* NEW CONFIG VALUE: "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI" * You can use "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI" to offload only AI spawned by DMS. This should resolve any issues with other mission systems from DMS. * Increased "DMS_playerNearRadius" from 75 meters to 100 meters. * You can now define "absolute" mission conditions. If this mission condition is met, it immediately counts the mission as completed. Add "true" after the completion argument to turn it into an "absolute" win condition. * Added compatibility with RS_VLS by [Rod Serling](https://github.com/Rod-Serling). |
@ExileServer/addons/a3_dms | ||
Pre-Packed PBO | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
See also: http://www.exilemod.com/topic/61-dms-defents-mission-system/?do=findComment&comment=242
To install:
Put the pre-packed PBO in your @ExileServer\addons\
directory. It should be alongside exile_server
and exile_server_config
NOTE: Also look at the first part of this comment. This will solve a few issues that you may encounter.
If you are using infiSTAR and want to keep _CGM = true;
, then set _UMW = true;
, and add DMS_MissionMarkerCircle
, DMS_MissionMarkerDot
to _aLocalM
so your _aLocalM
would look like:
_aLocalM = ["DMS_MissionMarkerCircle","DMS_MissionMarkerDot"];
The crate loot system has undergone an improvement. You can now define loot values for different crates for the same mission, or none at all! HOWEVER: This requires you to change the organization of the crate in the mission.
Previously, _missionObjs was defined with the format:
Now you must define it as:
Please refer to the current default missions if you are unsure. The Bauhaus truck mission shows an example of spawning 2 crates.
To modify the config:
- Download the a3_dms folder
- Edit the config.sqf to your preferences.
- Pack the a3_dms folder with a PBO tool (PBO Manager, Eliteness, or Arma 3 Tools suite)
- Follow the "To install:" steps using the PBO you just created instead of the pre-packed one.
Headless Client is currently broken in ArmA as of the 4th of September, do not use it as it WILL crash your server.
Add this code to the TOP of your initPlayerLocal.sqf
if (!hasInterface && !isServer) then
1 spawn
waitUntil {player==player};
DMS_HC_Object = player;
publicVariableServer "DMS_HC_Object";
- Defent for creating Defent's Mission System.
- eraser1 for his constant codebase improvments.
- Zupa for suggestions and coding help.
- Nawuko for catching a silly mistake :P
- shaworth and KawaiiPotato for making the README all nice and pretty :)
- Everbody's feedback on the DMS thread on exile forums
September 20, 2015 (12:30 AM CST-America):
- NEW CONFIG VALUE: "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI"
- You can use "DMS_ai_offload_Only_DMS_AI" to offload only AI spawned by DMS. This should resolve any issues with other mission systems from DMS.
- Increased "DMS_playerNearRadius" from 75 meters to 100 meters.
- You can now define "absolute" mission conditions. If this mission condition is met, it immediately counts the mission as completed. Add "true" after the completion argument to turn it into an "absolute" win condition.
- Added compatibility with RS_VLS by Rod Serling.
September 18, 2015 (6:30 PM CST-America):
- Loot vehicles cannot be lifted, pushed, or damaged until the mission is completed successfully. Then the vehicle will be added to the Exile simulation monitor.
- AI in vehicles will be automatically ejected on death.
- Another potential fix for launchers not despawning off of AI sometimes.
- When an AI gunner from an armed ground vehicle is killed, the driver will be switched to the gunner seat after 5-10 seconds. This prevents the driver from driving around aimlessly and trolling.
- The above feature should now also work on AI that have been offloaded now (doing so was a major, major pain in the ass, and is the reason why there was no update yesterday).
September 16, 2015 (10:30 PM CST-America):
- NEW CONFIG VALUES: DMS_MaxAIDistance and DMS_AIDistanceCheckFrequency
- You can now use the above config values to kill AI that flee from their spawn position. Only "Soldier" AI will be killed.
- Removed "O_HMG_01_F" from AI Static Weapons. AI were pretty useless on it... unless the AI were facing the right direction.
- Reduced AI count and removed the "playerNear" parameter from testmission for easier testing.
- NEW: When an AI vehicle gunner is killed, and the driver is still alive, after a little delay, the driver is then switched to the gunner seat. You should no longer have AI vehicles with a dead gunner that's driving around aimlessly :) There is a 5-8 second delay to simulate reaction time. Then the driver is ejected, then after 1.5 seconds the AI is then forced into the gunner seat.
- NOTE: The above feature only works when the AI is still local (not offloaded). If the AI is offloaded, the AI is simply ejected and becomes a foot soldier.
- AI assigned vehicles are destroyed when the crew is empty. Simulation is also disabled on them.
- Reduced some of the "params" RPT spam, from DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior.
- Tweaked AI Vehicle spawning logic. The AI are initially assigned to a temporary group and then behavior is set, then they join the assigned group to prevent overriding behavior of other ground units.
- Non-persistent vehicles should now be fit properly to the terrain.
September 14, 2015 (11:00 PM CST-America):
- NEW CONFIG VALUES: DMS_AIVehCleanUpTime, DMS_MinWaterDepth, DMS_Bandit_Vehicle_MoneyGain, DMS_Bandit_Vehicle_RepGain.
- Changed default value of DMS_Bandit_Static_MoneyGain to 75, DMS_Bandit_Static_RepGain to 15.
- NEW FUNCTION: DMS_fnc_SpawnAIVehicle.
- You can now spawn AI in vehicles.
- Improved cleanup method for AI in static guns.
- Working on improving OnKilled EH for AI in vehicles.
- FindSafePos should no longer check for parameters if the corresponding blacklist radius is set to 0.
September 13, 2015 (11:45 PM CST-America):
- Updated parameter type for "DMS_dynamicText_Size", as well as commented out description for "dynamicTextRequest". Will try to work on functionality for it soon.
- Improved cleaning of AI units. There may still be issues, specifically with launchers. If there are, please let me know, and test it. The more info I have, the quicker it can be fixed :)
September 13, 2015 (1:00 AM CST-America):
- New config value:
. Tiny waypoint radius for "base defence". - New mission: "mercbase". Known issue: Stuff gets messed up when the mission spawns on a steep slope. Blame BIS for breaking "BIS_fnc_findSafePos" :P
- Added Taviana map safe pos params. (thanks JamieKG!)
- New functions: "DMS_fnc_CalcPos" and "DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E".
- You can now import bases from Maca's awesome M3 Editor! Simply create the file under the "objects" folder, then call "DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E"! Refer to the new "mercbase" mission as an example.
- "DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E" supports static position (make sure you pass [0,0,0] as the second parameter), relative position, as well as bank/pitch. In addition, you get parameter parsing, just like any other DMS function, so if you're messing around with stuff and make a mistake, it will tell you ;)
- You can now specify which gun that an static AI spawns with.
September 12, 2015 (1:30 AM CST-America):
- Added Esseker map safe pos params. (thanks Flowrider!)
September 11, 2015 (8:30 PM CST-America):
. DMS_GodmodeCrates is pretty self-explanatory :P - NEW FEATURE FOR "DMS_fnc_FillCrate": You can now define "crate cases" in the config (such as "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper"). Passing the "crate case" name (such as "Sniper") will make the crate spawn with the exact gear defined in the config. Refer to the testmission.sqf (line 80) and "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper" config for an example.
- Spawned vehicles will now be LOCKED and INVINCIBLE until the mission is completed.
- Spawned vehicles spawn with 100% fuel.
- "Fixed" some cases where killing from a mounted gun would reset your money/respect (maybe).
- Fixed some spelling errors and incorrect names in some of the mission messages/markers.
- Fixed DMS_fnc_FindSafePos for Bornholm. If you have any issues with custom maps, please let us know.
- Fixed backpack spawning on the ground behind an AI unit that was supposed to get a launcher.
September 10, 2015 (6:00 PM CST-America):
, andDMS_RandomMarkerBrush
- With the above configs, you can randomize the marker positions in a random position around the actual mission center.
- You can also "force" DMS_fnc_CreateMarker to randomize (or not randomize) the marker position with optional boolean parameter of index 3.
- Changed the default (non-randomized) circle marker "brush". It should be a solid circle.
- Created new functions
- Adjusted a couple functions to use them.
- Fixed
September 9, 2015 (10:00 PM CST-America):
- Added static AI! The "donthasslethehoff" mission has them included by default. :D
- New config values:
. - Future-proofed
. As a result, "DMS_BanditMoneyGainOnKill" is nowDMS_Bandit_Soldier_MoneyGain
, and "DMS_BanditRepGainOnKill" is nowDMS_Bandit_Soldier_RepGain
. - Added config value
. Check the comment for more info :) - Removed config value "DMS_ai_static_skills"
- Randomized vehicle spawn position for "cardealer" mission.
- NOTE: If you use custom
calls, you will have to update your calling parameters! Make sure you add "Soldier" at the end of the array, or before_customGearSet
if you're using it! - Added
option for_customGearSet
. NOTE: This changes the order of the gearset parameters for the AI._launcher
is between_items
! Use empty string""
if you don't want any launcher on the AI unit.
September 8, 2015 (11:00 PM CST-America):
- AI Bodies should now be properly cleaned when run over (if configured to do so with
). - Added config option
. If set to true, players will get poptabs/respect for running over AI. Default: false. - Fixed giving poptabs/respect for killing AI from vehicles. Passengers and mounted gunners should properly receive poptabs/respect when they kill AI.
- Launchers should now be reliably removed from AI bodies that have them.
September 7, 2015 (7:00 PM CST-America):
- AI bodies should now be cleared if configured to do so with "DMS_clear_AI_body" and "DMS_clear_AI_body_chance".
September 5, 2015 (1:00 AM CST-America):
- Created new function "DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby" to replace "ExileServer_util_position_isPlayerNearby".
- Fix IR Strobes spawning inside the crate and not appearing.
September 4, 2015 (11:20 PM CST-America):
- Improved crate handling by DMS. You can now spawn multiple crates with different loot, or simply no crates at all. (REQUIRES FILE CHANGES FOR EACH MISSION)
- Accounted for case sensitivity in switch-do statements for SpawnAISolder.
- Decreased default amount of money/respect gain on AI kills (Used to be 100 poptabs and 25 respect, it is now 50 poptabs and 10 respect)
- Define functions in config.cpp. This resulted in ALL FILES being changed to some degree.
- Fixed spawning Binocs and Rangefinders/Designators on AI.