1],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle = ["Exile_Car_Zamak",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values =
3, // Weapons
[15,["Exile_Item_WoodWallKit","Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit","Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit","Exile_Item_WoodDoorKit","Exile_Item_Codelock","Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit","Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit","Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit"]], // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
[_wreck1,_wreck2,_wreck3], // No spawned buildings
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Construction Site! </t><br/> A group of mercenaries have set up a construction site, clear them out!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Construction Site! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully demolished the construction site!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Construction Site! </t><br/> The mercenaries have dismantled their construction site and escaped!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Construction Site";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck","_vehicle"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_UWreck_Heli_Attack_02_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle = ["Exile_Car_SUV_Black",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
8, // Weapons
4, // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Knight Rider! </t><br/> KITT has been kidnapped, secure the position and reclaim KITT!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Knight Rider! </t><br/> Convicts secured KITT, that will show the bandits not to Hassle the Hoff!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Knight Rider!</t><br/> KITT was never secured and has now been dismantled by the bandits, what a grim fate."];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "KITT's Location";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Van_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
2, // Weapons
[12,["Exile_Item_GloriousKnakWorst_Cooked","Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater","Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater","Exile_Item_BBQSandwich_Cooked","Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked","Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner_Cooked"]], // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Humantarian Supplies! </t><br/> A humanitarian supply truck has been sized by ruthless bandits, stop them!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Humantarian Supplies! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully claimed the humanitarian supplies for themselves!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Humantarian Supplies! </t><br/> The bandits have taken the humanitarian supplies and escaped!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Humantarian Supplies";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Van_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
10, // Weapons
5, // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Gun Transport! </t><br/> A gun transport truck has crashed, secure the crash site and the guns!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Gun Transport! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully secured the area and claimed the guns for their own!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Gun Transport! </t><br/> The transport truck has been repaired and escaped the area!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Gun Transport";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate1", "_crate_loot_values1", "_crate2", "_crate_loot_values2", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_wreck"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "moderate";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 3 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
// Create Crates
_crate1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Van_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.2],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values1 =
2, // Weapons
[12,["Exile_Item_GloriousKnakWorst_Cooked","Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater","Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater","Exile_Item_BBQSandwich_Cooked","Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked","Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner_Cooked"]], // Items
2 // Backpacks
// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
_group // We only spawned the single group for this mission
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Humantarian Supplies! </t><br/> A truck carrying humanitarian supplies has been sized by bandits, stop them!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Humantarian Supplies! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully claimed the humanitarian supplies for themselves!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Humantarian Supplies! </t><br/> The bandits have taken the humanitarian supplies and escaped!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Humantarian Supplies";
// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
// Record time here (for logging purposes, otherwise you could just put "diag_tickTime" into the "DMS_AddMissionToMonitor" parameters directly)
_time = diag_tickTime;
// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
(DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0) + random((DMS_MissionTimeOut select 1) - (DMS_MissionTimeOut select 0))
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor;
// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_AddMissionToMonitor! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];
// Delete AI units and the crate. I could do it in one line but I just made a little function that should work for every mission (provided you defined everything correctly)
_cleanup = [];
_cleanup pushBack _x;
} forEach _missionAIUnits;
_cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
_cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
} foreach (_missionObjs select 2);
_cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;
// Delete the markers directly
{deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;
// Reset the mission count
DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;
// Notify players
_msgStart call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format ["DMS_DEBUG MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time];

View File

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ _pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "hardcore";
_difficulty = "random";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_AICount = 7 + (round (random 2));
_group =
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ _crate = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values =
7, // Weapons
8, // Weapons
5, // Items
5 // Backpacks
2 // Backpacks
@ -64,14 +64,13 @@ _missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A battalion of soldiers have gotten lost in convict land! Eliminate them!"];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Lost Battalion! </t><br/> A battalion of soldiers have gotten lost in convict land! Eliminate them!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have successfully eliminated the lost battalion!"];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Lost Battalion! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully eliminated the lost battalion!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["Whittlesey escaped with his Lost Battalion!"];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Lost Battalion! </t><br/> Whittlesey escaped with his Lost Battalion!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Lost Battalion";

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Sample mission (duplicate for testing purposes)
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added"];
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added","_building","_vehicle"];
// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ _pos = call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "difficult";
_difficulty = "easy";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 6 + (round (random 2));
_AICount = 4 + (round (random 2));
_group =
@ -37,11 +37,16 @@ _group =
// Create Crate
_crate = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_building = createVehicle ["Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.1],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle = ["I_Truck_02_medical_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;
// Set crate loot values
_crate_loot_values =
5, // Weapons
10, // Items
[9,["Exile_Item_InstaDoc","Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"]], // Items
3 // Backpacks
@ -55,23 +60,22 @@ _missionAIUnits =
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
[], // No spawned buildings
[_building], // No spawned buildings
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A group of mercenaries has been spotted at %1! Kill them and take their equipment!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Deranged Doctors! </t><br/> A group of deranged doctors have set up a field hospital, sieze it for your own!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have successfully eliminated the mercenaries at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Deranged Doctors! </t><br/> Convicts have claimed the medical supplies for their own!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["The mercenaries are no longer at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Deranged Doctors! </t><br/> Hawkeye has ran off with the medical supplies, everything is gone!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Mercenary Group";
_missionName = "Deranged Doctors";
// Create Markers
_markers =

View File

@ -64,14 +64,13 @@ _missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A group of mercenaries has been spotted at %1! Kill them and take their equipment!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Mercenary Group! </t><br/> A group of mercenaries has been spotted. Kill them and take their equipment!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have successfully eliminated the mercenaries at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Mercenary Group! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully eliminated the mercenaries"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["The mercenaries are no longer at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Mercenary Group! </t><br/> The mercenaries have escaped and they took all their loot with them!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Mercenary Group";

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
Sample mission (duplicate for testing purposes)
Sample mission
Created by Defent and eraser1
Called from DMS_selectMission
private ["_num", "_side", "_pos", "_difficulty", "_AICount", "_group", "_crate", "_crate_loot_values", "_msgStart", "_msgWIN", "_msgLOSE", "_missionName", "_missionAIUnits", "_missionObjs", "_markers", "_time", "_added"];
@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ _side = "bandit";
// find position
_pos = call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
_pos = [10,100] call DMS_fnc_findSafePos;
// Set general mission difficulty
@ -22,13 +25,13 @@ _difficulty = "hardcore";
// Create AI
// TODO: Spawn AI only when players are nearby
_AICount = 5 + (round (random 2));
_AICount = 4 + (round (random 2));
_group =
_pos, // Position of AI
_AICount, // Number of AI
"hardcore", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","hardcore","difficult","moderate", or "easy"
"random", // "random","assault","MG","sniper" or "unarmed" OR [_type,_launcher]
_side // "bandit","hero", etc.
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup;
@ -41,8 +44,8 @@ _crate = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_crate_loot_values =
7, // Weapons
15, // Items
5 // Backpacks
2, // Items
3 // Backpacks
@ -55,23 +58,22 @@ _missionAIUnits =
// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
[], // No spawned buildings
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A group of mercenaries has been spotted at %1! Kill them and take their equipment!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Car Dealer Robbery! </t><br/> A squad of proffesional Navy Seals team is performing gorilla warfare in convict land, deal with them!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have successfully eliminated the mercenaries at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Car Dealer Robbery! </t><br/> Convicts have successfully taken care of the Navy Seals, you must be the top of your class!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["The mercenaries are no longer at %1!",mapGridPosition _pos];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Car Dealer Robbery! </t><br/> The Navy Seals have escaped and are now planning their next raid!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Mercenary Group";
_missionName = "Rogue Navy Seals";
// Create Markers
_markers =

View File

@ -69,14 +69,13 @@ _missionObjs =
// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = format["A local Walmart shop is being raided, stop the raiders and take the loot!"];
_msgStart = format["<t color='#FFFF00' size='1.25'>Walmart Riot! </t><br/> A local Walmart shop is being raided, stop the raiders and take the loot!"];
// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = format["Convicts have done a good deed and stopped the raiders!"];
_msgWIN = format["<t color='#0080ff' size='1.25'>Walmart Riot! </t><br/> Convicts have done a good deed and stopped the raiders!"];
// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = format["The raiders has looted everything from Walmart and escaped!"];
_msgLOSE = format["<t color='#FF0000' size='1.25'>Walmart Riot! </t><br/> The raiders has looted everything from Walmart and escaped!"];
// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Walmart Riot";