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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:12 +00:00
* NEW CONFIG VALUES: ```DMS_GodmodeCrates``` and ```DMS_CrateCase_Sniper```. DMS_GodmodeCrates is pretty self-explanatory :P * NEW FEATURE FOR "DMS_fnc_FillCrate": You can now define "crate cases" in the config (such as "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper"). Passing the "crate case" name (such as "Sniper") will make the crate spawn with the exact gear defined in the config. Refer to the testmission.sqf (line 80) and "DMS_CrateCase_Sniper" config for an example. * Spawned vehicles will now be LOCKED and INVINCIBLE until the mission is completed. * Spawned vehicles spawn with 100% fuel. * "Fixed" some cases where killing from a mounted gun would reset your money/respect (maybe). * Fixed some spelling errors and incorrect names in some of the mission messages/markers. * Fixed DMS_fnc_FindSafePos for Bornholm. If you have any issues with custom maps, please let us know. * Fixed backpack spawning on the ground behind an AI unit that was supposed to get a launcher.
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202 lines
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Original credit goes to WAI: https://github.com/nerdalertdk/WICKED-AI
Edited by eraser1
_crate, // The crate object
_lootValues // Array, string, or number. String or number refers to a crate case in config.cfg; array determines random crate weapons/items/backpacks
] call DMS_fnc_FillCrate;
Loot values can be a number or a string with a corresponding "Crate Case" defined in the config. EG: DMS_CrateCase_Sniper. Or it can be an array.
In the array, the loot values are defined as:
Each loot argument can be an explicitly defined array of weapons with a number to spawn, or simply a number and weapons defined in the config.sqf are used.
For example, _weapons could simply be a number, in which case the given number of weapons are selected from "DMS_boxWeapons",
or an array as [_wepCount,_weps], where _wepCount is the number of weapons, and _weps is an array of weapons from which the guns are randomly selected.
private ["_crate","_lootValues","_wepCount","_weps","_itemCount","_items","_backpackCount","_backpacks","_weapon","_ammo","_item","_backpack","_crateValues"];
_OK = params
if (!_OK || {isNull _crate}) exitWith
diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_FillCrate with invalid parameters: %1",_this];
if !(DMS_GodmodeCrates) then
_crate allowDamage true;
if ((typeName _lootValues)=="ARRAY") then
// Weapons
if(typeName (_lootValues select 0) == "ARRAY") then
_wepCount = (_lootValues select 0) select 0;
_weps = (_lootValues select 0) select 1;
_wepCount = _lootValues select 0;
_weps = DMS_boxWeapons;
// Items
if(typeName (_lootValues select 1) == "ARRAY") then
_itemCount = (_lootValues select 1) select 0;
_items = (_lootValues select 1) select 1;
_itemCount = _lootValues select 1;
_items = DMS_boxItems;
// Backpacks
if(typeName (_lootValues select 2) == "ARRAY") then
_backpackCount = (_lootValues select 2) select 0;
_backpacks = (_lootValues select 2) select 1;
_backpackCount = _lootValues select 2;
_backpacks = DMS_boxBackpacks;
if(DMS_DEBUG) then
diag_log format["DMS_DEBUG FillCrate :: Filling %4 with %1 guns, %2 items and %3 backpacks",_wepCount,_itemCount,_backpackCount,_crate];
if ((_wepCount>0) && {count _weps>0}) then
// Add weapons + mags
for "_i" from 1 to _wepCount do
_weapon = _weps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_ammo = _weapon call DMS_fnc_selectMagazine;
if ((typeName _weapon)=="STRING") then
_weapon = [_weapon,1];
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal _weapon;
_crate addItemCargoGlobal [_ammo, (4 + floor(random 3))];
if ((_itemCount > 0) && {count _items>0}) then
// Add items
for "_i" from 1 to _itemCount do
_item = _items call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
if ((typeName _item)=="STRING") then
_item = [_item,1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal _item;
if ((_backpackCount > 0) && {count _backpacks>0}) then
// Add backpacks
for "_i" from 1 to _backpackCount do
_backpack = _backpacks call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
if ((typeName _backpack)=="STRING") then
_backpack = [_backpack,1];
_crate addBackpackCargoGlobal _backpack;
_crateValues = missionNamespace getVariable [ format ["DMS_CrateCase_%1",_lootValues], [[], [], []] ];
// Weapons
if ((typeName _x)=="STRING") then
_x = [_x,1];
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach (_crateValues select 0);
// Items/Mags
if ((typeName _x)=="STRING") then
_x = [_x,1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach (_crateValues select 1);
// Backpacks
if ((typeName _x)=="STRING") then
_x = [_x,1];
_crate addBackpackCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach (_crateValues select 2);
if(DMS_RareLoot && {count DMS_RareLootList>0}) then
// (Maybe) Add rare loot
if(random 100 < DMS_RareLootChance) then
_item = DMS_RareLootList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
if ((typeName _item)=="STRING") then
_item = [_item,1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal _item;
if(DMS_SpawnBoxSmoke && {sunOrMoon == 1}) then
_marker = "SmokeShellPurple" createVehicle getPosATL _crate;
_marker setPosATL (getPosATL _crate);
_marker attachTo [_crate,[0,0,0]];
if (DMS_SpawnBoxIRGrenade && {sunOrMoon != 1}) then
_marker = "B_IRStrobe" createVehicle getPosATL _crate;
_marker setPosATL (getPosATL _crate);
_marker attachTo [_crate, [0,0,0.5]];
}; |