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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
Somebody did a thing!
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class CfgPatches
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
a3_DMS_version = "June 8, 2017";
a3_DMS_version = "September 2, 2017";
requiredVersion = 1.68;
requiredAddons[] = {"exile_client","exile_server_config"};
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ DMS_SpawnMissions_Scheduled = false; // Whether or not to spawn missions in a sc
DMS_HideBox = false; // "Hide" the box from being visible by players until the mission is completed.
DMS_EnableBoxMoving = true; // Whether or not to allow the box to move and/or be lifted by choppers.
DMS_SpawnBoxSmoke = true; // Spawn a smoke grenade on mission box upon misson completion during daytime
DMS_DefaultSmokeClassname = "SmokeShellPurple"; // Classname of the smoke you want to spawn.
DMS_SpawnBoxIRGrenade = true; // Spawn an IR grenade on mission box upon misson completion during nighttime
/*Crate/Box settings*/
@ -104,19 +104,13 @@ if !(_crate getVariable ["DMS_CrateGodMode",DMS_GodmodeCrates]) then
_crate allowDamage true;
_crate enableDynamicSimulation true;
_crate enableSimulationGlobal true;
if (_crate getVariable ["DMS_CrateEnableRope",DMS_EnableBoxMoving]) then
_crate enableRopeAttach true;
_crate enableSimulationGlobal true;
if ((_lootValues isEqualType []) && {!((_lootValues select 1) isEqualType {})}) then
@ -309,9 +303,9 @@ if (DMS_RareLoot) then
// You can choose if you want to enable/disable smoke individually using setVariable.
if (_crate getVariable ["DMS_AllowSmoke", true]) then
if (DMS_SpawnBoxSmoke && {sunOrMoon == 1}) then
if (DMS_SpawnBoxSmoke && {sunOrMoon isEqualTo 1}) then
private _marker = "SmokeShellPurple" createVehicle getPosATL _crate;
private _marker = (_crate getVariable ["DMS_CrateSmokeClassname", DMS_DefaultSmokeClassname]) createVehicle getPosATL _crate;
_marker setPosATL (getPosATL _crate);
_marker attachTo [_crate,[0,0,0]];
@ -20,10 +20,7 @@
_x enableSimulationGlobal true;
if!(dynamicSimulationEnabled (vehicle _x))then
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal true;
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal true;
} forEach _units;
_x setVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",false];
@ -84,10 +81,7 @@
_x enableSimulationGlobal false;
if!(dynamicSimulationEnabled (vehicle _x))then
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal false;
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal false;
} forEach _units;
_x setVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",true];
@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ if (_freeze) then
_x enableSimulationGlobal false;
if!(dynamicSimulationEnabled (vehicle _x))then
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal false;
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal false;
} forEach (units _group);
_group setVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",true];
@ -36,11 +33,8 @@ else
_x enableSimulationGlobal true;
if!(dynamicSimulationEnabled (vehicle _x))then
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal true;
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal true;
} forEach (units _group);
_group setVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",false];
@ -51,11 +51,7 @@ private _objs = _export apply
// Create the object
private _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
if (dynamicSimulationSystemEnabled) then
_obj enableDynamicSimulation true;
_obj enableSimulationGlobal false;
// Calculate the object's position using provided relative position
private _objPos = [_pos,_x select 1] call DMS_fnc_CalcPos;
@ -52,14 +52,7 @@ private _objs = _export apply
private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
_object setDir (_x select 2);
_object setPosATL (_center vectorAdd (_x select 1));
_object enableDynamicSimulation true;
_object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0);
_object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0);
_object allowDamage ((_x select 3) select 1);
@ -54,15 +54,7 @@ private _objs = _export apply
private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
_object setPosASL ((_x select 1) vectorAdd [0,0,5000]);
_object setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 2);
_object enableDynamicSimulation true;
_object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0);
_object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0);
_object allowDamage ((_x select 3) select 1);
@ -48,15 +48,7 @@ private _objs = _export apply
private _object = (_x select 0) createVehicle [0,0,0];
_object setPosASL (_x select 1);
_object setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 2);
_object enableDynamicSimulation true;
_object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0);
_object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0);
_object allowDamage ((_x select 3) select 1);
@ -52,23 +52,19 @@ if ((isNil "_export") || {!(_export isEqualType [])}) exitWith
private _objs = _export apply
private _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj enableSimulationGlobal false;
private _pos = (_x select 1) vectorAdd [0,0,5000];
if (_x select 4) then
_obj setDir (_x select 2);
_obj setPosATL _pos;
if (dynamicSimulationSystemEnabled) then
_object enableDynamicSimulation true;
_obj setPosATL _pos;
_obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
_obj enableSimulationGlobal false;
@ -46,23 +46,19 @@ if ((isNil "_export") || {!(_export isEqualType [])}) exitWith
private _objs = _export apply
private _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj enableSimulationGlobal false;
private _pos = _x select 1;
if (_x select 4) then
_obj setDir (_x select 2);
_obj setPosATL _pos;
_obj enableDynamicSimulation true;
_obj setPosATL _pos;
_obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
_obj enableSimulationGlobal false;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ if ((_unit getVariable ["DMS_ai_remove_launchers",DMS_ai_remove_launchers]) && {
_unit spawn
sleep 0.5;
uiSleep 0.5;
_holder = _x;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ if (!isNull _av) then
diag_log format ["DMS Seat Switcher :: Temporarily setting owner of %1 to server from %2. Success: %3",_grp,_owner,_grp setGroupOwner 2];
sleep 5+(random 3); // 5 to 8 seconds delay after gunner death
uiSleep 5+(random 3); // 5 to 8 seconds delay after gunner death
if !(alive _driver) exitWith {};
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ if (!isNull _av) then
_driver assignAsGunner _av;
[_driver] orderGetIn true;
sleep 1.5;
uiSleep 1.5;
if !(alive _driver) exitWith {};
_driver moveInGunner _av;
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ if (!isNull _av) then
(((gunner _av) isEqualTo _driver) || {(time-_start)>30})
sleep 3;
uiSleep 3;
_start = time;
@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ if (!isNull _av) then
_driver doTarget _killer;
_driver doFire _killer;
_driver doSuppressiveFire _killer;
sleep 15;
uiSleep 15;
diag_log format ["DMS Seat Switcher :: Resetting ownership of %1 to %2. Success: %3",_grp,_owner,_grp setGroupOwner _owner];
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# To the User:
@ -119,8 +119,9 @@ ___
- [maca134](http://maca134.co.uk/portfolio/m3editor-arma-3-map-editor/) for M3Editor Stuff
- [Darth Rogue from SOA](http://soldiersofanarchy.net/) for the awesome base for the first DMS static mission :D
- [William from Refugees of the Fallen](http://rtfgaming.com/) for the amazing slums static mission base and ideas :)
- [DONKEYPUNCH](https://github.com/donkeypunchepoch) for everything on the [February 17th 2016 commit](https://github.com/Defent/DMS_Exile#february-17-2016-600-pm-cst-america) ;)
- Everbody's feedback on [the DMS thread on exile forums](http://www.exilemod.com/topic/61-dms-defents-mission-system/?do=findComment&comment=242)
- [DONKEYPUNCH](https://github.com/donkeypunchepoch) for everything on the [February 17th 2016 commit](https://github.com/Defent/DMS_Exile/wiki/Changelog#february-17-2016-600-pm-cst-america) ;)
- [MGTDB](https://github.com/MGTDB) for the plethora of fixes, testing, and all-around doing our work for us :P
- Everybody's feedback on [the DMS thread on exile forums](http://www.exilemod.com/topic/61-dms-defents-mission-system/?do=findComment&comment=242)
#### Testers/Reporters:
- [William from Refugees of the Fallen](http://rtfgaming.com/)
Reference in New Issue
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