
99 lines
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Created by eraser1
Determines which AI groups (if any) to "freeze" in order to improve server performance, and will "un-freeze" frozen AI when a player is nearby.
This function will also offload AI after "un-freezing" if configured to do so.
NOTE: If you want this function to ignore a specific group, then you can set the variable "DMS_AllowFreezing" on the group to false.
eg: _group setVariable ["DMS_AllowFreezing",false]
private _leader = leader _x;
private _units = units _x;
if (_x getVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",false]) then
if ([_leader,DMS_ai_unfreezingDistance] call DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby) then
_x enableSimulationGlobal true;
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal true;
} forEach _units;
_x setVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",false];
if (DMS_ai_offloadOnUnfreeze) then
[_x, _leader] call DMS_fnc_SetAILocality;
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
format["FreezeManager :: Un-froze AI Group: %1",_x] call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
if (DMS_ai_allowFreezing) then
private _canFreeze = false;
if !(_x getVariable ["DMS_AllowFreezing",true]) throw "not allowed to be frozen";
if ((side _x) isEqualTo independent) then
if (isPlayer _x) throw "player group";
} forEach _units;
if ((count _units) isEqualTo 1) throw "Exile flyover (probably)";
if (DMS_ai_freeze_Only_DMS_AI && {!(_x getVariable ["DMS_SpawnedGroup",false])}) throw "not a DMS-spawned group";
_canFreeze = true;
// Mark the group to speed up future checks
_x setVariable ["DMS_AllowFreezing",false];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
format["FreezeManager :: Cannot freeze group ""%1"": %2", _x, _exception] call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
if (_canFreeze) then
if !([_leader,DMS_ai_freezingDistance] call DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby) then
_x enableSimulationGlobal false;
(vehicle _x) enableSimulationGlobal false;
} forEach _units;
_x setVariable ["DMS_isGroupFrozen",true];
if (DMS_DEBUG) then
format["FreezeManager :: Froze AI Group: %1",_x] call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
} forEach allGroups;